Playmates phaser already pimped... what about the tricorder?


Is that a Jewelarama disc on the Kelvin comm?

Hey, I dident make it yet, these pics are from over at the trekpropzone, aparently there are two exhibits at 2 different archlight theaters in LA, I had no clue, I think t hat the white in one of the kelvin comm's is maybe cause one is a hero and the other is a stunt, never meant to be opened?
Thanks for the pics propmaster2000, as my friend borrowed mine. Can I have another shot of it showing overall and also the bottom side of the screen?

I am a bit worried about the empty space inside the toy, thats all.
hey thanks for that pic! when you took it apart did springs go flying or do the stay in place? I just don't wanna open mine and not be able to put it back together.
hey thanks for that pic! when you took it apart did springs go flying or do the stay in place? I just don't wanna open mine and not be able to put it back together.

No problem with loose springs flying out. It is very easy to open.

Here is a picture of the full view as requested :)



it looks to me like the green bit at the top is what activates opening and closing. I wonder if you could use it to run the "top display" leds by splicing into it? Also, I wonder if there would be a way to have this thing constantly loop effects? I know each button has different sounds assigned to it though so that might mean you'd never get to listen to all of them.
I'm so itching to tear into this thing but I leave on vacation in a week... it will sadly have to wait!
Don't know if this is possible because I tried and failed miserably trying to do it myself. The spring for the top cover is incredibly weak and after a few uses, it won't go high enough to trigger the "on" setting. I've had two Tricorders so far, and both shared the same symptom.
Hoo boy. Thanks again, propmaster2000!

Just as I thought, its going to be a bit cramped in there but give me a week or so and I'll see what blinkies I can whip up with.........

(Now I have good reasons to get back my Tricorder from my friend and take it apart!:love)
mine is having the same spring issue. It's still opening but very slowly now. And it hasn't been opened that much!
OK, I've just opened the toy after getting it back and here is the video of the electronics I came up with.

Oops, I can't seem to put the Youtube video here, so you'll just have to follow this link to my blog instead.
I still have my Playmate phaser and Enterprise 1701-D from the early 1990s. I even still have the boxes for them too.
that modified tric looks great. Had watched the earlier video and good to see it in the actual unit! :thumbsup
Thanks, guys. Since it was not shown (display) on the Movie, I just used my own interpretation, based on the sticker's design.