Plo Koon - Luminara - Maul


Sr Member
For the Clan Saber Series 4, I am working on the Plo Koon, Luminara, Maul hilts. It follows the same principal as the prior Series, where you can swap parts to create your own version but without compromising screen accuracy. The Plo/Lum/Maul share the same DNA which is the switch section and part of the pommel / Emitter. The way I have designed this, Makes it possible to convert a Maul to a Plo and vice versa with just a few components.

But i will start with the Plo Koon

Here is the reference pics I am using

Untitled 33.jpg536119_xl.jpg


Here is a render of my model
Untitled 18.jpg

And here is a comparison with the prop

For Luminara, the main difference is the material on the fins and the pommel cap, Brass vs Alum.
Untitled 25.jpg

For The Maul, all of these parts are reused:
Untitled 19.jpg

Adding the switch section again and the top washers we get the half Maul
Untitled 21.jpg

Untitled 23.jpgUntitled 24.jpg

The plan is to release these 3 hilts by November - December.

The Plo and Luminara will share the same product box like prior Clan series, but the Maul will have its own box design.

Once i believe the design is correct I will order prototypes and open up the interest list.

This model looks great. If it helps, the rectangular pocket between the buttons is offset. one side is a smooth ramp that slides to the bottom, and the other is a straight drop. There are two little dimple marks at the bottom too, I'm assuming from the bit used to sink into the surface. (I have a cast of the Plo Koon)
This model looks great. If it helps, the rectangular pocket between the buttons is offset. one side is a smooth ramp that slides to the bottom, and the other is a straight drop. There are two little dimple marks at the bottom too, I'm assuming from the bit used to sink into the surface. (I have a cast of the Plo Koon)
Thanks for the info ill update the model. Its sill long ways to go.
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Models are looking great! Are you working on just the plo and the luminary versions of the hilt? Or will you offer one without the blue and brass?
Models are looking great! Are you working on just the plo and the luminary versions of the hilt? Or will you offer one without the blue and brass?
there will be one that resembles de resin copies like this one:


All media blasted, no anodizing or zinc blueing.
I am working on a coupler for the Maul that twists to lock/Unlock. It kind of resembles de hero prop center attachments but i just cant make them identical and make them functional. However i will make the accurate plates as well. Will also have a hole to expose the kyber

Maul full01.pngMaul full02.pngMaul full03.png
Here is the picture that was shared here in the RPF by parfaitelumiere

maul hero.png

Hope this works as I think it will.