Probe Droids "R" Us Club

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Guy Cowen

Sr Member
I think it would be a great idea to have a dedicated thread for those building the Plastic PD, I think theres enough of us to warrant a come n share thread here.

We can share, bully, learn, head scratch, PD scratch and cry together.

Or not :behave

Its my goal to have every thread on the front page of the studio scale section a probe droid build, for one day at least. Anyone up for a group build on this?
Sharing or (invading) Lees thread was as rewarding as it can get for me so lets start it off as this for all the PPD (Plastic Probe Droids) builders.

There are rules I think we need to stick to though, no arguing over who's is best. We all know its mine :lol

The first to finish it wins a Free weekend in Paris, Cough Cough come on Julien dont let me down and get the damn thing built asap

To quote Spinal Tap "Money Talks and Bull**** Walks" so lets do it.

Thanks to Mars for taking on the immense task of having these pulls made for us. Let battle commence (soon :cool)

I dont know about you but I'm scared!!!!!
Great idea Guy.I'm in on mar's PD & AT-ST run.Mine will be shipped with the AT-ST so I'll get mine later.

I haven't done much building so it will be great to learn from the masters on this board.

I would also like to thank mars for doing this & the AT-ST run.

I just realise I'm going to try n scratch the Slave, B-wing and a Probe Droid all at the same Time....Moe must think I'm a right old copy cat :lol

Dont worry Dave, I'm pretty sure not much will be done before your get your kit, I'll probably be too scared to open the box
Yeh I think it makes sense to brain fart together on this build, I mean its not like its a Galactica or anything but I am actually scared :lol
The blimp paralyzed me if I thought about it "overall" - but step by step? Cake.

Just think about that first step... and the rest will fall like dominoes!
Well of course I'm in,good excuse to ask the same questions all over again without getting screamed at !!! Lol

I would love for someone to make a patch for this, I love patches ,
The PD builders club!!

Hopefully in a few weeks all be received .
Looking forward to it as whats the saying?
30 heads are better than 1!

Also if you design the patch , you also win the weekend in Paris , supplied by Guy!
I have a laser cutter shipping to me in about three weeks. I'll be needing to "cut" my teeth (harr) on some materials to get the feel for the machine, so why not make Probe Droid Builders Commemorative Trophies! I'll come up with a logo and design shortly... every person who completes the model gets an award. Guaranteed honor - you can't buy that at a model show!

(and no - I'm not going to be a gun for hire with the machine - I am putting it to very good use for myself and my clients, so please don't bombard me with job requests!)
Ok so under the table , how much for the award?
Cause I don't think I will be able to get one unless you build it for me!
And also I have a few ideas for that cutter Jason!

Did I just breach every request?lol
Seriously , awesome idea , but don't number them as I will probably be last!
Thank you Jason
Don't worry about finishing last, Marcel. Save me a medal because I'll join you guys in about three years. :lol

I'm in, though I don't know how long it will be before I get to it.

I'm in a bit of a racing car groove at the moment, so I'll probably be last to finish. :D

(and no - I'm not going to be a gun for hire with the machine - I am putting it to very good use for myself and my clients, so please don't bombard me with job requests!)[/QUOTE]

Does this include housework? Cos if you can come over and vacuum I pay good rates :behave
That's awesome Jason. Very cool idea. Makes me want to join in on it so I can earn the trophy! I swear I don't know what it'll take to get back into building. Maybe self awarded treats for finishing projects?! :)

I have a laser cutter shipping to me in about three weeks. I'll be needing to "cut" my teeth (harr) on some materials to get the feel for the machine, so why not make Probe Droid Builders Commemorative Trophies! I'll come up with a logo and design shortly... every person who completes the model gets an award. Guaranteed honor - you can't buy that at a model show!

(and no - I'm not going to be a gun for hire with the machine - I am putting it to very good use for myself and my clients, so please don't bombard me with job requests!)
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