Recasting question

I'm a little surprised how hardlined people are being on this issue. He specifically states that this is for personal use. I don't see a problem with it if he buys the bank then molds and casts it to modify it since the original bank would be near impossible to modify.

Just don't sell any casts of the original (only of your own mods so long as they are significant enough) and I think it's A-okay!

From what I thought, the OP was speaking about a prop, so that's what I was relating it to.

Sorry for the confusion. My original idea was to make an idol for myself by way of purchasing an out of production bank and modifying it to screen accuracy. As far as I know the bank was a factory made mass produced item.
From what I thought, the OP was speaking about a prop, so that's what I was relating it to.

This is the OP.

I wound up purchasing a“model kit” from coolmodels on ebay because it was cheaper than the bank... I'm NOT using this kit I bought to do that but it did raise a question in my mind. If I bought the bank, fixed it to look screen accurate, made a mold and did subsequent castings to finish and sell, is this an acceptable practice or still a form of recasting
I'm a little surprised how hardlined people are being on this issue. He specifically states that this is for personal use. I don't see a problem with it if he buys the bank then molds and casts it to modify it since the original bank would be near impossible to modify.

Just don't sell any casts of the original (only of your own mods so long as they are significant enough) and I think it's A-okay!


So in your opinion, purchasing the original factory made bank (not someone else's recast of it), doing the mods, casting the end product of said modified bank that now looks like a screen accurate prop and selling it is acceptable? It seems that it is the opinion of some people that if your prop contains anything not made by you it is a form of recasting. Others say it's OK as long as you are using something from an off the shelf or mass produced factory made item. The only thing I am clear on is that it's never OK to take another hand made item and pass it as your own even with mods.
Making a mold of the ORIGINAL prop would be acceptable. The actual prop used in the movie or TV show.
Making a mold of anything else AND SELLING it would pretty much be recasting.
You can do it for yourself, no problem. Just don't sell it.

This is a very interesting topic from a newcomers perspective.

A question or two if I may.

If a person buys a prop (original) they own it, but do they own the I/P behind it? My first guess is that they do not own the I/P attached to the prop, so any casting of the prop for sale would technically be illegal?

Next, recasting. I totally understand why someone does not want their work reproduced for someone else's profit, BUT how is that different from someone making castings from an original prop?

Im not looking for an argument, I am looking for understanding of this.
If you also consider recasting a cast from the mold of an original film piece that have some modifications to make your own and more accurate version, then I can see here many replicas with that characteristic oficially accepted in some threads in the replica and the junkyard forum. What is the limit that separate when are you making recast or reinterpretation?
For example? I see clearly if someone make a mold from one of my grails (modelled by me) and produce grails, he will be making recasting from my replica but if someone make a mold from an original piece from the filmwithout modifications (or a few to restore the piece) or with some modifications, then, Could can we call to this? Make the replica the most SA possible, is the goal , therefore cast from an original cast make this possible but what would be the thought of the original artist?

I would like to see what the people think.
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This is a very interesting topic from a newcomers perspective.

If a person buys a prop (original) they own it, but do they own the I/P behind it? My first guess is that they do not own the I/P attached to the prop, so any casting of the prop for sale would technically be illegal?


Yes, that is a basic question. But you missed the point. This website is dedicated to making prop reproductions.

But SELLING ANY REPRODUCTION IS ILLEGAL. We are not aloud to make ANY reproduction. We do NOT own the IP rights to sell any copy.
Copying an actual PROP by recasting is no more or less illegal than making a reproduction from scratch.

If you are here, then you accept that making reproductions is a semi-legitimate practice. When people get banned here for recasting, it is because they stepped on another members work. You do not get banned for recasting an actual prop. It is that simple. Call it honor among thieves if you like. :)
On re-reading, I was a bit harsh. But accurate. If something is original, you can use it to make a replica and sell it.
If something is already a REPLICA, then it is definitely "Hands off". You cannot directly use it. You have to make
your own design. That's the way I see it.
This is a very interesting topic from a newcomers perspective.

A question or two if I may.

If a person buys a prop (original) they own it, but do they own the I/P behind it? My first guess is that they do not own the I/P attached to the prop, so any casting of the prop for sale would technically be illegal?

Next, recasting. I totally understand why someone does not want their work reproduced for someone else's profit, BUT how is that different from someone making castings from an original prop?

Im not looking for an argument, I am looking for understanding of this.

Casting the product for personal use is entirely legal, it's when you sell it that you run into problems. Technically, every single person who sells a product that they do not own the IP rights for is violating the law. Most owners are relatively cool about it unless you start making a lot of money, or start competing with an officially licensed product. It's all a gray area and most people are very good at tiptoeing through it carefully. Recasting off of a fan-produced prop tends to be frowned upon, but let's be honest, isn't someone who cast off of an original prop just recasting anyhow?

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If you are here, then you accept that making reproductions is a semi-legitimate practice. When people get banned here for recasting, it is because they stepped on another members work. You do not get banned for recasting an actual prop. It is that simple. Call it honor among thieves if you like. :)

I'm going to play devil's advocate here for a moment, from my understanding, the OP has a prop that did not originate on this website, hence it is not stepping on another member's work, it is stepping on the work of someone who has no presence here. That would seem to throw a wrinkle into it, wouldn't it?
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I'm going to play devil's advocate here for a moment, from my understanding, the OP has a prop that did not originate on this website, hence it is not stepping on another member's work, it is stepping on the work of someone who has no presence here. That would seem to throw a wrinkle into it, wouldn't it?

Indeed, to be clearer, a "member" in the universal sense, as a member of ANY forum or board dedicated to reproductions. I revised myself in the next post as distinguishing between ORIGINAL or REPLICA. (1) An original as anything produced as a prop in a movie, tv show, or commercial toy. (the last debatable) that is made by a large company who has their own lawyers to protect their IP rights.

A replica would be any duplication of item (1) done by an individual or small company that cannot pursue legal action because they don't own the legal IP rights to the product. Recasting is not really a legal term in this sense, it is an idea that is perpetuated by responsible forums and boards to provide protection for it's users.

Ultimately, if you want to recast anything, simply ask, "Is the thing I'm recasting an original prop, or is it a Replica?"

If it's an original Prop, then fine.
If it's already a Replica, then it is NOT fine.

This one question should let you decide whether what you are doing is right or not.

******And yes, everything said here applies to SELLING of the mentioned item. Making it for yourself by recasting is acceptable if you don't sell it.********
and there lay's the problem. people "intend" to recast for themselves (B.S!!) and then proudly post "look what I did" and end up selling RECASTS. all it takes is ONE person to say GEE WIZ i'd buy that for a dollar! P.M. SENT!! and people jump on it. and then...someone else says hey geuss what I did! I "fixed" one little tiny air bubble, added a "doodad"and some new paint. IM DOING A "NEW" run!! and people "sigh" and grab there wallets..... then geuss what happens..... SOMEONE truly sculpts that piece from scratch research/pictures/found parts etc. and gets a "meh" its already been done.....:facepalm
and there lay's the problem. people "intend" to recast for themselves (B.S!!) and then proudly post "look what I did" and end up selling RECASTS. all it takes is ONE person to say GEE WIZ i'd buy that for a dollar! P.M. SENT!! and people jump on it. and then...someone else says hey geuss what I did! I "fixed" one little tiny air bubble, added a "doodad"and some new paint. IM DOING A "NEW" run!! and people "sigh" and grab there wallets..... then geuss what happens..... SOMEONE truly sculpts that piece from scratch research/pictures/found parts etc. and gets a "meh" its already been done.....:facepalm

"but i'm just doing a limited run" :p
and there lay's the problem. people "intend" to recast for themselves (B.S!!) and then proudly post "look what I did" and end up selling RECASTS. all it takes is ONE person to say GEE WIZ i'd buy that for a dollar! P.M. SENT!! and people jump on it. and then...someone else says hey geuss what I did! I "fixed" one little tiny air bubble, added a "doodad"and some new paint. IM DOING A "NEW" run!! and people "sigh" and grab there wallets..... then geuss what happens..... SOMEONE truly sculpts that piece from scratch research/pictures/found parts etc. and gets a "meh" its already been done.....:facepalm

and there lay's the problem. people "intend" to recast for themselves (B.S!!) and then proudly post "look what I did" and end up selling RECASTS. all it takes is ONE person to say GEE WIZ i'd buy that for a dollar! P.M. SENT!! and people jump on it. and then...someone else says hey geuss what I did! I "fixed" one little tiny air bubble, added a "doodad"and some new paint. IM DOING A "NEW" run!! and people "sigh" and grab there wallets..... then geuss what happens..... SOMEONE truly sculpts that piece from scratch research/pictures/found parts etc. and gets a "meh" its already been done.....:facepalm

And this is exactly why I will not post any of my work on this project. I do not wish to be lumped into this category of people. I want to be a responsible member of this community, that is why I started this thread. As a new member I wanted to be educated on the topic and I am grateful for all the input. What I purchased was marketed as a kit on ebay. I cannot undo the fact that what I bought wound up most likely being a recast. It turns out that Arsenal Models was selling this item under the name of cool models on ebay and, judging from other threads, I am not the first nor will I be the last member of this forum who has unwittingly purchased from them. Being new here I know my word doesn't carry much weight but I assure you that any versions that I make of this prop will stay in my possession. Thank you all who have contributed to this conversation.

On a slightly different topic, I would like to show off some work I have done. I make replica megalodon shark teeth using molds I made from the original fossils. Even though they are not props from a specific movie or TV show, is this something I can share?
and there lay's the problem. people "intend" to recast for themselves (B.S!!) and then proudly post "look what I did" and end up selling RECASTS. all it takes is ONE person to say GEE WIZ i'd buy that for a dollar! P.M. SENT!! and people jump on it. and then...someone else says hey geuss what I did! I "fixed" one little tiny air bubble, added a "doodad"and some new paint. IM DOING A "NEW" run!! and people "sigh" and grab there wallets..... then geuss what happens..... SOMEONE truly sculpts that piece from scratch research/pictures/found parts etc. and gets a "meh" its already been done.....:facepalm

I can certainly see someone recasting for themselves, if they spend a lot of money for an expensive prop or replica and want to have a "working version" to carry with them or use as part of a costume, why not make a copy of the original and keep the original safe?
Then why make this thread at all if you have no intentions of telling anyone about the project to begin with?
The purpose of this thread was to clarify my understanding of recasting. After reading everyone's responses to this point it seems that showing my work on this project could be controversial as I would be basing my work on what started as a recast. I want any comments to be based on my work in progress and not start a debate on weather or not it was appropriate that my work was built off a recast.
I can certainly see someone recasting for themselves, if they spend a lot of money for an expensive prop or replica and want to have a "working version" to carry with them or use as part of a costume, why not make a copy of the original and keep the original safe?
people who spend hundreds/thousands of dollars are usually buying high end "working" versions" already. why would you buy a 1200$ "working" pulse rifle that you can take to any con or costume party "ala blaze orange tip" and THEN spend hundreds more on taking that "expensive" prop covering it in clay, mold release and rubber to make a resin "non-working copy?? that doesn't sound like someone who really want to "preserve" the original. but that's just me :cheers