"Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - June, 2013: MUST READ Goggle Info! (Page 5)

Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

Good to be back :p

Anyway, here's a teaser of my new pattern:


...that's right, it's sized!

I've actually started an interest thread in the JY to see if anyone else would like a screen accurate, professionally produced lab coat.

I'm so excited about all of this. I should be getting my cost made up in the next month or two.

Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

That death ray was originally the 6th day floosh rifle before it was used in any other movie or show....
Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

It's nice to see this project back up and running. Nice job on the goggles, they look superb.

Great job finding the proper fabric too!!!!
Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

Very cool! This is one I would like to do in the future sometime. Although I would snag a pair of those goggles if you ever make more.
Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

It's nice to see this project back up and running. Nice job on the goggles, they look superb.

Great job finding the proper fabric too!!!!

Thanks man. This project never really went away, it just became a project primarily based on research which is never really fun to read about.

The luckiest break I got was getting a job in NYC and moving here. If you can't find something here, it probably doesn't exist...they have Kosher Italian and Kosher Chinese restaurants!

Very cool! This is one I would like to do in the future sometime. Although I would snag a pair of those goggles if you ever make more.
Just start. Nothing has to be perfect. I sometimes feel I waste more time striving for perfection than the total amount of time I'd ever actually wear this costume.

...and the main problem with "making" more goggles is finding the right donor goggles. They are from a now defunct company who procured the molds from Fibre-Metal. (The original manufacturer)

As always, feel free to ask me any questions you have about the costume. If any of it helps you, at least then all this useless knowledge I have won't be so useless.

As to progress, I bought enough fabric to make 2 coats (A red and a white)...here's a decent shot I managed to snag with my iPhone of the fabric that actually shows off the pattern of it a bit:


Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

I found this thread while researching Dr. Horrible costumes (I have 3 costumes to make in 10 days... for my 3 girls heading to Animazement). I love the thoroughness and detail being given and love shown for costuming.

Although the costume I am making won't be perfect (I normally try to be as exacting as possible), I wanted to mention that I have an embroidery machine and had an embroidery made for my daughter's costume.

If you are interested and don't already have the embroidery, I would be happy to sew it out for you (after Animazement, lol) for free. You could just send me the fabric for the pocket.

Here is a pic (note that the colors are not exact, but I would use the correct thread color. The picture was just colored for me to check the stitches.) I have the design in multiple sizes (I wasn't sure which size to put on my daughter's lab coat, lol. She's only 5')


Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

This project is coming along very nicely!
Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

If you are interested and don't already have the embroidery, I would be happy to sew it out for you (after Animazement, lol) for free. You could just send me the fabric for the pocket.

Here is a pic (note that the colors are not exact, but I would use the correct thread color. The picture was just colored for me to check the stitches.) I have the design in multiple sizes (I wasn't sure which size to put on my daughter's lab coat, lol. She's only 5')



You might be hearing from me after Animazement. ;)

That is a seriously awesome Caduceus!

And I'd love to see your Daughter's lab coat when finished. If your attention to detail for the rest of the costume is anything like it is on the caduceus, she may have the most accurate coat ever made...until mine of course. :p

If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Most of my reference material is on a hard drive in another state at the moment, but I still have plenty to go around if it's needed.

Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

oh, thanks! I love costuming, but I have procrastinated on these (I am doing Dr. Horrible, Neku (The World Ends with You) and a Little Sister (from Bioshock - for my 4 year old... lol) -- in 10 days. So, although I really really like super duper accurate costumes - these will be "near accurate", unfortunately because of the time crunch (I also have 2 novels to finish up by my writer's conference in June, sigh).

I will definitely post pics, but dont' be too hard on me. I did buy goggles and paint them (they are not the super accurate ones), and boots, and gloves. This is for my 14 yo, and she is pleased - so I tell myself it is ok not to be a perfect replica. sigh.

I also have the gas pump nozzle to make the Adam extractor for the little sister, but we'll see if that gets done. (It will eventually -- I really want to make it!)

And I would happily embroider the design for you - you'd just need to send me the pocket fabric so it would match your coat (s).

Looking forward to seeing your masterpiece!

Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

oh, thanks! I love costuming, but I have procrastinated on these (I am doing Dr. Horrible, Neku (The World Ends with You) and a Little Sister (from Bioshock - for my 4 year old... lol) -- in 10 days. So, although I really really like super duper accurate costumes - these will be "near accurate", unfortunately because of the time crunch (I also have 2 novels to finish up by my writer's conference in June, sigh).
Wow! You've got a full load. I actually want to see ALL of those costumes. And especially if they're for kids, don't get too hung up if not every detail is perfect. In their minds they will be, and that's where it counts.

I did buy goggles and paint them (they are not the super accurate ones)

Don't get too hung up on the goggles. In months of searching and making connections, I've only ever come across 12 of the right style...and I managed to buy 11 of those. Since then, the surplus dealers I connected with haven't found any more.

...I wouldn't be surprised if they were gone for good.

Looking forward to seeing your masterpiece!


Right back at you!

Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

Okay, so, no progress to report as of yet. It seems like no professionals are willing to take on this job...soooooo, it seems like I'm going to have to do it all myself.

Luckily I still have a nice red twill to make a prototype lab coat, and find where there may be some problem sewing areas before I move onto my super rare, never-to-be-made-again fabric.

That said, I was thumbing through someone else's copy of Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog The Book and found a very interesting picture:


Look a little closer and you'll see that the full Caduceus is RED! That's one of the details that no one seemed to have an answer for. Well now we have an answer!

The only things for the red costume left up in the air are the color of his pants (Reports say either black or red...I'm tempted to say they might have just thrown his khakis into the red dye bath for the coat) and the color and make of the boots, which most reports say are black.

Just thought I'd pass this little tidbit along.

Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

I still am at the contemplation stage...can't quite settle for the shoddy eBay versions, but can't quite justify a full tilt suit especially since I wanna make a retro spaceman.

But when I'm ready I will be in touch for help
Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

Found this nice thread while trying to track down a Tron helmet thread I recently posted on. As a Dr. Horrible cosplayer myself, I understand the difficulty in getting something decently close enough to do the job.

When making my Howie coat (I did the E.L.E. Version, I.e. The red one), I came across a fellow who modified an existing pattern to the proper cut. He used the simplicity Morpheus/Neo coat pattert to start. Then adjusted the front pieces to bring part of the button placket up to the shoulder and another down to the seam under the armpit. I used the red twill from joann's and it drapes nicely and feels good. It was a bit bright red, but that came mostly from using brand new fabric instead of dying old stuff. A few heavy cycle washes helped out a lot.

For the goggles, I used the green version and sprayed the vinyl frames silver and do touch-ups when needed. It gives a nice old, used look to things. And the green peeking through the silver (when the paint cracks and peels) really doesn't look bad at all.

I had to improv the pants. I just used a pair of khaki's, which match those used during the white coat scenes. I had a pretty solid feeling that the hoods would be black wellies (black rubber boots), and it seems I was right. Come to find out I was also probably right with the pants, I just never bothered to dye them red. Seems as if they just tipped the coat and pants into the same dye bath.

Well, my day is filling up so I shall go. If anyone has any questions about modifying that pattern I mentioned, I will try to answer as best as I can. And as for the caduceus, I hand embroidered mine. I used just simple red And green, which looks great in various light. I think what happened is that when it was filmed, the light glinting off of the embroidery thread gave the appearance of multiple colors. It seems that way, in any event. Anyway, message me if you have any questions.

Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

Just decided that this is Halloween '11 for me and started collecting bits and pieces. Thanks for sharing your goggle development pics TFN - I'm going the green modified route as this is going to be a one-off, and they'll def come in handy! The Howie pattern you posted full size has vanished - any chance you would be willing to repost it somewhere?
Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

Just decided that this is Halloween '11 for me and started collecting bits and pieces. Thanks for sharing your goggle development pics TFN - I'm going the green modified route as this is going to be a one-off, and they'll def come in handy! The Howie pattern you posted full size has vanished - any chance you would be willing to repost it somewhere?

I'll have a better pattern out soon. The previous one left a LOT of inaccuracies. They wouldn't have been noticeable to almost anyone, but to me they were egregious.

I'll post here when it's ready.

Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

Any luck on getting an accurate pattern together? Or am I missing it in another thread?
Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

I'll have a better pattern out soon. The previous one left a LOT of inaccuracies. They wouldn't have been noticeable to almost anyone, but to me they were egregious.

I'll post here when it's ready.


This thread is going to be so helpful since I want to make my own Dr. Horrible costume for Halloween 2012 (and for if I ever get to go to a convention/expo). Thank-you so much for documenting your progress! I googled many different things before finally coming to this thread. I think searching for the gloves brought me here.
Re: "Red" Dr. Horrible Costume - HUGE NEWS!! Identical Fabric Found (Page 4)

It's incredible. Every time I think I know everything about these darn goggle, I learn something new.

So far I knew that at some point Fibre-Metal's tooling and mold ended up in the hands of a company called ProtectEye and they made blue goggles with different vents and a plain black head strap. And I always assumed that the "stunt" goggles -- aka the ones that don't flip up -- were simply the result of someone at the prop house fixing the goggles as best they could after they broke.

I was wrong!

The two pairs of non-flip, silver Dr. Horrible goggles, worn by the good doc as well as his Groupies...ARE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MODEL!

...and found it!

It appears these were made by Fibre-Metal but cross branded within their catalog as "Xtralite" goggles. So many of these may be mistakenly refered to as "Xtralite goggles" instead of "Fibre-Metal goggles." And even worse, they seem to be mistakenly called "Extralite" goggles too! As far as I can tell from the picture I've seen, though, they are identical to the stunt goggles! How do I know? I just bought two pairs. SO now I'll have exactly the same number and style of goggles as the production team did!

Okay, so here's the best part: There are still more of these goggles ON eBAY!

Obviously I can't link you directly, but here's what you need to know.

The flip front goggles are model number VG800-H5

Whereas the static/stunt version of the goggles are VG400-H5. So a search on eBay for something like, "Extralite VG400-H5" you should be able to find something.

They should look something like this:


Happy goggle hunting!

Just wanted to bump this so the daytime crew has a chance to see this information, and also to say that my stunt goggles have now shipped. So as soon as they come in I will post up better pictures and a comparison with my set of Hero Goggles.

EDIT: Using some eBay trickery, I discovered that the seller apparently has 55 sets of these goggles available!

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Man, this guy ships fast! Just got my stunt/static goggles in and they are a thing of beauty. They are deadstock, new in box, and perfect!

Here's a shot of my Dr. Horrible shrine with the new static goggles on either side of my Real Deal VG-800-H5s, with the flip front:


And here they are from behind. (The flip fronts are on the bottom)


The goggle bodies, the straps, the vents and the eye cups are all the same. The faceplates and a small notch cut into the goggle body (To fit the spring hinge) are the only differences between these models. Someone could reasonably convert these static goggles into the flip front ones by cannibalizing the spring hinge from a set of Crews Flip Front goggles, with 50mm lenses, and getting a flip plate laser cut out of plastic. Then you'd just have to move the eyecups and threads to the flip plate, take the main lens pieces off the Crews' goggles, cut the hinge to size, and glue everything in place.

It sounds complicated, but it could honestly be done in a weekend if you had the flip plate already cut.

Anyway, here's a closer shot of one of these bad boys.


And a shot of one of the screen-used sets of static goggles:


And just for good measure, here's a shot of my gloves which are just about done:


I took the gauntlets off of a set of Tillman 650 Welding gloves. Based on the stitch pattern, it looks like the gloves, like the coat, just got a dye job for the finale. I took black leather dye to them, and cut the short, rubber gauntlets off of the chemical gloves I had. They're just pressure fit for now, but I'll either be using E-6000 or black Shoe Goo to attach the two parts.

It's nice to have a little momentum on this again...

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