Return of the Jedi - Back in Theaters

Unpopular opinion…I don’t like Yub Nub.


Yub Nub is the ultimate triumph of orchestral composition and lyrical perfection.

What some may call meaningless gibberish, and devoid of meaning, I call divine inspiration….

Yub nub, eee chop yub nub;
Ah toe mee toe pee chee keene;
G'noop dock fling oh ah.
Yah wah, eee chop yah wah;
Ah toe mee toe peechee keene;
G'noop dock fling oh ah…

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Unpopular opinion…I don’t like Yub Nub. If I could have a version of ROTJ that was exactly the same as the theatrical but had the Special Edition music playing over the ending, I’d only watch that. Sometimes I don’t really care about changes if they’re actually better…

I'm of the same opinion. I get why it was originally there, a tribal ceremonial victory song, but in terms of what just happened and the escalation of events that led up to it, Williams' score for the Special Edition is far more fitting and a lot more uplifting, in my opinion.

I'll throw in another hot take: Special Edition Death Star attack in ANH improves on the original. A lot of the original footage from the theatrical release is still there, but shots that they couldn't get, the Special Edition fulfills that. For historical purposes, we should preserve and keep what existed in the theatrical release, but let's not diminish what (if little) improvements the Special Editions also brought.
I'm of the same opinion. I get why it was originally there, a tribal ceremonial victory song, but in terms of what just happened and the escalation of events that led up to it, Williams' score for the Special Edition is far more fitting and a lot more uplifting, in my opinion.

I'll throw in another hot take: Special Edition Death Star attack in ANH improves on the original. A lot of the original footage from the theatrical release is still there, but shots that they couldn't get, the Special Edition fulfills that. For historical purposes, we should preserve and keep what existed in the theatrical release, but let's not diminish what (if little) improvements the Special Editions also brought.
After reading your reply I realize I feel the same way. I'm much less averse to changes that involve enhancing scenes, as opposed to replacing original content. I absolutely HATE "Jedi Rocks." But hey, at least I know where my pee break will be.
After reading your reply I realize I feel the same way. I'm much less averse to changes that involve enhancing scenes, as opposed to replacing original content. I absolutely HATE "Jedi Rocks." But hey, at least I know where my pee break will be.
Both musical numbers are soooo uncomfortable. Even more so in in today's higher resolutions....
I hope you get the chance to see the trilogy in the theater one day. I've only seen them in theaters in 1997 for the original SE release, though my cousin told me we saw Jedi in 83 for its original release. I was only two so I have no memory of it. For the SE release in 97 I saw Star Wars twice, Empire twice, and Jedi only once. I never got to the theater a second time for Jedi.

It was the only time I'd ever seen them in theaters as I wasn't born until 81. Even knowing them by heart, seeing them that large was an experience I'll never forget.

I really hope I can catch this in theaters one more time!
Nice. Born 81 as well, and my parents took me also when I was almost 2.
Having such bad ADHD, never could sit still, yet, they for what ever reason still brought me....and....was the first time they ever saw me sit completely still actually watching the movie since I'd been born. I tell them now, well yeah, of course, its Star Wars.
But yeah, no memory of it unfortunately.
Saw each Special Editions in 1997.
Saw the Empire in thr theater, which yeah, I guess is already coming up to 3 years ago now.
Jedi has always been my favorite, so still can't wait to go watch it. Be really cool to find an IMAX playing it, but probably won't get ao lucky there.
Either way, while the Special Edition is far inferior to the original, its still better than a lot of Disney's stuff.
Also, I do hate Jedi Rocks as well, but as for the ending theme, either one works for me. Yub nub might be a bit silly and all, but its catchy and I had all the years listening to it. The newer song and going through the planets that are finally over the empire ruling them, it works as well.
The sarlacc beak, not needed at all, but if the cgi at least looked better and didn't bring so much attention to itself, wouldn't be as bad.
At least when it burps, they didn't try and make the beak burp.
Jedi rocks sucks. It always has and always will. There's no other way to think of it as far as I'm concerned. It's goofy, self aware, and totally unnecessary. After 20 plus years it's aged even worse.

Lapti Neck is fine. It's brief and it just gives some atmosphere to Jabba's palace the way the Cantina band did to Mos Eisley, by making it feel like a real place. Surely the denizens of the galaxy need entertainment too? Even in Star Wars there has to be some things that aren't focused on war. I think fans are too harsh on this scene as to me it's no different than the Cantina band which is a fan favorite and the music itself is no more silly than Figrin Da'an's.

Yub Nub? I love it. It worked for what it was, though John Williams new end theme for the SE is one addition I actually like. I could do without the cut ways to other planets as it feels out of place given that the main focus is with the Rebels on Endor. It's not like there's a storyline with other characters offworld who were involved in the final battle at Endor and we need to see their reaction to the victory. It just cuts randomly to establishing shots of crowds and begs the question as to why those people weren't there fighting alongside the Alliance? It reminds me of the way Family Guy cuts away to tell a non sequitur completely removed from the situation.

The beak on the Sarlacc bothered me more in 1997 and though I still prefer the original with its seeming endless rows of teeth, I can tolerate the beak being in there. It's totally unnecessary but not as egregious as Ewok eyelids/ pupils. Those are nightmare fuel....

As much as I try not to financially support Lucasfilm anymore, this is one rare instance where voting with my dollar sends them the message that this is the content that matters and I'm okay supporting it as those alterations were made by George so I can't blame Disney for them. It's a drop in the bucket for them and it's a chance to catch one of my absolute favorite movies in the theater, an experience I rarely have anymore.
The Special Edition End Celebration Theme could have been used in the Prequels, as a tune for peace, & when watching the films in numerical order you would appreciate that the journey you’d been on was complete…..
….that being George’s episodes of course

I'm of the same opinion. I get why it was originally there, a tribal ceremonial victory song, but in terms of what just happened and the escalation of events that led up to it, Williams' score for the Special Edition is far more fitting and a lot more uplifting, in my opinion.

I'll throw in another hot take: Special Edition Death Star attack in ANH improves on the original. A lot of the original footage from the theatrical release is still there, but shots that they couldn't get, the Special Edition fulfills that. For historical purposes, we should preserve and keep what existed in the theatrical release, but let's not diminish what (if little) improvements the Special Editions also brought.

This is a reasonable opinion.

The SEs feature both legitimate improvements and legitimate detriments. I have no objection to Lucas’ right to alter his work, but I DO object to the suppression of the original cuts, which are the versions of historical record.
Tread lightly.... a statement like that is dancing on the line of crossing into politics and could start arguments, thus getting the thread locked or getting people infractions, or worse, banned.
I'm aware of the rules and I appreciate your concern. I didn't think what I wrote was political enough to disrupt the thread but perhaps it was. In the spirit of keeping the forum politics-free, I went ahead and edited my post.

In the future, if you should happen to find issue with anything I've written in accordance with forum rules, I'd prefer you just report my posts to the mods and leave it up to them to deal with me rather than taking it upon yourself.
I'm aware of the rules and I appreciate your concern. I didn't think what I wrote was political enough to disrupt the thread but perhaps it was. In the spirit of keeping the forum politics-free, I went ahead and edited my post.

In the future, if you should happen to find issue with anything I've written in accordance with forum rules, I'd prefer you just report my posts to the mods and leave it up to them to deal with me rather than taking it upon yourself.
I could have just jumped to immediately report your post, but out of respect for a fellow member, I opted to just alert you without involving mods. If it was a violation, and they deemed it worthy of an infraction, then my report would have put you in the path of trouble. So… sorry I decided to alert you instead of just snitching. I won’t do that again. Cheers!
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I could have just jumped to immediately report your post, but out of respect of a fellow member, I opted to just alert you without involving mods. If it was a violation, and they deemed it worthy of an infraction, then my report would have put you in the path of trouble. So sorry I decided to alert you instead of just snitching. I won’t do that again. Cheers!
I genuinely appreciate that. And if you had opened your reply with something more personable than "Tread lightly", it would've gone much further with me. I realize you've been here much longer than I have, moviefreak, and I respect your seniority but, I think I've had a fair enough number of years here to at least not get a public reminder about the rules as if I had just signed up to the forum last week.

Anyway, it's not something to get worked up over. For what it's worth, it's already forgotten about with me. Cheers.
I remember watching ESB in a theater on one of its annual rereleases when I was a very young kid. So, a fanatic in front of me on line raved how fantastic ESB was and told me to be prepared to watch it multiple times, as he confided that he had watched it 22 times at that point. My mom whispered to me not to become that man. Haha. Anyway, I’m disappointed I missed the ESB rerelease in 2020, but I’ll take my kids to see ROTJ in theaters. Heck, I’d allow them to attend multiple viewings.
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I think I hate all the " improvements" that most people do. Like the Vader nooooo, the Han shoots last in " New Hope ". I also don't like the shock wave effect when both Death Stars explode. It looked great in Star Trek, with the Praxxas explosion. That's probably where George saw it. He's like ILM, put that in my redubs. I thought the original Death Star explosion was perfect as is. Of course having a second Death Star is a whole other can of worms, ; )
I think I hate all the " improvements" that most people do. Like the Vader nooooo, the Han shoots last in " New Hope ". I also don't like the shock wave effect when both Death Stars explode. It looked great in Star Trek, with the Praxxas explosion. That's probably where George saw it. He's like ILM, put that in my redubs. I thought the original Death Star explosion was perfect as is. Of course having a second Death Star is a whole other can of worms, ; )

This still cracks me up:


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