Robocop Reboot (Pre-release)

I know most here hate remakes and reboots, but I was expecting someone to update the Six Million Dollar Man by now. Of course would probably have to call it the Six BILLION Dollar man to match inflation.

Never gonna happen, unless the estate of the author of Cyborg decides to sign off on it. In fact, the reason why The Bionic Woman was done as a reworking before TSMDM was, is because TBW is a spin-off series that was not based directly on the original author's work. Other than the Bionics, there's nothing much the spin-off had in common with the original novel series. So, by changing some of the characters around, they could cut out any connection to the books and not have to pay for the royalties for the use of Oscar Goldman and/or Steve Austin (both who are characters from the original novels as well as the original series).
You're close, but I think the blockbuster would be:

RoboCop vs. Iron Man vs. Terminator vs. Predator vs. Alien vs. Batman vs. Superman vs. Super Shark vs. Sharktopus vs. Oversexed Rugsuckers from Mars.

Yes!!!!!! THIS i would pay to see...again and again!!! Especially if it was in 3d!
When Aronofsky was slated to direct the reboot I was onboard.

I love Robocop, saw it in the theatre twice, own it on Criterion LD, DVD, Blu-Ray, watch it several times a year, it's in my favorite top ten movies ever, so I wasn't very excited when I heard "reboot". But.... With a director I admire who isn't afraid to stray from lowest common denominator films, I thought, it could be pretty cool.

Then the "Stupidio tells Arenofsky that Robocop will be 3-d", and subsequent, "Aronofsky quits project" stories broke I knew there was trouble.

Now that it's gone into stupid fishing expeditions to pin down talent to put it together I have no faith it will be anything other than crap to fish up the most box office dollars possible with zero artistic integrity. If it gets made, I hope they prove me wrong and a cynical d&^%e.
i think a cool idea would not be to remake robocop but compleatly start over and maybe tie him into the marvel universe somehow and have tony stark be called in and build a cyborg to save the police officer (i cant remember his name right now).
and that would be how he becomes robocop. i dont know, something like. it would be pretty cool but i know it would never happen and if it did itd make alot of robocop 'purests' really mad.
Sometimes I think they would be better off pulling a Lucas and just taking the original, re-cutting it with updated special effects, and re-releasing it on Blu-ray.
the problem with any reboot of Robocop now is ti will be seen as a ripoff of Ironman.
im not familiar with his work but Josh Zetumer is being brought in to script MGM's reboot of ROBOCOP,

is this good or bad ????
Joel Kinnaman ROBOCOP Reboot Interview

"Do you know if you are going to go for an R rating or a PG-13?

Kinnaman: I sincerely hope they’re going for R ‘cause I can’t imagine how RoboCop could be PG-13. That would be a huge mistake. If I have any say in it, I will fight very hard for it. It has to be violent."
That's nice to hear but ultimately doesn't mean **** all if the studio execs want this movie to appeal to little billy and Sally. Let's be honest, a robot cop? I'm sure they're already planning when the toys will be on TRU's shelves.
I hope they do it and do it well-Robocop was the biggest disappointment of the 80's film series in that one was great and then the ass end fell off and it went in toilet for the next few films.....only Ghostbusters did as bad with a really bad second film.

You could improve Robocop's movements and still be like the original,still have that limited swing but faster.

I just hope they go for three films and instead of the bomb fest the last one was have two dealing with Murphy adjusting to being a cyborg,and maybe have some infighting about whether he's still human or property.

Dunno what they'd set up for opponents/bad guys,you can only go so far with street gangs....
I read that they are going to have his eyes visible thru the visor. That seems like a bad idea.
yeah they are also going to make him more human, with emotions etc ...
it probably will come down to a tony stark like thing, if they continue this, because"this has worked out in other movies, lets do this!"