Ronon's Gun - [Stargate Atlantis]

I have one and I love it.

TO answer the question about running power through it, I'd say it is possible, but won't be easy. You can drill the Barrel emitters straight back toward the power cell holder.

If you hollow out the area before the cell, and then arrange it to have the batteries and a light for the cell in the cell body, then it should all work nicely.

The trigger is not moveable, but the real prop had no trigger, you can take that off and put some sort of button into the trigger guard to activate the lights.

All I'm planning to do it put a small LEG flashlight a friend showed me into the cell housing to light the power cell.
Okay- just finished everything today.

I present my finished model.






I decided to beat the prop up a bit to give it a more lived-in look...
(EDIT: And I used some braided jute fiber for the grip wrapping. The stuff you can get in the craft section at Wal-Mart)

But now I really want to build up another Ronon pistol. And this time, I'll use some good Bondo putty instead of spackle >.<

...And maybe find someone who can add electronics? =P
I hope that someone, somewhere makes a really accurate replica of this prop, though.

The Wilco model is off in a few regards (I've been re-watching some SG:A episodes)- the power cell glowing part is a bit too small, the trigger isn't out in the middle of the trigger area, instead it's more like the trigger on this gun:


The trigger area is also taller and less sloping in the screen version, from what I've seen.

The heat sink in the screen used version slopes backward and up at the end closest to the power cell (like in the concept art photo) while the Wilco one just has an angled edge.

Then the emitter holes have different proportions on the model vs the one in the show, and the whole emitter area is a bit taller and wider in the tv version.

Here's a pic nicely demonstrating what I'm saying about the heatsink, power cell, and trigger area:

And here's a pic demonstrating what the emitter is like in the screen version with its differentness:

It is really cool that Wilco made as good of a model as it did without having the prop to go off of.

Oh, and I've redone the wrapping on my Wilco handle.

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Well, I don't mean a trigger you could pull- just a curved area at the back of the trigger guard on the screen prop...

Although no trigger would work just as well, I guess :lol