Ryan Gosling 'K' - Blade Runner 2049!

Thanks for all the examples, I sent them the directions asked to redo this part to make the fur to stay over the seamline and try to add the pipe effect. I asked if there any additional cost to redo, no problem for me if they charge, I want to have the best final version from them so I dont not need to do anything here.
The simplest instruction is to simply tell them to amend that trim on the long edge of the collar to 1 inch instead of 0.5 inch. And include the piping.
the new fur (here just finished putting it on the collar) is a camel that tends more towards reddish than in the movie, and the color of the coat obtained after the disasters, perhaps it would be perfect if it had the iridescence which by now, obviously it hasn't anymore, and shows signs of suffering and some loss of shape, but it is more casual and I will wear it every now and then, however, as it is not acceptable for me not to have this coat laminated and with a fresh look, I can clearly admit that, except that wsl does not if he comes up with a laminate that fully convinces me, the next round for me will most likely be SR, on which I could limit myself to my sewing interventions on which I'm playing it quite safe and this distressed fur, I'm waiting for some details that I asked for via email and which probably won't be provided to me, so I will evaluate but I don't think I have many doubts anymore.

In any case, I think I can say that both fur and the color of the fabric are now much closer, as movie stills I placed alongside: originally, even with a good result given by a distressing that I did on the fur, it had a certain similarity but I prefer it like this, obviously knowing how much I would have compromised the coating, I would have limited myself to changing the fur, but now the ********, as said, is done on this one.

At the moment wsl hasn't responded to me yet and maybe they won't either who knows: I had asked for info on a possible duck in their color but correctly covered with a satin effect, and not waxed (they would be the only ones, but perhaps it's utopian), as well as reminding them the question of applying the piping effect, because even if it is my method that can recall the effect that I could do secondly on my own, but unless someone here contradicts me (at least explaining which method could be better), it seems clear to me that it must be done when making the coat, or you are forced to redo the double stitching where you want to apply it, opening them (at least the inner seamline) and redoing them from scratch by inserting the appropriate foam fabric between the two layers, and for a coat that has just been bought new without being that effect already put by the seller, frankly, I see it as an unthinkable job to take on, because obviously unless you have the availability of cheap and fast tailors, it's a **** job and quite radical to do afterwards, which certainly costs a lot and a lot of time.
At most I'll try with an alternative method of mine (one that doesn't cause damage, but doesn't give guarantees about the result you want, but worst of all you can go back without causing any damage) but I wouldn't risk the original stitching, not even by giving a new sr to a capable tailor here in the area, because now I'm a bit bored of take risks, and from my experience you don't take certain things for granted with nobody.

However, it is clear that a hobbyist like me is able to understand and make do with the issue I underlined of how the fur should be attached.
These guys from wsl, given the availability and the price offered, I would say that they are competing to be among the nicest subjects of this scene, but I really don't understand how anyone wants to make a coat with the fur stuck underneath as I saw in the last pics put here, if you start making decent replicas and want to make people believe you've at least seen the film.
But I want to be confident, I hope to see their new buyers soon post pics here that disprove my doubts, and that they respond positively to what I asked them, until SR runs its next discounts, I will remain listening to any news, if anybody could actually change my mind (and I would like to do so).

wip fur.jpg
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the sewing and various details still need to be finished, but roughly this will be the final result.
In the end I have to say that Jameel's yellow fur fleeces are still my favorite, but that color is terrible to cover and it's not very durable, this one doesn't do any matting, it seems like it could last forever due to how structured it is, it gives a mustard impression as I wanted and I could increase the distress, but already with a little as now, it could be fine.

On the laminated fabric however, I take a big step back and my heart cries a little when I see my old pics again, because if only this color had been laminated and without the signs of a notable ordeal, who knows what it could have been, probably close to perfection.

Paradoxically I'm receiving more responses at the moment from SR (with due time, regarding the collar measurements that I asked for to avoid other messes like this one which is a bit too tight, having already been so a bit before), than from others, so I'm afraid which will end as I imagine, within a week or two I'll finish this, then I want another righlty coated top-notch garment with the right level of shine and manageability, but at least on the fur I should be pretty safe.

Unfortunately, as you have noted, if the level of interaction between the main actors of this replica is zero, to hope to obtain a replica that has the best aspects developed by one together with those of another, all that remains is to take the best fabric and make do, with tailors paid after purchase and any one's own adventures and skills.

The fabric is a crucial point, the Jameel-style rounded seams too, but that can be emulated a little (or replicated at a high cost, but at least you don't risk doing the level of damage that can be done by doing what I did), not the fabric, since I would never try to modify a coated fabric again in color or coating, especially without any proper sample to work on.
If we don't start from the right fabric, there's no point in aspiring closeness to perfection, but if I get SR and it's too dark again when I see it here, I'll just keep it like this obviously.

Everything else can be solved in one way or another, I assume that in any case if you resort to dyi waxing, it's confirmed an excellent solution only for the duck wsl: on this, a small hidden internal part that I had tried to wax, luckily it didn't affect the outside because the result is terrible and never goes away completely.

It's still incredible what I've done, you can't believe that a fabric like the one before (of which I still have a few samples in its original state, recovered from the discarded lining) can become something so different in color and substance. If I tried other 1000 times (and I won't :)), I probably wouldn't succeed in doing the same again.


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Where you got this fur?
it's ovs, a local large scale retailer here in Italy (if you will, since on the label I can read made in china, as usual for this kind of clothing, here).
Alas, it ran out few days ago, it was last days of the winter collection.
It was already off their website, I managed to find some left by going in person at the store. Here it was when still available on their site, but in this pic seems a bit darker than how it actually looks in reality, and that's good, in fact I chose it after watched that mustard hue and touched it in person, having compared many furs here that were all far from my expectations.
Probably as usual, they will restock it for winter 2024-2025, I paid it half that price since I waited last days off to have the lowest price possible.

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Hi All,

Great thread! But I should've read some of the earlier posts it looks like :(. I bought the WSL version of the coat. Just the standard, no customization. I did opt for the wax as I was hoping to get the shine that we see in the movie. Sadly, its not waxed, it can't be. Also, the jacket is green and a light green at that. Super disappointed. Buying the coat with the wax it gets up to nearly $230 and its clearly not worth it. Not to mention, holy moly does this thing smell.

Saying that, before I return it even though its pricey to play with. I'm thinking if I can get the color right and if I can change out the terrible fur they have on it (I may do what another member did here, shave it and either sew or glue sherpa instead) I might want to keep it. Not sure if I want to bother though.

Question on the coloring if I did want to do this. They say its 'waxed' I'm 99% positive it isn't. Whats the best way to color? Spray fabric dye? Charcoal tie dye? Has anyone done this on their WSL with the *cough* waxed version? If I can get the color sorted I need to figure out a way to wax it or spray it with waterproofing to get the shine effect. Now that I'm writing all this out, maybe this is a bad idea lol.
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Hi All,

Great thread! But I should've read some of the earlier posts it looks like :(. I bought the WSL version of the coat. Just the standard, no customization. I did opt for the wax as I was hoping to get the shine that we see in the movie. Sadly, its not waxed, it can't be. Also, the jacket is green and a light green at that. Super disappointed. Buying the coat with the wax it gets up to nearly $230 and its clearly not worth it. Not to mention, holy moly does this thing smell.

Saying that, before I return it even though its pricey to play with. I'm thinking if I can get the color right and if I can change out the terrible fur they have on it (I may do what another member did here, shave it and either sew or glue sherpa instead) I might want to keep it. Not sure if I want to bother though.

Question on the coloring if I did want to do this. They say its 'waxed' I'm 99% positive it isn't. Whats the best way to color? Spray fabric dye? Charcoal tie dye? Has anyone done this on their WSL with the *cough* waxed version? If I can get the color sorted I need to figure out a way to wax it or spray it with waterproofing to get the shine effect. Now that I'm writing all this out, maybe this is a bad idea lol.
As we already discussed, waxing give not same result every time.
For instance, magnoli seems high quality coat, but in pics seen in this thread or elsewhere, I cannot see any of the needed shine, so probably it yet another confirmation that wax used by wsl gives a matte look
on colour, unfortunately I can't help but strongly discourage attempts on fabrics that are not dyeable with a classic high temperature dye bath, and I would say that a fabric where it is hoped that a treatment with wax of some kind has been done can be very risky, in addition to the fact that these methods easily compromise the padding.

If you have some Barbour wax without having to buy it, or other wax that is designated for such purposes, perhaps you could try making a piece of it where it can't be seen (for example inside sleeve) so that if it looks rubbish, it doesn't continue all over the coat , but this obviously compromises the ability to return it, so it's up to you, I'm not the wax expert here, but the one who has had the most success using it, started with an unwaxed wsl.

I put spray painting on mine, but only when it was laminated and without spraying nothing directly on the cloth, it has been a demanding job which also possibly needs a bit of practical experience, using sponges etc to make it well spreaded evenly.
I cannot say it will work on wsl waxed-cloth, I'd stay away from such attempt honestly.
Anyway imho, charchoal is too dark, I would better say teal + grey, and if coated properly it also darken a bit in the end, but all those processes is a dumpy road
TwentyfortyNINE about the fur, it's the last of your problems. It's demanding anyway, but you can easily find a good fur to be put on by a tailor, putting aside any glue of course.
If you decide to keep it, and when you eventually decide to make a fur change, you can also do a bit of distressing and make it more similar to the movie, if you want it, here we made a lot of posts about it, with different approaches (IPA diluted alchol inks sprayed, rit dyes etc), both in recent and old posts. But in ur shoes, I wouldn't waste time trimming the original wsl fur, if it is their wolfy type
You're right about the fur. That I need to change out and I'll use whats been instructed here for that (ty guys!).

The color.... Oh boy, you're probably right. Not sure how I wouldn't wreck the jacket. I did try to find some items that I was thinking about trying, but as you said chances are slim that it would work. Hopefully it's okay to post links here:

For color maybe: Amazon.com

It's the green it currently is looks pretty awful. So I'm hoping I can maybe try something to fix it.

And then I found this for the wax. Which I think might actually work well: Amazon.com
You're right about the fur. That I need to change out and I'll use whats been instructed here for that (ty guys!).

The color.... Oh boy, you're probably right. Not sure how I wouldn't wreck the jacket. I did try to find some items that I was thinking about trying, but as you said chances are slim that it would work. Hopefully it's okay to post links here:

For color maybe: Amazon.com

It's the green it currently is looks pretty awful. So I'm hoping I can maybe try something to fix it.

And then I found this for the wax. Which I think might actually work well: Amazon.com
I recommend to stay away from those dyes, I actually fear they will mess up your coat. Maybe someone could use'em better them me, I tried similar and more expensive ones (marabu, pebeo and others), as said they worked fine on the laminate, but about how to put them onto the fabric, absolutely not that easy, it's not just spray them on, it's not something that could be to taken for granted.

About the nikwax, it doesn't add any shine to the fabric. I just used it, and you're going to see the result soon: it simply adds durable water repellency (dwr) without any change at the look.
Mine was laminate, than it's almost completely matte, I changed it because I started dreaming about a more SA color, considering mine too dark originally
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shine almost totally lost.
would be nice the see here some more pics/vid about SR owner to better understand if I'd be satisfied with that color, I still cannot understand it if dark or not, I probably exceeded in giving a lighter color (never easy to create it and having the same result when applied) but, right now with my current coat, would someone call me "Neo" again?

"transformer k"


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Big thank you for the help CountLau! Saved me a lot of heart ache. I'll see if I can go with the Barbour wax that was mentioned earlier to get the shine I'm looking for... Or maybe I'll try Otter Wax. I'm also going to hope that just by waxing it'll darken it a bit.
Big thank you for the help CountLau! Saved me a lot of heart ache. I'll see if I can go with the Barbour wax that was mentioned earlier to get the shine I'm looking for... Or maybe I'll try Otter Wax. I'm also going to hope that just by waxing it'll darken it a bit.
With uncoated wsl duck, here, great results have been seen.
So I guess you chose to avoid returning the coat.
Be careful with any wax, do your tries on hidden parts before, since here I didn't read about anybody who waxed his native-waxed wsl, it might react in a different way than uncoated cloth
green should be the color of the coat anyway, probably it is iridescent and tends towards grey/petrol hue, you shouldn't mind about it to be out of place, I guess they put the same of other recent wsl buyer which was acceptable and imho better than having an excess in dark tone.
If you like, you can post pics here and make comparison with some waxed wsl pics posted few pages ago.
Waxing it, it should become darker, I read great reviews about otter but the best results seen here, concern barbour wax
it ain't over till is over (with probably a new coat to be bought soon, trying to aim for even better), but it's time for a little comparison.

Movie coat - mine in a halfway situation not too long since received - mine now.
When it was still perfectly coated, I must admit it was better looking. But about colors and fur, even if I'd like to come back in time doing something but not what I did, to me, it's day and night anyway. The current tone is even a bit lighter than my goal, but I find it more SA colors now with the final tweaks.
I can't talk about how the fabric presents, it's clear that it suffered a bit too much, but that mistake from a month ago, it's even hard to believe that I recovered it like this.

It will still remain part of my wardrobe, now we can truly say that there is only one made like this, although for what it's worth in some aspects, it's still a small consolation

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I don't own all the 3 best replicas (bep - wsl - sr) but I have noticed that none of those who produce them have made this detail:

on the bottom, the piped edge created by the double stitching should be equal in width to the edge of the length, while in mine it is greater, and it seems to me that it is also the same in wsl and sr.
About that, I saw that Magnoli seems to have done it right.

Furthermore, it would be appropriate to create an incremental cut that is shorter from the back and longer towards the front in order to give an effect like the one in the last photo, which I haven't seen much attention to in any of the replicas.

If I buy SR, I understand that it is quite large on the knee, so perhaps I will have a minimum margin for this SA modification, although I can't know right now



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really hope to see other SR pics / vid here before eventually going for it.
Looking at this scene carefully and not only in pic, better watching the movie: as well in others, it is clear how much misleading it was the content of many articles which described the coat color as "dark" or "very dark".
With mine I surely exceed, but I did it also because I hoped my acrylic coating method worked, and that's exactly the main problem with my coay today, since it didn't give back the bit of shine and structure, and I did my calculations also considering the darkening effect that these procedures have, as well for waxing (which I recently also tried, discovering that it works very bad on this type of cloth), so if it was more stable, it should've been perfect.

This is why I insist, precisely because I am pleased to raise awareness on this, as it is truly the most crucial and unlikely point to change, above all without risking compromising everything else every time you try.
I should say it's also confirmed from the feedback from the latest members to arrive here who bought any wsl (if I were you, in fact I wouldn't worry too much about the color being too light in that case, but more about the fact that it isn't coated like in the film).

If ever there was someone who can give the right tips on which and how to apply a coating of that kind, which is permanent and better manageable than wax, and safe for your health, it will never be too late if you were to step forward.

SR owners, please post other media of ur coat, as much as possible, thanks.

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Regarding the vertical cut, I can confirm that WSL does appear to be aware of this pattern...

Which brings to light the coat length... It should come an inch or two below the knee line. As pictured, the WSL is a tad on the short side for me (I'm 6'1 / 185 cm). When ordering my BEP/ELS I stressed the longer length but, sadly, the coat I ultimately got was not long enough either.

CountLau, you're right to keep this in mind if you end up ordering from SR because your BEP/ELS also appears to be on the short side...

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Regarding the vertical cut, I can confirm that WSL does appear to be aware of this pattern...

Which brings to light the coat length... It should come an inch or two below the knee line. As pictured, the WSL is a tad on the short side for me (I'm 6'1 / 185 cm). When ordering my BEP/ELS I stressed the longer length but, sadly, the coat I ultimately got was not long enough either.

CountLau, you're right to keep this in mind if you end up ordering from SR because your BEP/ELS also appears to be on the short side...

View attachment 1797554
yes, perhaps my bep in that case is also my initial assessment based on the length I had ordered, I hadn't taken these things into account.
I liked it at knee-length or not over anyway, since I have the habit of often moving by cycling and as you know, I don't like having clothes where I have to make too many distinctions based on the activity I do, and for this I'm always thinking about middle ways which can also lead to sacrifice some SA aspects, as I did for the opening at the throat in the left collar-lapel junction.

However, to set a limit to my obsessive research devoted to SA in the future, in this case I find that cut to be particularly nice on a men's coat (I mean that is well suited for a male clothing style), so regardless, and I hope to be able to implement it (the advice to do so a priori, obviously here they could only be valid for those of the vendors / producers in question who are interested in reading and taking inspiration from the forum, which I would say excludes SR).
If SR will have room enough about that length, it could be a chance to insert piping from bottom avoiding some opening maneuvers, and maybe also doing the same type of double stitching (same width) I highlited above.

But it should be something that producers can absolutely do on their own, since it's clearly not a matter of rebuild models or nothing about dyes or coating. It should be so simple.
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