Episode 1 -
Destiny is under attack by the drones, Chloe had escaped (breaking a guards arm in 2 places) and sends a signal to the aliens who had captured her and Rush. 3 Alien Ships appear. They are instantly attacked by the drones, 2 are destroyed, the 3rd one bugs out. This buys them time to determine there is a Master Signal between the drones and the command ship. They charge the command ship and are able to jam the signal between the drones and the Command ship long enough to use the main weapon and destroy the command ship rendering the drones inert.
The Aliens who are on the seed ship succeed in making contact with their home world, Only to find it too had been taken over by the Drones, so another Command ship is on it's way. Destiny is severely damaged, without enough shield generators to jump to FTL.
The 3rd alien ship reappears, and demands they send over Chloe. They agree to send Chloe over to them, If they'll return her cured of infection. The Aliens agree. They take her and seemingly Cure her of her infection, while taking her knowledge, BUT it's later learned she can still do advanced equations.
They decide to bring on board a small drone to try and see if they can figure out it's frequencies to make a better Jamming signal.
The Second Command ship arrives. The Drones attack Destiny. The first set of drones stay inert as their command ship had been destroyed. They decide to activate their captured drone and use it's command signal to activate the first set of drones in their defense, they do so. The first set of drones attack the second set, but it won't last long as they are outnumbered. The Seed ship aliens, knowing they are the last, use the Seed ship to make a suicide run on the Command Ship buying Destiny the time They need to jury rig the shields and make an FTL Jump, but Destiny is Moaning and Groaning all the way before Finally Deciding to stay in one piece.
WHEW... The Next one is...Interesting
Episode 2 -
Still in FTL, Eli comes up with a plan. Take Destiny into a nearby Star to Recharge. While Doing so, he postulates that they can use the Energy directly to Dial Earth. Rush of course doesn't think this is a good Idea as there's no guarantee they'll make it all the way to Earth before the connection becomes Unstable. Rush is outvoted.
Rush Talks to Col. Young about continuing Destiny's Mission. He needs 12 people counting Himself. Surprisingly Young Includes Himself for the skeleton crew. He and Rush Explain the situation, and get enough volunteers Including Eli, Chloe, Greer, and Scott, to man Destiny. Telford is not happy about this and thinks they should all go and ditch Destiny.
They are Approaching the Star when they get a Signal from Doctor Rush on board Destiny's shuttle. They don't believe it's him at first until he verifies his conversation with Young about how many people they would need to crew Destiny. They Dock the Shuttle (now Giving Destiny 2 shuttles). A banged up Rush Comes on board and Charges at Telford Screaming "They're all dead and it's your Fault".
Now Events Unfold in a series of Flashbacks from events that haven't happened yet. I'll try to keep it linear.
Rush2 tells them that he was the only survivor, that on the other side of the star sits Destiny, Dead in the water and sliding back towards the Star to it's doom. That he was in the shuttle when it was hit by a power surge when Destiny's FTL Drives exploded, and that apparently dropped him back in time. Realizing this he set course for Destiny before it can enter the star.
Here's what happened.
They went to the star, activate the gate, Col. Telford Goes through first, tells the others to follow ASAP. Right then there's a glitch in the connection, but it settles down. They start to follow Telford, slowly at first, but Eli Tells them the link is starting to break down. So they All run through, the link breaks. They Find out that ONLY Telford Made it back to Earth. All the others ??? Dead? Gone Somewhere Else? Who knows.
Destiny's overtaxed systems start to go Sending power fluctuations all over the ship, damaging Key systems. Young Tells Rush and the Others to get to the shuttle, Only Rush Makes it. He abandons ship just as the FTL Drives go, hitting him with a power surge sending him back in time.
Well, they now know they can't try and dial earth. They confirm with the stones Telford is on Earth. And on Destiny. Eli is Freaked, Blaming himself for killing everyone, taking no consolation that they can change history. They fly through the star gathering Energy, and out the other side there is...Destiny2. Still sliding to her doom. Destiny1 Jumps to FTL, BUT wisely they Realize that before she is destroyed, they can dial into Destiny2, and use those precious minutes to strip everything of value they can. Food, Hydroponics, Weapons, Power Couplings, Relays. ETC.
They form a Group, each with their Assignments of what to strip. They all go through.
They are Merrily Stripping things, when Rush1 and Rush2 stop at the Main Weapons Relay (remember there's only 1 relay working, if they can pull it and install it on Destiny1 it will more than double their weapons capability. Rush1 leaves to get the proper tools at there is 1000volts running through the relay. Rush2 starts to strip the relay.
Telford2 arrives, and the 2 face off. Rush felt Telford did something to mess up the Connection to Earth, as he Almost advocated using military force to MAKE everybody Leave Destiny. Telford says he KNOWS Rush2 did something to the link after he passed and presses him about it. The 2 scuffle and Telford2 goes into the power relay and is FRIED. Rush2 looking in horror Rushes (Pun unintended) off.
Rush1 arrives back and Finding Telford Dead calls Col. Young and Appraises him of the Situation. Time is running out, and Young tells him to return to Destiny. Rush1 says he knows where Rush2 went and will be there in time. He goes to the Ancient Chair room to find Rush2 sitting in the chair waiting. They talk, and Rush2 says since he's got nothing to lose and little time, he want's Rush1 to activate the chair. Rush1 does so and takes off, making it back to Destiny1, just as Destiny2 slides into the star and is Consumed (really Cool Effect).
So they didn't get the Weapon Relay, BUT did get a load of other Replenishments for Destiny. Telford on Earth says that he want's Himself to use the Stones, so they will have the joy of telling him that Telford2 is dead and he's stuck back on Earth.