Shop happening's

Great kits, looking forward to it
Thanks Friend, Yep I am still pondering the lighting which way to go seems like the way this is built you have to start right off with what ever you are running on it I do need to find what I need more than just leds the protius sub will be coming here soon just am in the bsg mood Thanks Friend
Okay Friends, Thanks Guys for all the likes and comments really helps a old fart like me along. So smoothing has been quite the quest this thing has give me fits but its really taking shape now I sculpted the bottom way to much so band saw took away the to much then finley got it close just getting it slick which seems to be very hard to get it there if I paint now it will be too bumpy looking may be I think all those divits will show, and scraping seems to be the trick should some red putty be in play. Here is where it is atm still got to cut the door in and make steps it is what it is Enjoy
Okay Guys, lots more smoothing has to happen. It is getting there, now for the bsg I am thinking about running some leds around inside then drilling out all the windows so the light can shine just to light it up some bit now here is what I am thinking big project ahead and here is the pic making this 1/2 studio scale would be fun and cool here is a peek
Yes this is what this will be 1/2 studio scale that would make it almost 4 foot or close very close. I think this would be a fun and cool build we shall see as said got to get this nav ship done sculpt up the little dude out there peeing with the robot looking out at him as on film also I have a duck awaiting on the bench done band sawed ready for some cutting and those fish are still hanging around as well lots to do many things happening hard wood is complete done job wifey can do it so get ready for some quest bout to happen out the in the old shop Thanks Jim
Okay Friends, Thanks Always to all you Guys for following along on my crazy quest, Thanks always for the likes and comments much needed hoping to get over all this pain but I have been trying to be tough but man we shall soon see. So out there in the old shop been working on smoothing out the nav ship and it has been tough as well, but its getting there. more than likely I will do some kind of lights on the moebius bsg just got to these models are getting crazy on cost. I am glad I got the bundle deal all 3 for 300 not to bad I guess. So on smoothing I am testing the red putty and it seems to be working. I also cut the back door in, Here is some fun Happening Enjoy
Also got the screamin Chewie started on a rebuild doing a bit of gap filling with and left over clay I will do this under or along his arms and all over here and there give him a more fur look here this quest is Enjoy
Yep this is for me Friend that I did the mando ship for more to happen on this I also got this redo project for my Brother in law some kind of coconut carved out rigger have to do some research on this
That part I cut off the nav ship will give me a starting point to make a smaller one yep bsg awaits some lights and some more building also been painting on some ghords busy day out there in the old shop as always lots more bout to happen as said another duck those fish the other ghord I started lets see what happens next Thanks Jim
Okay Friends, Thanks Guys for the likes and comments always helps old me. So in the shop today made some good progress. got the bsg bridge all lit now for the rest of that part got all the leds soldered ready to apply also sprayed a silver base on the inside to reflect the lights black primer on the outside. Then over to the ghord did a bit of painting on it, after that the nav ship and its still not all the way there but very close. I haven't mixed any clay yet but when I do the steps for the ship I will be mixing then any left over stead of waste I will work on Chewie. Still hurting bad but everything busy keeps me mind off it Here is a bunch of fun happening out there in the old shop Enjoy
All this is now smooth still got a hit here and there but after the bottom just need to let it sit over nite and cure now for more fun
No light leaks one more hole to drill in the bridge then that will be done other than all the other holes onward
All leds soldered up ready for install I made some small holders for the leds I will use 2 on each side of the head onward
Ghords in play, Okay Guys I still got ghords and many other things happening out there in the old shop Yep thatis me crazy striping box has all me pin striping brushes and allthe other goodys needed for laying down the line So be ready I am just getting started as I always say I never give up it always works out and more coming out there Thanks Jim
Okay Friends, really been busy keeping moving. Thanks Guys for the likes and comments always needed. So all the ghords are now done the boat is done and a bit more on the nav ship I now have it as slick as I can get it so this quest for slickness is done now I am building the robot that was on the ship and I have started getting bit together for the base I will still need to make the steps Here is what happened next Enjoy
The armiture for the boy
Even built a stand for the boat looks better than the velveeta box stand
grand boy been drawing
Now I need to finish the navageter ship then back to the bsg build I will probley peck at that as I am working on the navageter ship, yep theres a duck waiting I haven't shared the build table just models waiting well get there. Lots more going on out there Thanks Jim
Okay Friends, Been really busy lots happening. Thanks Guys for the likes and comments really needed, So been building on the bsg its coming along also been busting a move on the navagater ship and it is now on its base,I couldn't work on that anymore glue is drying, I will let it rest. Here is a bunch of fun happening really a bunch Enjoy
Gluing up the base
soldering leds I had to make 6 for the center part
I changed all this mount out it was too flimisey
way to wobbly
Yep this all got changed out its out there drying now much better I will share
Oh that one led will have to be glued down I see its loose
Lights work great hope they shine out after drilling it all should the head works great I will grab some pics of the redo on the base mount as well and share also got the engine area started and lighting on the main engines lots more coming Thanks Jim
You sure have been busy, and on quite a variety of stuff!
You sure are rite on my Friend, been going at it makes me take my mind off any hurting and its not been too bad I guess I am getting use to it Thanks for following along always got something going Thanks Jim
Okay Friends, Thanks a bunch Guys for the likes and comments and for following along on all my crazy quest. So the base of the flight of the navageter ship is what I was shooting for still some sculpting on the steps and the boy and the base needs some work as well. chewey will get some fur as I use clay that is left over no waste. The bsg is moving along as well I am working on the landing bays why not not a very big space to see but its there and needs attention. So here is a bunch more fun happening and here it is at this point Enjoy
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The ship looks crooked but its just my table has a bit of tilt to it the ship and base are all nice and straight
Okay Guys I do have this a bit farther along I will get some pics of this progress as well I wish I would have put 4 leds in the engine bay which would have made 5 in all counting the red one but it is what it is still lots to do and a duck has been quacking at me also some fish on a stringer and the base star and the cylon raider. All this is just me getting started just wait lots more happening out there in the old shop Thanks Jim
Okay Friends, Thanks for the likes and comments, seems like I get lost out there in the old shop. Alright so as I was closing the coffin side or bottom of the bsg I must have smashed the leds in that area and I am not getting any light in those holes I drilled but however the other lights work fine I am not Happy with the engine lights to low and not enough this model is now all painted I have a bigger project for getting all the rite lighting chaser lights and all boards to run everything I do need help with this matter. The navagater ship is ready for paint also just pulled out the next model more fun bout to happen you shall see here in a bit Haven't seen any cluses but I do however have another pest and you shall see my quest on this here is what happened next Enjoy
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Ihaven't started this its just test fitted rite now
Ready for paint
Fur happening
And some tiny fur bout to get snapped yep mouse in the shop OCD happening but I will end this game soon. Just the same way I did the cluses stayed on it and funny thing haven't seen one yet but I be ready. Lots happening and a duck is now ready for some cutting. Lots more bout to happen hang on cause here we go Thanks Jim
I always say I have like 37 projects going on at once.....but might just have 97 projects going at
But always looking good of course.
I always say I have like 37 projects going on at once.....but might just have 97 projects going at
But always looking good of course.
Thanks Friend for the kind words, Yep I seem to be jumping all over the shop, and its been crazy Thanks Jim
Okay Friends, Yes been lost out there in the old shop. Thanks Guys for the cool comments and the likes. So my furry small friend was a tricky fellow he ate the penut butter off 2 times, so I put just a small bit and set the trap very sensitive and got it the next morning, I reloaded it and I guess he was the only one I had one of those sticky traps and yep I just had to step on it it was hard to peel off the bottom of me shoe. Alright now for what happened next navagater ship is complete and shipped off to its new home, Enjoy
Okay Guys, here is what I have going on now seems like I have a duck happening, its really coming along which I will share. I am wondering about the lighting on the base star I think the landing bays is all that is lit I will research this chewey is getting more fur not mouse fur lol. I do have this gift I got and I want to share it and its the thing I had years ago and been searching badly for another well it happened, this is about the lighting. This is something that I am very lucky to be able to get because you can't find one cause I have tryed but as said I got lucky and recived this gift from a great Friend which might not want me to share for the reason of it being retired just found it and sent it to me. So Sorry Guys I know this was a tease but I am wanting to share we shall see. as for now I am up to me eye type balls with many projects seems like all the test was normal if I am normal. I still have a bit of shoulder pain but it has got better as well and me old knee is better as well, just reaching with me arm hurts a bit but I have been trying to move it to loosen it up. So back to the shop and see what will happen next Thanks Jim
Okay Friends, I made it back Thanks for the likes and cool comments, it really keeps me going. I feel like I am hostage to the shop, no not really I love making stuff, Okay so in the shop a duck is really happening, the base star is in wait for me to do some research also I am figuring out a vise system for mounting the bsg from the wall might do a star system on the wall we shall see this will be where I removed those shelfs. I really want to share my gift I have pics of it and it will be a epic build, but this has been retired and no more will ever be made no way no how. I just got lucky and a cool friend made it happen. I am not sure if I would be allowed to share but I want to so bad alright I will with no questions asked here is the gift I will for sure need info on any lighting and it will be something to enjoy the build rite. So here we go Enjoy
Okay nerviously saying here is the very cool gift no more any where I have tryed for many years please no questions it was just a kind jesture build coming soon as I have the parts gathered and lighting please help Enjoy
Alright this will be a fun build and this is what RPF is about sharing helping each other out and I will need help with the lights for sure and I will share the build also I will enjoy the build as we all do. Thanks Guys for following along on my crazy quest. I also have the bsg concept art build in me brain which might be here soon gathering bits for this already Thanks Jim

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