Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props - New stuff 2010 - 2015

Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Added Red's parole file)

Morgan asked that his son get a small bit part in return for his photo be used for the mug shot.

When I visited Mansfield (and the other film sites) everyone we talked to that was there during this time had wonderful stories to tell about the actors. How Morgan had his horses driven down so that he could ride whenever he wasn't filming. How the people would see Susan Sarandon at the small town grocery store and she would stop and chat with everybody. I will never forget my trip to the film sites, whenever I watch the film now I get goosebumps throughout the entire movie...if you can get out to Ohio, I highly recommend it. :):thumbsup

Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Added Red's parole file)

This thread is a thread for me, Infact I have just put it in my 360 and starting to watch though I am tempted to upgrade to bluray too. It's my all-time favorite movie (sAW 1 is my second)
Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Added Red's parole file)

How is the Bluray? Anything extra on the disc(s) worth buying it for?

Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Red's parole file completed)

Finally finished Red's Parole file. The full set consits of:

-Vintage style legal sized tabbed folder
-Cover sheet
-Inside cover
-Two page incident report of Red's crime
-Crime scene photo
-Arrest report
-Finger prints card
-Two page court judgment/sentencing report
-Newspaper article about Red's sentencing
-1947 rejected parole decision
-1957 rejected parole decision
-1967 letter from Parole Board to Warden
-Red's completed two page application to the Parole Board
-Two pages of boardmember notes
-1967 accepted parole decision
-Letter from Parole Board to Warden

All the forms and reports are based on real vintage ones and use vintage fonts, most of which are identical to those on the real paperwork. The rejected/accepted decision forms as partially seen in the movie have been completed using details found on real forms.

Here are some of the pages:






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Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Red's parole file completed)

awesome work!
Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Red's parole file completed)

Damn impressive kurtboy! Excellent work!
Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Red's parole file completed)

Wow, even better than I imagined! Thanks for the updated pics!
Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Red's parole file completed)

Me and Jamie are working on a newspaper clipping reporting Red's sentencing (it is mentioned in the Stephen King book)...
Resurrecting my old thread with some Shawshank updates from the past 5 years!

First of all here's that newspaper clipping I mentioned in my previous post from 2010. Makes reference to the original novella.

Some boxes; Bering cigars, Lucky Strikes, and Remington Kleanbores.

Screen accurate compass.

The Marriage of Figaro 4 disc record set.


And now I am finally working on my bible after putting it off for about 8 years!

This right here was nerve-wracking :wacko. A one-shot deal. Thankfully, I only made about 4 minor screw ups. My original plan was to either print it out or write it on a separate piece of paper and then insert or glue in the extra page. But if you're going to do it, you may as well do it right!

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Re: Show off thread: Some of my Shawshank props (Red's parole file completed)

Seems you can't change the title of such an old thread :darnkids
Got my hammer from Ssdesigner. Can't thank Scott enough for finally enabling me to finish my bible since I could never find a hammer like this in almost 10 years of searching.

Still, it needed some accurizing. The wooden handle was too wide and wider than the metal part, the base was too wide to comfortably fit the bible cutout and one half was wider than the other. Also, there were gaps between the top of the handle and the hammer head, the staining was too dark for my taste, and the screws were completely wrong and too small.

So I changed all that!







I need to get some kind of book display stand and a plaque made.

Earns pride of place among my more iconic props collection.
Absolutely fantastic. Glad to know your loooong search for the correct hammer is now done. :thumbsup

Also need to find one to complete my SR props (appart from the bering cigar box and the Figaro record, of course)

Great display, btw