So, who else is working on a Crystal Skull?

Yeah, but how the hell would you make it? Sculpting and molding would be difficult in itself, but what would you cast it in? Clear resin wouldn't cut it for something like that.
well from the shots ive seen, the eye holes go in and around and inside themselves, like a real skull, theres lots of weird shapes and undercuts that would make it difficult to mold.

Also, it appears tio be cloudy near the inside center area, where the rest is totally clear.
Yeah, but how the hell would you make it? Sculpting and molding would be difficult in itself, but what would you cast it in? Clear resin wouldn't cut it for something like that.

Clear resin would cut it, but it'd have to be, either, roto-cast or presure pot cast, and the casting would have to be heavily buffed and polished with power tools, not hand.
Clear resin would cut it, but it'd have to be, either, roto-cast or presure pot cast, and the casting would have to be heavily buffed and polished with power tools, not hand.
Maybe I haven't seen the right stuff, then.. hehe. Most of the clear-resin stuff I've seen has been cloudy and nowhere near "crystal"-clear. You'd also have to factor in the refraction.. does resin have similar refractive properties as quartz?
If someone else makes the castings and sanding I can sculpt it.
Who is interested and has good experiences with crystal resins?

I like these challenges!


There was a guy I read about that made a skull out of platinum and diamonds that is worth around 190 million bucks.Maybe Indy should have got that one and retired:lol
heres some pics of the SDCC Exclusive paperweight to show the cloudy effect, not sure how youd get that, centered, in a clear casting. Its almost a spiderweb, cracked effect.



It could be everything... from "air" to fiberglass fibers...:unsure
One could always put shards of glass or clear crystals (or even pieces of plexiglass or acrylic) in the casting to make a neat effect (and to save some resin!:D)
It really looks like someone just spun something around in the mold when the resin was being poured. It is almost a complete circular motion with the trapped air bubbles.

I am working on a crystal skull, but not this one :). Mine is going to be a bit more "human" looking. Also, clear. The crystal factory can't do the bubble/quartz inclusion effect that the prop shops can.

It would be hard to do and probably pricey, but i'm sure its doable, from those pics it almost looks like bubblewrap is stuffed inside it, i agree it'll be rotocast though, i'm sure we'll see a few over the next couple of months
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I am sculpting a crystal skull, but OI am unsure of the size, it aspears to be a regular sizes skull but slightly longer on the side view. Does anyone have any pics that show scale?

My plan is to sculpt one of these and then mold it and vacuum cast it in crystal clear resin, maybe leaving some airbubbles in the cast, I will play around with it and see what i come up with.
Here's my guess.

The skull is two parts. They sculpted the inner broken cloudy crystal effect. molded it. They cast this part up in a clear resin with something mixed into it to make it look more cloudy.

Then this resin part when cured goes into the skull mold and the clear resin is cast into this mold. Encasing the original cloudy crystal sculpt inside.