Sonic screwdriver licensed replicas.

I've just stumbled on this topic.
My good friend actually made the original Doctor Who Sonic Screwdrivers for the series.
He made 3 in total.
Just thought I would say it as they sure seem popular!:lol
I'm glad you guys like them, I've got no interest there. Just prop replicas I can handle and use. BRING ON THE SONIC SCREWDRIVERS!!!
I have been wanting and trying to get one made since 2005 and it is taking so long.
Why is it taking so long?
We saw prototype pics of it back at SDCC.

It would have been good to have had them out by Christmas at the same time "The Next Doctor" came out. It would have been a coup to have them out for the Christmas season.

I think an ETA is needed. Update, please.
I recall seeing a message from MFx that indicated they were having trouble sourcing a manufacturer who could produce it for a reasonable price.

By the time these are ready to hit the market we're going to have the 11th Doctor in and probably a new sonic.
Neill is a great guy. He sent me an email when I enquired him about the status. He said that the helmets are made in his shop by his guys so they are easier to make and put deadlines on. The sonics, if made by them, would be time consuming and expensive. They are being out-sourced (I believe from China, but won't act like I know for certain) so that they can be mass produced for less money.
The biggest problem facing a company making something like this is the expectations from the consumers. Let's face it, we're a spoiled lot who demand perfection for less. So, Neill and company decide to try and get the liscense to make a sonic scredriver, what do they have to figure out.

Q. What does the sonic HAVE to do?
A. Everything!
Q. What can we leave out?
A. Nothing!
Q. How much will people be willing to pay?
A. About $100.00 because you know, all it really is, is a fancy flash light (torch) after all!

I see their dialemma and respect them for even trying to produce it for us. Do I want it last November? Of course I do, just like every other spoiled rotten consumer who hates to wait for anything! :lol
They are trying to make this thing for us and fill all of our expectations, but at the same time, R&D costs a lot regardless of which country winds up spinning the lathe. They can't sink all of their profits into this thing on the hopes that they will be big sellers. They are trying to make a wide range of produts for us, but in this economy, myself like so many others have to decide what we can "waste" money on. For me the laser screw driver and Master's ring are nice and I would like to have them, but due to the economy I will have to pass. The sonic is what I will get.
So now I put myself in Neill's place...How many sonics do I make, how many lasers and rings? He can't afford to have a bunch of these sitting on his shelves collecting dust becuse he didn't get the supply and demand numbers figured out correctly.
I would guess that these will wind up being an "as ordered" item at the end result. No sense making 20,000 lasers just to sell 5,000 and making 30,000 sonics to have 50,000 orders come in.
Just my two credits....
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He can always do what MR did and set up an eBay seller to handle the over stock, returned items and dead sellers.

Of course that would mean the products would have to exist first.

I kinda feel bad for Neill and his company right now. The global economy is in the toilet and everyone's being uber-carfeul about their spending so introducing any new product is a major risk. It's a shame he can't stay in country for his machining needs and stay within the target price.

Well, Neill, you've got all my hopes that you successfully put out stuff I want to buy like the new Sonic in metal. Best of luck!
China isn't exactly riding high on the current economic climate either. I imagine Neill will have a difficult task getting an affordable factory that can properly deal with quality control and timing.
It's a shame Russrep is a "one piece at a time" kinda guy. If he could pump out 10,000 units for Neill it'd be a match made in RPF Heaven.
There's got to be some machine shot in the UK, Europe, US or Canada that can step in and to the work Neill needs and keep it affordable. Why not do what Hollywood's been doing the last decade and find someplace in the eastern European nations that can do the work? Closer to home and the pound will go farther.
It's a shame Russrep is a "one piece at a time" kinda guy. If he could pump out 10,000 units for Neill it'd be a match made in RPF Heaven.

10,000 UNITS would not be a problem...
I'm only doing the OBI parts at a time so its easy on every ones pocket..

I've sent Neil a PM.