Space 1999 Eagle Transporter Build Club (PIC HEAVY!)


Sr Member
well, here is the next build....

This time I am building a 52.25 inch Eagle Transporter from the Classic 70's T.V. Series, SPACE 1999.

Before anyone shouts it out, I know that the largest studio Eagle was just under 44 inches, but after a lot of research, I found that a 50 inch Eagle would be a better option on many levels. Firstly, at 50 inches, all the dimensions transform beautifully into metric, which allows me to use cheaper materials, such as wooden dowel for the spine etc.. Secondly, I can't ever remember ANYONE having a 50 inch Eagle so, that makes it the biggest to my knowledge.:)
Thirdly, I already started my build and it is bigger...ahem........:$
The first two points here are still VERY valid reasons to upscale, so I am going to stick to my guns on this one.

Before I start, I would like to send a HUGE thanks out to GPS for the incredible blueprints, LMFAOSchwarz for the superb Hi resolution reference pics and also Robn1 for his fantastic offer of Bluray caps if needed. You guys ROCK and this build would not happen without you or, for that matter, this superb forum to post the results on! Enough said! On with the build!

OK, I identified pretty early on, that there are three parts to this build , that would prove to be the most difficult to acomplish: the command module, the engine bells and the 'spine' which runs down the length of the Eagle. The Command Module doesn't have a single solitary straight line on it and the spine has to be built cheaply but still be strong and durable. As for the Engine bells.....Not a clue at this point! Out of these three, I chose to start on the command Module as, I believe it to be the most difficult part of the build - I am ALL for getting the worst bits done first!


I started by drawing out the three 2D images necessary to create a 3D form: Plan, Side elevation and rear elevation. I then transferred these images to card, cut them out and glued them together...



I have had to cut and glue the extra pieces onto the flat white area to support the 'cutaway' window appertures.



these appertures will structurally support the rest of the command module shell so they have to be sturdy in their construction.

The next stage was to start the ribbing, which allows me to form surfaces that curve left to right as well as front to back. Once completed, these ribs will receive two layers of papier mache, and a coat of resin, before i apply a thin coat of bondo to smooth it out. The detailing will then be fixed to the smoothed out bondo.
Here are some shots of the ribbing as it progresses.



Those untrimmed ribs really make me think of a huge carcass! It certainly has a very organic feel about it!



The ribbing for the point of the nose may not look too pretty but when it is covered, no-one will see it!

The bottom centre section is also now ribbed and That just leaves the arc behind the windows, on the under section to do.
I hope that you will enjoy this first installment and that you will all leave a comment to encourage me. I will post again as soon as I have an update and in the meantime here are a couple of shots to leave you with.
Bye for now and thanks for looking in!




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Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

Interesting! You've taken a very different approach than I would have thought of trying, but that's what makes it all the more fun! There's also something 'egg-like' about your first image, which seems appropriate at the first stage of a new project aborning.:)
It's smart to approach this doing the hard parts first. Otherwise, you might be, mentally at least, painting yourself into a corner. I've done this myself a few times!
I can't wait to see this progress: I'm already wondering how you'll approach the rear thrusters. I've got my own idea of what I'd do, but like I said that's the interesting part, too see how someone else would approach the same thing. Not unlike one band's approach to a remake of a familiar old song, actually!
Nice start!
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

Thanks Bob! :) Although I would be VERY interested to hear how you would have done it.... I think it would make for a really interesting thread to hear other people's ideas and points of view. :)
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Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

All right, my friend, you asked my opinion, so....:)
I think I might have tried something like this (I borrowed your picture to illustrate!): my illustration is quick and crude, but the idea is using foam core horizontal vanes to define the shape, and to add strength. Layered cardboard would work well, too, as well as bring down the cost. I'm not saying this way is better by any means! Like I said...just different!
This is going to be fun!
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

I think your way would have worked just as well, Bob, and thank you for posting it up. It will give anyone that ALSO decides to build this, another option for approaching it. The only issue, with absolute respect to you, is that, in order to set the "L's" that you have, you need to have marker points and a contour of the outer surface at that marker. If someone has state of the art software, that allows them to slice a 3D model at any point, they can achieve that really easily. Unfortunately, I do not...:cry

That is the sole reason why I went for the construction method that I did. the other issue is that the cutaways that rebate to the windows are not square. While the vertical is actually vertical, the 'flat' of the rebate is not actually flat, but at an angle of some 5 or 6 degrees. i guess I chose the method that I felt would work best for me, bearing in mind that, at the time I was not the proud owner of a set of blueprints....I would LOVE to see you attempt this as well! You've sat on the BP's and Caps for too long! :lol Plus, I would have a Build Buddy!

P.S. Two more posts!!!
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

Your points are well taken, and absolutely true. But to be honest, one of my model building philosophies is go as low-tech as I can. I never discount the human ability to "eyeball" things like angles and curves! I'll print out blueprints, small decorative labels and things like that, but I generally resort to basic tools and ingenuity. It's just too much fun that way!:)
I just may attempt an Eagle, it is one of my favorite spacecraft of all time. As far as 50 inches..well, sounds fun...but I know me: if I go that scale, I'll have to fight the temptation to include a cockpit inside. That's one disadvantage of a larger size: more detail is possible! :confused

P.S.S. One more, you mean!
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

:lol :lol :lol

I already have plans to put in a cockpit!!! :lol

Once the shell is finished, as described above, i will be able to remove all the interior structure - just like I did with my Stormtrooper helmet. In goes the cockpit and I would like to do the interior of the POD as well. We will see what time allows...

Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

Wow! I'm impressed!
Maybe you can really impress me (and probably everyone on earth) by actually squeezing in the famous disappearing boarding tube!:lol
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

I WISH!!!! :lol

Even as a KID, I wondered where that bugger disappeared to!
Molecular displacement, I reckon ;)
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

I guess that's one reason I liked the passenger module with the "boxy" extensions n the side. It seemed so much more plausible with that design that you could fit that tube in there. Unfortunately, they didn't use it that way. Come to think of it, what was the point of that particular design?
That's a funny thing about the Eagle: the more junk piled on to the design, the heavier and more impractical it should look. But instead it just looks cooler and cooler!
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

This thing is a beast, some things just need a bigger scale to show off the best.
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

I guess that's one reason I liked the passenger module with the "boxy" extensions n the side. It seemed so much more plausible with that design that you could fit that tube in there. Unfortunately, they didn't use it that way. Come to think of it, what was the point of that particular design?
That's a funny thing about the Eagle: the more junk piled on to the design, the heavier and more impractical it should look. But instead it just looks cooler and cooler!

You are SOOO right!!! I just think that the Science pod you mentioned should have been the standard pod. That way, the whole docking issue - Eagle to Eagle would have been solved..
This thing is a beast, some things just need a bigger scale to show off the best.

Thanks, Wes! Yes, I am hoping it will be just THAT - Fangs and all! I have assured the missus that it will be completely modular and can be easily broken down for storage.....oh, bugger!!!! Like this build isn't going to be complicated enough already, without the added issues of THAT! I never learn......:facepalm
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

I know how to keep both you AND the missus happy:
Build your Eagle as planned. For storage, build a launch platform, so when company is coming over (or whatever reason she'd want it out of the way) just activate the lift, so it can be lowered out of sight!:cool
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

:lol :lol :lol
I can just imagine trying to explain to her the genuine benefits of cutting a five feet by four feet hole in the kitchen floor to install it! :lol
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

Just tell her that in the event of a roof leak, you'll have good drainage!:lol
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

YOU NUTTER!!!! :lol!
hey! Happy full membership day!!! 20 posts AND 45 days since you joined!!! If I can't send you a FR by tonight, I will ask a mod to look into it.
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

Has it been 45 days already?! Time is flying by so quickly, but I wonder how it can still be winter?
The more I think about having a go at an Eagle, the more I think I'd rather watch you build yours. It could get awfully dull seeing two people building the exact same thing at the exact same time. Unless, of course, since you started at the front..I could start at the back! Or, I could always start with the first model ship I fell in love with as a kid.....
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

:lol :lol :lol
I can just imagine trying to explain to her the genuine benefits of cutting a five feet by four feet hole in the kitchen floor to install it! :lol

build it into a coffee table, when you have company it folds into the table and then you can pull it up to display.
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

Oooooh!............Love it! you dirty boy, you........:lol!
That is pure SMUTTINESS!
Re: Space 1999 50 1/2" Eagle Transporter Scratch Build (PIC HEAVY!)

Sounds like Wes R is onto something, there!

Hmm..upon thinking, it occurs that the table itself could have simulated lunar features. Coffee, anyone? No problem: just have some custom craters which double as coasters!