It’s far too soon to say “STAR TREK IS BACK!!”
Yes, the current season of Picard is certainly better than the first two seasons of the show—which is an extremely low bar to be measured against. The over-reaction to the change in the series as being the rescue of the entire franchise is a bit much…so far…
Picard is still a series full of modern (Nu) Star Trek tropes, member berries, easter eggs, elements taken from prior stories, inconsistent characterizations, clunky story telling, etc. But—yes, it is still better than seasons 1 and 2 and all of Discovery and Strange New Worlds.
And there is still the specter and stench of Secret Hideout hanging over the franchise.
No—Roddenberry Trek is not yet back. But, there is a small glimmer of hope that things could continue to get better. The cancellation of Discovery and changes to Picard may represent the start of a broader course correction.