The Motion Picture was Good™, with the potential to have been
so much better if Gene and Harold hadn't been in all-out war with the scriptwriting, and if a bit more care had been taken with the production design (uniforms are awful, ship carries forward the undersizing artifact dating back to Matt designing a smaller ship for "The Cage" that never got upsized on paper, square-formatted graphics on round screens...), it would've been much better -- if still derivative of several TOS episodes ("The Changeling" leaps immediately to mind).
II/III/IV are a triptych. III doesn't work without II to set it up (Spock's death, the
Enterprise's damage, David and Saavik, etc.). IV doesn't work except as resolution to all the loss of II and III. And, again, Good With the Missed Potential for More. I don't know why they dropped the bit in II that clarifies Saavik is half-Romulan. The TV edit and director's cut at least restore that the trainee who Scotty carried to the bridge was his nephew. There's a completely dropped bit where Sulu is waiting for his promotion to come through and get his first command (Bill kept deliberately flubbing the takes, until it had to be cut or go over -- he didn't want another Captain in
his movies). I still feel it's creatively lazy to have shafted Khan and the open-ended nature of "Space Seed". "LOLJK most of them are dead and the planet's now a wasteland!" Weak.
II and III would've benefited from a
slightly larger budget. The re-use of VFX footage from TMP in TWOK stands out -- especially if one watches II right after I. And the breakup of the Genesis Planet is
soooo cheap-looking. Especially where Kirk and Kruge are fighting and the cliff edge doesn't break away so much as slither jerkily down the side of the set. The dropped element in III that I feel needed to be left in was that Kruge stole that Bird-of-Prey from the Romulans. This is, incidentally, why the bridge is so different in the very next film -- the Vulcans/Starfleet wanted to study the Romulan bridge, but had one from an earlier-captured Klingon one that they were done with.
IV left out that Saavik stayed on Vulcan because she was pregnant (she and Spock later marry, after she retires as Captain of the
Enterprise-B, and a newly-graduated Jean-Luc Picard attends the wedding). I'm still not sure how I feel about Sulu running into his great-grandfather in '80s San Francisco. Might've been cute. Unfortunately, the mother of the child actor they got was every Domineering Asian Mother™ stereotype and they never got a good take. George was disappointed that had to be cut. Then there's the matter that, when they went to film, they discovered the
Enterprise was out on maneuvers, so they had to use the
Ranger instead. But the
Enterprise was the only one of its class built, and no other carriers look like it. And, as mentioned previously, the ambiguity that made it into the final script as to Nichols' inventing of transparent aluminum.
There was a lot of subtext lost from either cut scenes or no overt commentary. I.e., it is in the script that it is Kirk's fiftieth birthday* in II -- Humans may live longer, but a half-century is still a big, self-evaluating milestone, and he was feeling it. Since he wrote the script, that's how Meyer directed it, and that's how Shatner played it. It's kinda important that Saavik is half-Romulan, and that Peter Preston was Scotty's nephew, and that Saavik was pregnant after Spock's
pon farr on the Genesis Planet, and that that was a Romulan ship rather than a Klingon ship...
Which means that Kirk was born in 2235, not 2233. It also means that the official dates for TOS are way off. The Writers' Bible for season 2 says that Kirk is "about 34". I crunched the stardates elsewhere, but TOS runs from October 2268 (a year into the FYM) to around June of 2272 (including all of the animated episodes except "The Counter-clock Incident" and "B.E.M." as part of the FYM). TMP then takes place two and a half years later, in 2275. The Okudas were unconscionably lazy in their dating referents to use the amazing process of just adding three hundred years to the episodes' original airdates, rather than actually consulting the material that was right there
On to V now?