Interest Star Trek The Next Generation - 'Hotel Royale' Novel

UPDATE: I have found an uncropped version of the photo that has all of the missing details from the right side. More info later.
I would have given low odds on finding the photo. I'm very glad I was wrong !!!! :D

I gave myself low odds on it as well. McFlyte and Mike J. helped me figure out what I was looking for and I could not have found it without their help

Here's the low res version. I'll have a sharp clean print in a few days. There was one copy of a 1988 ad with this photo available for sale on eBay and I just bought it.

Caesar LowRes Crop.jpg
The area to the right is a PARKING LOT. I couldn't figure that one out.

Looking forward to the book.
Did a little more work on the text with the low res image. In 1989 the original artwork for this cover would have either been
A). An existing typeface for print OR B). Painted text over the image in the style of the typeface.

The text as it is looks about 80% right to me. The font I used was 'Century Old Style' with some modifications.
Caslon doesn't work for this because the shape of the top of the 'A' is incorrect.

Hotel Royale Mockup 2.jpg
There's another version of the book that was created later for set dressing for one of the shows or movies.
It's not anything like the version seen in the episode, but I might do something similar with the synopsis and publisher details since the back cover isn't visible.

The cover photo continues to the spine in the screencap and is actually large enough to go all the way around the back cover, which I believe is accurate to the original.

Here is the back cover from the later alternate version of the book.


And here is my latest revision to the mockup of the cover, still using the low res image as a placeholder.

HR Mockup 3.jpg

EDIT: When Riker holds up the book at the end, he flips it around so that the front cover shows, but for a single frame you can see that the full photo goes all the way around the back cover as I had guessed. There is also text formatted similarly to the synopsis on the later version from the auction photo.

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Interest list has been updated. The ad with the cover photo should arrive tomorrow.
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EDIT: The ad with the cover photo has arrived and the image quality is very good.
I'll update my mockup with the better photo later this evening when I have time to scan and work on it.
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