Star Wars films to get 3D re-release starting in 2012

I could care less...but I am glad I will get to take my kid to the movies to see Star Wars ( starting with A New Hope :) )
But I doubt they will.

Though It was a math mistake that I made when saying 2016, but either way, dumb idea, here is a good one, play the original 3, unedited and take the ep.1-3, remake them, not 'remaster' I mean get rid of them and make them actually good, 2 was so bad it's almost unmemorable, 3 was a let down, it could have gone somewhere, but it sucked, he went from totally good to killing children and ep.1 was so bad I actually burnt the VHS copy of it the other day in a bonfire along with naruto books and some random stuff some friends brought over.

They can take one year to fix each one of the 'first three' starring Ani and maybe actually make them good.
I'm sure they will take your idea under consideration. :rolleyes

If anything, I could see them doubling them up. Episode I Jan/Feb, Episode II Oct/Nov 2012, and so on and so forth with all six only taking three years to come out, instead of six, so they can take advantage of the 3D TV's and Blu-Ray players while people are still interested. Betting that 3D will still be going strong in seven years is a large gamble.
yea, maybe we'll have holograms by then and people will have little devices just like jedi's and lucas can sue them for that too.

Of course the social experience of the cinema has little to nothing to do with talking. It's about a shared experience. There's an energy. When the whole audience is really "with" the movie, you can feel the vibe. It's exciting. It's fun.

While it may not have the same interactivity or intimacy as a night of live theatre, it's still a communal experience. THAT'S what people are applauding. Their shared appreciation of what they just watched.

I love going to midnight showings, just for that. Everyone's excited. There's an anticipation. (Presumably they wouldn't be there at midnight if there wasn't some measure of optimism about what they were about to watch.)

That's why it's so upsetting for me when someone ruins that by being inconsiderate.

Went to the movies with my wife the other day, and I was shocked that someone in front of me had turned on their iphone during the movie. I leaned over and was even more shocked when I realized it was an 80+ year old woman. I've been in Florida just over two years, I should be used to it, but it just gives a new perspective when people complain about "kids" on their cell phones.

(My wife pointed out to me that it wasn't just that woman. The entire row -- a single party I think -- was checking their phones the entire time.)

Really ? well i just don't get it myself, i certainly enjoy watching good movies but sittig in uncomfortable seating in a large dark room with a hundred or so other people i don't know and am actually having no social interaction with other than being in te same place doesn't add anything to the experience to me.
It's not like it's a live event like a concert or a sports event or something where there's a real atmosphere, it's just a bunch of strangers watching a movie i don't want people whooping and cheering or making noise all the way through a movie i'm trying to watch, to me that's just annoying.

As for applauding again who are you applauding ? yourselves for sitting in the same room ?
You applaud in theatres to show appreciation for everyone involved in the production and putting on the show on the night you're not applauding the audience.

For me the only reason to go to the cinema was because the picture and sound was so far superior to home systems and i really wanted to see the movie as soon as it came out, i'm really not all that bothered these days i can wait for Blu-Ray or DVD releases in the majority of cases.
I am excited about the fact I get to take my then 5 year old to see Episode 1, which he will love Jar Jar. I then get to go and experience each of them a new with thim through the best years to see Star Wars 5-11. Thank You George Lucas.
Asked my 9-yr old if he was gonna go see them with me and he said you know I'm not into Star Wars! :lol
I'm a fan of SW.
For me, the the OT will always be the best, but I'm not a PT hater.

I'm not excited about the PT coming out first.

What I am excited about is the fact that I will be able to experience these on the big screen with my wife (who likes TPM the most) AND daughter (she's never been to the movies yet and she'll be about 5 1/2 then).

And even the 3D aspect excites me.

Good times to look forward to.
I'm not a fan of 3D and I haven't even seen a new 3D movie. It just seems like as much as a gimmick as the old 3D. However I think it's really cool that I can go take my niece and nephew to see the movies in the theater.

Really the only thing I really think would be neat in 3D is the ANH trench run, ESB asteroid chase, and the ROTJ Death Star attack.
I'm not a fan of 3D and I haven't even seen a new 3D movie. It just seems like as much as a gimmick as the old 3D. However I think it's really cool that I can go take my niece and nephew to see the movies in the theater.

Really the only thing I really think would be neat in 3D is the ANH trench run, ESB asteroid chase, and the ROTJ Death Star attack.

You know, I wonder if Lucas had future 3D possibilities in mind when he did the pod race, Corsucant chase, and battle over Coruscant? They all feature a lot of in your face moments.

I hate myself for saying this, but the scene where the battle droid is blown toward the camera in TPM is gonna look sick in 3D, as will the speeders in the Zam chase.

Yeah, I said "is." I'll go. The more I think of it, the more I want my kids to see these in the theaters at least once in their lives. Like I said, I see going out as a community event, and all that excitement and energy will be fun for them to be a part of.
Express your disapproval by simply not going. I will probably watch the last three only.
Do you guys REALLY think it will ONLY be playing in 3D? If they're gonna maximize profits I would think, like most films, you'd have the option to see it in a regular 2D auditorium too. That would satisfy a lot of the non-3D fans as well as save some people a few bucks a ticket.

I have a feeling it might be released in both formats. At least I think it has high possibility....

I have a baby on the way and I think it's gonna be amazing to know that he'll be getting to see ROTJ in theaters at the exact same age I was in 1983. It will be CRAZY! Never imagined I might get that opportunity to have my kid experience it the way I did when I was little... well sans the 3D....
Do you guys REALLY think it will ONLY be playing in 3D?


I think the 3D re-release benefits from being able to be digitally "beamed" to the theaters. Any 3D capable (digital) screens will no doubt be used to screen the 3D versions of the films. Seems unlikely to me that they'd have film prints struck for this.

Then again, they COULD, in theory, send 2D versions to the few "all digital" cinemas.


Allow me to translate:

Please stop raping my childhood Mr. Lucas.

Please give me back my rotary phone. Please give me back my UNIVAC or Commadore 64. Please take away my Mac and iphone. Please give back my hair bands. I want my feathered mullet. My car is too good on gas. I've lost my hair. What is this HDTV crap! New 3D is stupid!

The point is- my life is not what it was 30 years ago. You're taking my youth from me and reminding me that I am now old.

Still, I will give you my money, because I know this is the closest I will get to feeling young again.
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I get to share my favorite films in my favorite way (I love 3D) with my boys in a theater. I really don't get the 3D's cool and immersive. If you are preoccupied with it you wont enjoy a film.