Limited Run Star Wars First order Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits


Sr Member
We have been working hard on these guys getting them just right. They have a very accurate shape and proportion as well as sharp details.

Price is

Flametrooper kit is $155 USD Plus shipping. They will be cast in high impact polyurethane resin. They will come from a 2 part mold. It will require very little clean up ;)

Snowtrooper priced at $285 USD plus shipping. Black details for the back of the dome and 2 triangles are also available for $15 extra for those who want them.
Keep in mind the snowies are a full helmet plus the big dome ( which is darth vader sized ) I am keeping the kit cost lower than a vader kit even though it will have more to it. It will take a big box to ship so shipping over seas will be pricy. They are cast in polyurethane resin. Dome will be cast in the more ridged black polyurethane. Buyer will need to assemble and attach the dome into the correct position.

Fully painted helmets are also be available

Raw cast pics



Here is one painted by frosty




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Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

I would be interested in one of each depending on price?
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

Definitely interested in the flametrooper helmet! Count me in!
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

uhhh, pretty! Interested!
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

Interested in the ts lid
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Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

Interested in possibly one of each or two of each depending on price of course
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

Really interested in the snow trooper, pending price.
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

I would be interested in one of each depending on price?

Great Ill put you down

Definitely interested in the flametrooper helmet! Count me in!

Sounds good

uhhh, pretty! Interested!


Interested in the ts lid
Sent fra min D5803 via Tapatalk

Ill put you down

Snow Trooper!

Yes its going to be a sweet lid :)

Definitely interested in the snowtrooper

great ill put you down

Interested in possibly one of each or two of each depending on price of course

Ill put you down for a set

Really interested in the snow trooper, pending price.

ill put you down

Yes please

Great ill add you to the list.
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

I'm in for both pending price.
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

Impressive! I'd would be interested in Two Snow trooper helmets.
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

Great just let me know when pricing available. Thanks
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

Interested in the snowie for sure and maybe both pending price.
Re: Star Wars Episode 7 Flame and Snow Trooper helmet kits

Interested in both, all depending on price for a kit.