Star Wars Misconceptions

I called lightsabers "life savers" when I was young.

Same here. I remember having an epic argument with my mom when I was 4 or 5 ('81 or '82) over my belief that they were Star Wars "vases" and my mom trying to say "no they are bases. You put flowers in a vase." :lol

Up until 94, I probably hadn't seen any of the movies since 85 or 86. I always thought that in ROTJ the Death Star was still the original with damage from the ANH battle. I didn't catch the dialogue about it being under construction.

I don't think I ever thought Vader or the Stormtroopers were robots. I think I always thought they were people.
Yeah, the stormtroopers...

Well, but the reality was more weird than everything else... They are Clones... :lol

I saw part VI at first when I was a kid and thought the Ewoks were calles "Jedis"... :)
Up until 94, I probably hadn't seen any of the movies since 85 or 86. I always thought that in ROTJ the Death Star was still the original with damage from the ANH battle. I didn't catch the dialogue about it being under construction.

I also thought this until about 5 minutes ago.

I first watched ROTJ with Closed Caption on and I thought that the language that the Ewoks spoke was real. Because you know, when the little black lines say they are speaking ewokese, you believe it.

Like many other people here I also thought that the Stormtroopers were robots. But I could never figure out why robots would need to talk to each other. lol

Lastly, I was so devastated that wedge never got a medal. Why didn't wedge receive a frakking medal!
I thought that Vader might be a robot, until he force choked that fellow. Later I wondered why Tarkin seemed to be in charge of Vader.
I thought the stormtroopers might be robots, until Ben used the mind trick.
I thought uncle Owen was a clone war veteran or something, but was trying to keep Luke safe at home....until he got barbecued.
After Han used the lightsaber, I felt he was the other Yoda mentioned, and I kept thinking that early on in ROTJ when he was shooting at the tentacle while still mostly blind. They never did need to play that sister card.
My first memory of the Star Wars saga is a mix of scenes from ESB. I remember Han landing the Falcon on Dagobah. I thought it was so cool when they actually made it happen in one of the infinities comics.
When Star Wars started and the stormtroopers were breaking into the blockade runner, I thought the first rebel trooper they showed was going to be the star. I mean, he had a closeup!
When I saw the opening of Return of the Jedi, I thought the Death Star was the same one from the first movie... they just repaired it so it worked and that's why it had that big hole in the side of it. I was 4 and reading the crawl wasn't my strong suit.
Not a misconception but I always wondered how anyone understood Artoo or Chewie.

The only person who should be able to Understand Chewie is Han and I'm sure it took years of effort!
Funny brings back memories.

I swore the indention in the death star that is the laser to destroy planets was actually the docking bay the Falcon went in. The disk opens up to let the Falcon in.

I was wrong :).
When I saw the opening of Return of the Jedi, I thought the Death Star was the same one from the first movie... they just repaired it so it worked and that's why it had that big hole in the side of it. I was 4 and reading the crawl wasn't my strong suit.

I remember having a big argument in lower school where a lot of my friends actually believed that the second Death Star was in fact the first one, despite seeing the WHOLE THING blow up and having the opening crawl to Jedi say it was a second Death Star more powerful than the first! Even though I was older than most of the kids, surely the parents must have made these points out to their kids!
First thing that went through my head when I saw the second death star was it was the remains of the first one.

I thought the one-armed 3po was just a 'puppet', therefore the pan upward. I now know this is not the case.
When Vader claimed to be Luke's father I knew it to be true... Lucas' story is a simplistic one so why would vader need to claim to be his father at all if it wasn't true.. why make that up when he easily could have said (what turned out to be David Prowse' fake lines) Obi Wan killed your father.
However, when Yoda said "No, there is another" THAT one baffled me! I thought it would be a character we had yet to meet. I also surmised that perhaps Han was his long lost older brother and it would be Han that would put Vader down in the end. We had 3 years to speculate and funny how i never even considered Leia was the other! :-D
When Vader claimed to be Luke's father I knew it to be true... Lucas' story is a simplistic one so why would vader need to claim to be his father at all if it wasn't true.. why make that up when he easily could have said (what turned out to be David Prowse' fake lines) Obi Wan killed your father.

Thinking that Vader lied might have had something to do with me being ten years old at the time. :lol

But get this... My Mother thought that the Emperor in ESB was really Obi Wan in disguise! :wacko

She always loved a plot twist. :lol

The Star Wars movies could have used some plot twists!

maybe Schmi skywalker could have been a young apprentice to Palpatine but ran away after he knocked her up... "Only through me Anakin can you learn that I AM YOUR FATHER!" NNNNoooooooooo!!!! :cry
Not a misconception but I always wondered how anyone understood Artoo or Chewie.

The only person who should be able to Understand Chewie is Han and I'm sure it took years of effort!

It reminds me of Stewie on family guy, they only seem to be understood when it works for the storyline lol. Actually i had to laugh that in one of the novels it turned out the other wookies could speak human but chewie had a speech problem. And who knows Artoo might be able to speak english but doesn't want to. He does have an attitude.
I believed Vader and the stormtroopers were robots
I thought that Vader betrayed and murdered Luke´s father and Obi Wan had an honor debt with him
I remembered actually seeing the Dianoga
I thought the lightsabers had no buttons and were controlled by the Force
I remembered Chewbacca howling when Leia gave him a medal
I did,t understand what were the Jawas
I always thought the Tuskens had for face what we saw (I never understood that as a mask)
I remember having a big argument in lower school where a lot of my friends actually believed that the second Death Star was in fact the first one, despite seeing the WHOLE THING blow up and having the opening crawl to Jedi say it was a second Death Star more powerful than the first! Even though I was older than most of the kids, surely the parents must have made these points out to their kids!

Nope. My parents hated Star Wars. While my mother took my brother and I to the movies to see it, she just kind of stared blankly... you could see it in her eyes. She was just praying for the whole thing to end soon. It's similar to being forced to watch a chick flick.

Well... I saw this Death Star Explosion on Yahoo! Video... which never meant that there weren't peices of it that could be repaired. Don't forget that I also only saw it in low res on our 13... or 17 inch screen. It could have been a firecracker on a string for all I knew.