Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi (tv series)

I don't normally do this but the writing and contrive plot points are getting so bad I have to.....

So trackers make droids evil?
Why didn't Tala use the Thermal Detonator earlier
Why didn't they use the second shuttle to get the other people out
Why didn't Vader stop the second shuttle
Why didn't the Star Destroyer blow it up as it left the planet

I could literally pose a question and better solution for just about every plot point they set up

I watch these type of back story shows with very low expectations and normally can enjoy them, but this series is just getting unbearable

Why does a spaceship have a single hole that if shot blows the whole thing up
Why are soldiers not able to hit a target
Why can't Vader sense his own children are alive

Everything in Star Wars is a giant fantasy that is purely made up as they went along to be convenient for the plot.
And don't forget the biggest and dumbest of them all: "Hold your fire, there are no life forms. It must have short circuited."
If that can get a pass, everything else can :lol:

I used to think you could have one of them say "Could be droids. send a crew to recover them", but then they were clearly ready to destroy them with the plans if there WERE life meh.

It's a very weird story beat.

This just made my day! Can't wait to stop procrastinating at work, get home, get baked, and enjoy nitpicking and complaining from the OG's!

So does that mean we encourage idiocy in story telling or look past it? I mean if fans are all for having exactly the same thing there seems no point in making anymore Star Wars since it can't adapt or change.

Also funny to see the opposite often argument used for Luke in TLJ(or any number of other changes made). It's ok for SW to adapt and change with him but not when it comes to poor writing. Got it.
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I don’t follow. They set the bombs and ran out… the explosion didn’t happen 20 miles away….
When they are scouting the shield dish. Leia says the entrance is on the behind the landing platform. Then they are informed by the Ewoks that there's secret entrance on the other side of the ridge. The entrance they come running out of, isn't near the dish.
I think all critique is valid... I don't think where the blame is directed is...

For example, I loved the first episode of Obi... Disney shouldn't get praise for that... They just paid the cheques...

However in that same episode I saw some real hack filming and editing with the chase scenes... is THAT Disney's fault? no... that's some bad choices by the director and editor... I wouldn't even blame the writer... he just wrote "Leia runs through the forest, evading her would be captors, jumping over and scurrying under trees her larger pursuers couldn't follow"

maybe in boards it worked... but when that little girl couldn't move like the board panels may have wanted, you lose the wide shots - don't let the audience see where the bad guys are compared to her...

There's a horribly directed scene in Vader vs. Obi where we see Vader's POV... looking at Ben, who turns and runs screen right. We then cut to Vaders face... and then cut back to a background that looks almost identical to the last shot - which looks like it would be Vader's POV again... where Ben runs out from screen right...

I was like "did he forget something?"... then realized it's a different location.

That's BAD direction and editing...

All these are valid critiques... but I would never say "I wish GEORGE hadn't sold to Disney... they just shovel out garbage!"

Cuz as I said above, George was not above shoveling out garbage.

Critique the shows, just don't pretend it's Disney's fault and Lucasfilm woulda made gold under George.
When they are scouting the shield dish. Leia says the entrance is on the behind the landing platform. Then they are informed by the Ewoks that there's secret entrance on the other side of the ridge. The entrance they come running out of, isn't near the dish.
Then they all ran 20 miles?

Did you see the explosion? Lando probably did from space.
Then they all ran 20 miles?

Did you see the explosion? Lando probably did from space.

They set off a small explosion at the tail end of the facility that destabablized the equipment, causing the big stuff to explode down at the other end, where the dish is. You know Star Wars loves its chain reactions.
Am I the only one here who watched star wars on fast forward between action scenes as a kid?

I always went off and played with my toys during the trench battle... tooo long.

Actually that's how I watch the Spiderman Far From home now... fast forward Mysterio fight scenes....
They set off a small explosion at the tail end of the facility that destabablized the equipment, causing the big stuff to explode down at the other end, where the dish is. You know Star Wars loves its chain reactions.

hmmmmm :unsure:

I dunno if that gets a "No Prize"....

*that may be an aged reference

I think if you were even where the camera was set to view that explosion the heat woulda made a bunch of singed naked Ewoks.
Just an FYI joberg —this is an altered form of a disparaging meme of a former president. Could be considered political even in its altered form. Just looking out.
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It's a matter of semantics then if you think about it. The writers should be held to the standard, and since George was the writer, and director of the Prequels, the blame was laid squarely on him. No one else to really blame. He was the final word on it all.

Same with Johnson because he wrote and directed TLJ. Then again, the person who oversees all these things and approves them should be held to account too. So whether you blame Kennedy or JJ, or whoever, it's still a collective effort in terms of writing the script and then the person who greenlights it. When any other movie tanks, who gets heat? The studio. Not necessarily the writer. I mean sure, the writer should be called out, but it's the studio who gets raked over the coals. If Disney were a totally impartial financier for this company then I'd say yeah, maybe the criticisms are a bit harsh, but they do have a say in what gets made. They choose writers and approve scripts, and hire/ fire directors. So they too play a significant part in this because ultimately they call the shots and they determine what gets made and what doesn't. Disney isn't some benvolent investor with no say.
Bad ideas are bad ideas, no matter who writes them. When Lucas ran his company, he caught flak for his bad choices. Now that Disney owns Lucasfilm, they catch flak for their bad choices. It's only fair to hold those at the top to the same standards. Likewise when they make good choices they should be acknowledged.
But who's the final arbiter of what constitutes a bad idea though? In a creative medium like film and TV what is or isn't a bad idea is subjective and while die hard fans might consider some things a bad idea, casual fans might not thing that it's a bad idea.
Am I the only one here who watched star wars on fast forward between action scenes as a kid?

but I'm embarrassed to say that, as a young man, once I heard Carrie Fisher say that George told her there was no underwear in space, I would watch all her 'action' scenes on my VCR in SLO-MO.

I'm even MORE embarrassed to admit that I KNOW for an absolute FACT that, you can get a MUCH smother result running the 4K remaster through a Sony 4K player with the upscaling adjusted on a 72' Panasonic OLED TV.
I love how we are now comparing modern day tech capabilities that include CGI and now facial recognition tech to 1983 painted backgrounds and physical props and claymation

To much is given, much is required.

What Lucas had at his disposal back then he clearly we are making excuses for what they have now and "shaky camera"

The people who grew up in this generation look back and its like looking at Nintendo through the lens of PS5 and the people who grew up in my generation saw something cutting edge...can't say i blame them but to try to argue perspective accuracies of explosions...shots, etc. based on the tech in 1983 is futile, especially when everything today looks....well, just as fake.
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A casual fan isn't likely going to give it much thought after they watch the show or movie and it's clear that's who these stories are catering to. I get that. Broad appeal, the business of movies, yeah, I get all that.

Ultimately there is no final arbiter. That's why I'm speaking in generalities to the rules of fiction. Generally speaking xyz story beats work, or the three act structure works. Set ups and pay offs work. Establishing character motivations early in the story work. A character arc where they learn something and grow as a person, works. What I'm saying is nothing new and it certainly isn't anything that isn't considered out of the norm to suggest. Despite my feelings on the current state of things they aren't any more or less valid than someone's undying love of it. Though it is important to have some measurable standards (ie. the rules of fiction) with which to base some of our tastes on. I don't think that's an unreasonable idea.
Disney isn't some benvolent investor with no say.

Agreed, but I'm only saying holding Disney to it is fine, but those pretending like this stuff didn't happen under Lucasfilm are nuts.

I love A24 films, but man they've made some stinkers... If A24 was bought out by Disney for some reason and then their first artsy horror film was terrible and everyone's was like "Disney ruined artsy horror! A24 would never have made this garbage!"

I'd have problems with that too... Yeah... A24 def can make garbage... Everyone does.

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