Star Wars Tales of The Jedi animated series?

Isn’t it (story wise at least) why Mace had a purple saber? That he was in such perfect balance with the force that he used both sides as needed?
Isn’t it (story wise at least) why Mace had a purple saber? That he was in such perfect balance with the force that he used both sides as needed?
No. Mace was a practitioner of Vaapad, and variation on form VII. Form VII was probably the most aggressive forms, and was often favored by the Sith. Vaapad, which Mace developed could take a Jedi very near the edge of the dark side.

But somewhere along the way people started to think he used both sides. And after all a purple is red and blue together....which added to the misunderstanding.

The only character that I can remember that uses both sides of the Force, or said to, is Revan. Kyle Katarn, and Galen Marek use both sides, but that's in video games. In the novels, they are pretty much light side users.
No. Mace was a practitioner of Vaapad, and variation on form VII. Form VII was probably the most aggressive forms, and was often favored by the Sith. Vaapad, which Mace developed could take a Jedi very near the edge of the dark side.

But somewhere along the way people started to think he used both sides. And after all a purple is red and blue together....which added to the misunderstanding.

The only character that I can remember that uses both sides of the Force, or said to, is Revan. Kyle Katarn, and Galen Marek use both sides, but that's in video games. In the novels, they are pretty much light side users.
Umm, kind of sounds like he was balancing both sides of the force.
Isn’t it (story wise at least) why Mace had a purple saber? That he was in such perfect balance with the force that he used both sides as needed?

There was as a story in Star Wars Tales (I think...) where Mace saved some group and in thanks they gave him an extremely rare crystal. Mace Windu was one of my nephew's favorite characters so he would play with his figures and make up all kinds of scenarios for how he got it.
There was as a story in Star Wars Tales (I think...) where Mace saved some group and in thanks they gave him an extremely rare crystal. Mace Windu was one of my nephew's favorite characters so he would play with his figures and make up all kinds of scenarios for how he got it.
One of the Dark Horse, Clone Wars comics that were between episodes two and three. That was a great story.
Balance is literally what I said in two previous posts. :)
Yes, yes you did. And you also said. "that he used both sides as needed."

I was just trying to clarify my view on that. I don't think you can use both sides. You can have the dark side. But you can't really use it though.

Though Vaapad is interesting, because Mace is supposed to channel his opponents fear and anger, back towards them. Very dangerous. And only he's every been able to do it successfully. Others have succumbed to the dark side.

Anyhoo..... moving on :)
To be honest, I’ve never studied Jedi fighting styles and the mythos behind it. I just saw a purple lightsaber and him being a bad mamma jamma and thought he was cool.
I didn't see this specifically mentioned here...these episodes are supposedly going to be 15 minutes long each. It's going to be interesting to see whether that will be an asset or a detriment to the series.
I didn't see this specifically mentioned here...these episodes are supposedly going to be 15 minutes long each. It's going to be interesting to see whether that will be an asset or a detriment to the series.
15 minutes is hardly worth doing a story for. Especially an anthology series with different characters each week. The original 2D Clone Wars worked. It was a 3 minute episode each, but they all contributed to the same story arc, building on each one.
I could see Dooku maybe having good intentions but not Vader.Vader’s problem was attachment and a lust for power.In AOTC he told Padme that he was being held back and when he was on the Jedi council he was pissed he was not given the rank of master.Vader wanted to save Padme but Force choked her when he thought she betrayed him,I would not call those good intentions.
One of my favorite parts of Anakin/Vader as a character was how complex he was. He had a lust for power as far back as his padawan days. He wanted power, but for good intentions. He saw that the Republic was corrupt, and his first thought was how trimming away the bureaucracy and filibustering among the senators, and placing one man at the helm to streamline the process was the best way to fix it. The problem being that unlike Anakin, Palpatine had nobody's best interest at heart. The Jedi, by the time Anakin joined the order, were arrogant and complacent over the Republic. Anakin, even as Vader, justified everything he did by convincing himself that what he was doing would make the Galaxy a better place. If he couldn't stop the suns from setting, he'd destroy what the suns were setting on.

"Nobody is a villain in their own story." - George RR Martin.

The entire world shrugged and hoped for the best when Hitler came to power. Then he started invading countries and people were like "Maybe he'll be happy and stop with those couple?" Don't underestimate people just not wanting to rock the boat and then ignore things, that in hindsight are very clear.
If history has shown us anything, it's that humanity will permit atrocities if it means a tenuous peace.
One of my favorite parts of Anakin/Vader as a character was how complex he was. He had a lust for power as far back as his padawan days. He wanted power, but for good intentions. He saw that the Republic was corrupt, and his first thought was how trimming away the bureaucracy and filibustering among the senators, and placing one man at the helm to streamline the process was the best way to fix it. The problem being that unlike Anakin, Palpatine had nobody's best interest at heart. The Jedi, by the time Anakin joined the order, were arrogant and complacent over the Republic. Anakin, even as Vader, justified everything he did by convincing himself that what he was doing would make the Galaxy a better place. If he couldn't stop the suns from setting, he'd destroy what the suns were setting on.

"Nobody is a villain in their own story." - George RR Martin.
Dooku at some point realized the Jedi had lost their way(corrupt)and did things a little different,while teaching his then apprentice Qui-Gon to deviate from the OG teachings.Dooku left the order,his pupil now a Master took on a padawan OWK and taught him in the same unorthodox style.QG dies and OWK takes on Anakin to train...

Anakin was “created” and placed in that of a slave in hopes he would corrupt at a early age.Shmi being a good person taught Anakin the same.He was selfless and wanted to help a space wizard along with a “Angel” and their friends.Not wanting to leave his mom/love he left.He later was reunited with the Angel and traveled with her.When asked about attachment and love,he was beginning to get attached and “lied” to himself and Padme about being encouraged to love as it equaled to compassion.Distraught at the loss of his mother,he murdered a village and lied/justified the deed by making them “not human” beasts to slaughter.Craving power he knew he should not,but always pursue it. I don’t think his intentions were good for the fact he always felt guilt after whatever deed was done,his interest turned the once selfless into selfish. Long story short I agree about Anakin/Vader being a complex person.

One of my favorite scenes is when Palpatine kneeled down and touched Anakin on the head,the devil showing compassion for a split second.

Dave Filoni, gonna hit with both barrels of nostalgia. Name that you recognize? Check. Jedi logo? Check. Nod to the classic Star Wars poster? Check. Anakin? Obi-Wan? Ahsoka? Dooku? Qui-Gon? Yaddle!? Check, check, check, check, check and check! Ooh I feel so warm and happy inside!

Okay I'm being kinda sarcastic. It is kinda a cool poster. But still...

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