StarDestroyer 1/1000 scale

Some news :) DSC_6147.JPGDSC_6154.JPGDSC_6151.JPGDSC_6146.JPGDSC_6149.JPGDSC_6152.JPGDSC_6145.JPGDSC_6148.JPGDSC_6153.JPGDSC_6150.JPG
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Ça va être du solide c`te bête-là:) (it`s going to be solid this beast) Keep up the great work, you're doing fine for sure!
Brilliant idea to skin the wood with the plastic sheeting! I'm running into juuust slightly wobbly edge lines along the trench. Which I'm not sure is correctable with the plastic. But that is nice and crisp! Nice job!
Man, that's a sweet carpet detail! Must have been a pain, and a good feeling to do those lines.