Starship project

Thank you very much. I'm starting to shape the area around the main deflector.


oh, excuse me...

i seem to be drooling all over the place....

REL -- when it comes to all the small details (windows and such) are you going to carve in each one?

I like the technique of placing tape windows and encasing the model in automotive primer surfacer. Sand off the finish to the top of the tape and remove.

Recessed windows.
Yes, that's what I'm going to do. I'll got to a sign shop and have vinyl templates made.

(click for larger view)
Rel that is really impressive. I cannot wait to see this thing finished. Can't wait to do a build up review when I get mine :p

I'm looking at this thread for the first time, too, and like everyone else must say your work is most impressive. I particularly enjoyed the shots and description of how you used foam to build and sculpt the saucer. I'd never seen that done before.

I hope you'll continue to post process shots as you go along. It's always educational -- not to mention fun -- to see a talented person at work.

Very cool. :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Thank you very much I appreciate it.

Not much of an update, I did manage to get the grid lines penciled on the secondary hull.



Looking great (as usual) but I'm confused....why is the secondary hull split in half?

Also what is the next step for the hull grid lines?
Thank you. It's split in half to make molding easier. I started on the grid lines about an hour ago, they'll be done the same way as the saucer.

Are you glueing down styrene strips as your panel perimiters and filling the rest in with body filler? If so I am going to have to try that sometime.
Originally posted by cobywan@Feb 28 2006, 10:09 AM

Are you glueing down styrene strips as your panel perimiters and filling the rest in with body filler?  If so I am going to have to try that sometime.

Yes, I pencil in the panel lines then lay down the strips, fill it in with bondo and sand it down to the level of the strips.

Here's what it looks like before filling them in.


I did the same thing with the saucer. Of course I only use that around complex curves, for flat surfaces styrene plates still work better.

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