Stranger Things (Netflix)

I will say that Ep. 8 was a bridge episode and with a few notable exceptions was easily the weakest of this season. I understand why they did certain things in it, but it just didn't engage me much other than those few moments. That said, it's a minor nitpick and I can't fault the writing on that. The last episode, though? I think they did an exceptional job setting things up where you really felt any one of them could be killed off. As we were watching my wife and I were coming up with theories about who, if any, would go.

I'm actually glad we'll have to wait for a few years before we get more. I know that sounds crazy because of how much I love this show but I've come to appreciate that sense of anticipation for a great story. We're so spoiled with the amount of content that being given everything all at once has often ruined the experience and robs these stories of their agency. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how it all concludes, but I'm happy to give it time before I know the ending.
An entertaining season.

Observations for me:

The long-forgotten Kate Bush song that played over and over and over throughout the season…how that has now captured the zeitgeist escapes me. It wore out its welcome with me throughout the season. Being in elementary school back in 1986, I don’t recall that song being popular at all.

I swear Vecma…Vecna…Number 1…whatever…


…looks like Swamp Thing.

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I will say that Ep. 8 was a bridge episode and with a few notable exceptions was easily the weakest of this season. I understand why they did certain things in it, but it just didn't engage me much other than those few moments. That said, it's a minor nitpick and I can't fault the writing on that. The last episode, though? I think they did an exceptional job setting things up where you really felt any one of them could be killed off. As we were watching my wife and I were coming up with theories about who, if any, would go.

I'm actually glad we'll have to wait for a few years before we get more. I know that sounds crazy because of how much I love this show but I've come to appreciate that sense of anticipation for a great story. We're so spoiled with the amount of content that being given everything all at once has often ruined the experience and robs these stories of their agency. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how it all concludes, but I'm happy to give it time before I know the ending.
With you on Ep8..
I did find We really enjoyed all of the first six episodes. Don't hate me but I felt the last Ep was just lacking or maybe the run length didn't justify the content. I did like the effects and Hawkins being destroyed.
I think Max should have died as much as I like her character we need a heavy loss and not a new character thrown into the mix.

I am trying to cut back on binge TV we ruined last Seasons Umbrella Academy by watching it in one go.. You can't absorb or have time to let it all sink in.
Westworld is back on I see and not even started S3 of The Boys.. Oh and I have completely lost track on Moon Knight.
The more I think of it I really feel Steve should have died. His arc is effectively complete, and he’s worth more narratively as a sore spot/hole in the team. He is so integral to so much of the dynamic that it would devastating to lose him but would freshen things up.

Eddie deserved to survive and become a new regular.

I feel like Max’s arc was a little bit lukewarm if you read into as a metaphor for depression. When she overcame Vecna the first time it was the end of her depression arc, to then go back to it and have her end up brain dead over it seems a little mean spirited IMO.
With you on Ep8..
I did find We really enjoyed all of the first six episodes. Don't hate me but I felt the last Ep was just lacking or maybe the run length didn't justify the content. I did like the effects and Hawkins being destroyed.
I think Max should have died as much as I like her character we need a heavy loss and not a new character thrown into the mix.
Max isn't all that old of a character having made her debut in S3. If they wanted impact by killing off an old character they would have killed off one of the characters from S1.
The more I think of it I really feel Steve should have died. His arc is effectively complete, and he’s worth more narratively as a sore spot/hole in the team. He is so integral to so much of the dynamic that it would devastating to lose him but would freshen things up.

Eddie deserved to survive and become a new regular.

I feel like Max’s arc was a little bit lukewarm if you read into as a metaphor for depression. When she overcame Vecna the first time it was the end of her depression arc, to then go back to it and have her end up brain dead over it seems a little mean spirited IMO.
I agree with you about Max. She deserved better.
I thought the last episodes were just boring. Worst is how it ended. I thought the show was done, so I don't know if they plan to do stand alone movies or what. Throughout the last half of the last episode I was just thinking "Can it end already?!?!" They did get bonus points for Master of Puppets though.
I genuinely wonder if the gap came from a pause in production where they made a somewhat last minute decision that this wouldn’t be the last season, and then adjusted the final episodes accordingly.
I thought the last episodes were just boring. Worst is how it ended. I thought the show was done, so I don't know if they plan to do stand alone movies or what. Throughout the last half of the last episode I was just thinking "Can it end already?!?!" They did get bonus points for Master of Puppets though.
They are doing one more season and have a spin-off in the works, IIRC.
I did do an eye roll when the overly-done trope of “they foolishly tried to experiment with the deadly creature and kept their work in giant yellow formaldehyde cylindrical containers” made an appearance.

How many movies and TV shows have we seen this exact scene in now, from Aliens, to Rise of Skywalker, etc.??

I still contend that this show has more heart, guts, and originality than just about any show or movie that's come out in the last decade. There were some nitpicks I had but nothing that took me out of the story or lessened it's impact or meaning. Overall I thought it was fantastic. Though I am glad the series will be wrapping up next season, even if that's a few years from now.
I still contend that this show has more heart, guts, and originality than just about any show or movie that's come out in the last decade. There were some nitpicks I had but nothing that took me out of the story or lessened it's impact or meaning. Overall I thought it was fantastic. Though I am glad the series will be wrapping up next season, even if that's a few years from now.
This is true
["Help me understand... Max died and was the 4th victim that Vecna needed. The 4 gates opened and Hawkins was about to be destroyed. But Eleven brought Max back to life (somehow), but the gates remained open and Hawkins is still about to be destroyed? Seems to me if Eleven saved Max, the opening of the gates would have been prevented and just been an earthquake?"]
["Help me understand... Max died and was the 4th victim that Vecna needed. The 4 gates opened and Hawkins was about to be destroyed. But Eleven brought Max back to life (somehow), but the gates remained open and Hawkins is still about to be destroyed? Seems to me if Eleven saved Max, the opening of the gates would have been prevented and just been an earthquake?"]
She still died, so the sacrifice was made. Whether or not El brought her back, the requirement was fulfilled.
I thought it was an ok finale, at times it felt unnecessarily long where scenes could have been trimmed to improve pacing. The emotional beats were there and most were well earned.
Given his key role in series 1, Will has been really underused until they conveniently needed him to a Vecna indicator in the last few minutes.

I wasnt keen on the Vecna character this series, he felt shoehorned into the plot to give a face to the upside down (which still doesnt make much sense, everything is the same as the real world, just no people, so who built the identical buildings and everything else).
It seems like the writers cant decide how powerful Eleven is at times which leads to inconsistencies, not to mention her apparent new resurrection powers.

Eddie's death felt like an easy out to say they killed a character but still keep the core cast intact, but that isn't unique to this show.

Overall it was pretty entertaining but I'm not hugely excited for series 5 which I predict will be Eleven sacrificing herself to seal off the Upside down to save the world.
Max isn't all that old of a character having made her debut in S3. If they wanted impact by killing off an old character they would have killed off one of the characters from S1.
Sorry I meant Eddy as a newcomer was the wrong choice to die..
Max has had more time and memories certainly with El and I felt it was a slight cop out to bring her back from the dead ..