After chewing on it a while, I can post thoughts that are a little more coherent. I'm not upset that Russell didn't win, I've known for weeks that he could not win. I was a little shocked that he did not get a single vote. I thought maybe a few. He does have amazing foresight into what will happen if he does this and that, and is usually right, except when it comes down to how the person he put on the Jury feels about him as a person and how that will work against him. I still think he is one of the best to play the game, like the Colby of before. Different ways of playing, sure, but they both have proved to be skilled in their way of playing. (At least the earlier Colby)
And because he is so fascinating to watch, naturally he won the fan vote. He is a popular player, and is likely to be asked back the next time they do a show like this or fan favorites and favorites vs. fans. Thing is, now everyone knows his game, and he will not last long at all. I was somewhat surprised that he lived up to his original alliance and took Parvati to the end, but he did know, as did the others, that Jerri easily could have won as she may have ridden some coat tails, but she did also perform well and didn't **** anyone off. And to me, she is the player that deserved to win this year. That is the only thing I found disappointing is that she didn't make it to the final three where she could have had a legitimate shot. As someone I used to loath, she really was very likable this year and I thought she played well.
It was a fantastic season, really engaging and I can't wait for next season!