Tarfful WIP Finished Costume On PAGE 3

Re: Tarfful WIP

So the leather for the bandolier turned up at last.
I started by making cardboard templates which I hung in place on the mannequin. Then laid the templates onto the leather to mark out the pattern. That handbag making course I went on last year is starting to pay off! lol

I'm using 9-11 oz hide.
I started with a whole side of leather and after cutting out there was very little left over which is a shame as I was hoping I'd get some other pieces out of it for other projects.

Once the basics were riveted together I laid out the ammo boxes to see the best positioning for them. Then I fixed the strap that holds them in position.

After lots of hole punching strapping and glueing I died the leather using a water based Bison Brown shade. I stippled this on with a brush to give it a rougher look then airbrushed in some darker weathering patches. Finally I screwed the chest plates and belt buckles on and slid in the ammo boxes. Really glad I made light weight ammo boxes and armour as this thing weighs a ton!

Oh, and here's a quick pic of when the head met the body. Still a few more dreads to add and a few more adjustments before my first full try on!
Re: Tarfful WIP

Just friggin awesome! Cant wait to see it next weekend, wookiees together at last...meet you in the bar!
Re: Tarfful WIP

go walking in the woods(during non hunting season of course), and see how many big foot sightings get reported.
Re: Tarfful WIP

Here are some pics of the first full suit try on.
Pretty happy how it came out everything seemed to work great.





I going to use some blue contacts as I don't think my brown eyes cut it with the character.
Plus I knocked together a quick tongue which I attached to the lower jaw.

Unfortunately whilst putting the head back on the mannequin I nearly dropped it and just managed to catch it by the jaw which in turn managed to snap the lip snarl armature! This is going to be a pain to fix as the skin is glued on. I'll have to wait until after Invasion Dublin 3 this weekend to take the head apart and re-wire it.
I got to spend a few days on the gun. Again using the foam for all the curvy bits.

After the P-40 layer I skimmed it with bondo to give it a nice finish and experimented with some colour.

I attached the barrels to the chassis with an aluminium tube then filled it with foam so it is absolutely solid. Something tells me this gun is going to get knocked about allot this weekend!

Then I started attaching all the parts before adding all the greeblies and tubes.
The most fun was the paint job the rest was a bit tricky because of its size and awkward shape. It never wanted to sit flat on the workbench! It works out at about 160cm long.(That's nearly 63 inches for our imperial friends!)
Reference pics of Tarff's BFG were shaky at best so it isn't the most accurate build plus the the 3 day build time but it serves the purpose.

I don't think the word "impressed" comes even remotely close to my feelings on this build. It's amazing. I am in awe of your skills and of this build. Would love to see it in person. Just absolutely stunning work!
Hey Guys

Ive just got back from Ireland as ive been covering the Emerald Garrisons Event 'Invasion Dublin' for and on behalf on the RPF, i wanted to get to see their Props and costumes up close and hopefully work with them on a Possible RPF Ireland Prop Party

Now i saw this costume up close and also got to see Jules in action as the character Tarfful

Although the pictures show this amazing costume to see it up close was truly awe inspiring, and an awsome piece of work from a top RPF guy and very talented guy to :thumbsup