The Artic Predator ! New Pics 4-15-13 Soundboard


New Member
Ok so i am done with the Desert predator now on to the other clan member . I already have several pieces mostly done this one will have dual cannons and dual pack pack I have enlisted a friend of mine who is a bit of a electronic guru and he has already built me several light systems for the other preds now we are making a cannon that flashes we installed the sound board with several loud roars and computer sounds and several other working lights i am also making new feet for this bad boy because i am only 5-11" and at several contests i was at people commented about the hieght. so i am adding 6 inch lifts and a total new set of feet that should look very narly here is what i have completed so far on the built i will up load pics as i get parts done.
I purchased a boar bio and remote lazers for this build and i have put 8 inch extensions on a few of the back dreads to give it a very cool look. let me know what you guys and gals think?

artic pred feet with lifts 006.jpg

New pictures 12-22- 2011 035.jpg


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I absolutely love this one! I've thought about doing something like this one myself. If this one turns out anything like your desert pred, it's gonna be another home run. Keep the updated coming!

Here is an update i have painted the bio now all i need to do is add some accents to it and install the lenses and put in the lazers , yes i know it doesn't have a place for them , but that's ok i made one so it would have them i will post it next. right now i am sculpting the new feet with risers in them i hope they come out ok .

artic pred bio.jpg
Let's see i started with the base coat primer was a flat black and then i used emerald blue acrylic dry brushed and then i put on emerald green acrylic on top the center i used gold on the center and then i put copper on all of it with silver accents later i will throw on some black highlights to tone it down .
here are the twin tripple barrel cannons that i an designing for the big dog they are a bit short but they are going on servos and i had to keep the weight down just an up date on it. i need to air brush some black highlights but all in all it think they came out pretty cool what do you guys think

artic pred stuff 001.jpg
oops you caught me ! lol the cannons will look a lot better when i mount them on the back pack right now it's just too early to shoot any picks but right now i am sculpting new feet with 5 inch risers so i can get that tall look for this bad boy.
It's great to see these new builds coming up and I'm really liking the albino style paint ups too. Good luck!
Ok here is your sneak peek of the new feet with 9 inch lifts yes 9 inch i decided to go for broke and yes they are a little stubby compared to the hieght but have patience it's working out.
and this is going to be my single blade on my arm . i am sure you will notice it looks like a hellbreed statue yes that is where i got it from .
so what do you guys think
wow i need to take better pics i will throw some more on tomorrow these suck

artic pred feet with lifts 003.jpg

artic pred feet with lifts 005.jpg

artic pred feet with lifts 008.jpg
Those blades look very dangerous, fantastic job with the feet/leg
This is going to be sweet when its done
ok here are some better photos of the feet i hope you can see them better i am a little lost on how to finish the upper part of the feet . so i am up for some ideas from u sculpters !
the length is only 14 inchs so it will wear well

artic pred feet with lifts 004.jpg

artic pred feet with lifts 001.jpg

artic pred feet with lifts 002.jpg

artic pred feet with lifts 003.jpg
Fantastic you can't wait to get those big boys on. Loving the attention to detail with the wrinkles. Well done look forward to seeing more..

well folks here is an update of the foot its almost done. it has a little ways to go but its looking good so far it measures 14 inches long so it is not too overwhelming and with the lifts inside i should look pretty bad ass i am working on the armor now i will post when i have a template made

artic pred feet with lifts 005.jpg

artic pred feet with lifts 006.jpg

artic pred feet with lifts 007.jpg
feet look phenomenal too mate,.......awesome textures ,....and yea the lifts aren't obvious so ,....nice work