The best Vader helmet for $150...

I am really sorry to say this, but in this Vader thing you REALLY get what you pay for..... $75 sounded too sweet a deal to NOT have anything wrong with it. It's sad to find out I was right at the expense of your $75. I hope you can do something good with that. Perhaps an extra custom helmet, like JRX's, if you have the talent for it.... (not bashing your talent, just making a suggestion).

Anyway, I hope you find a better deal somewhere....

It was factory sealed in the box, so the low price was not for the warping.
Sometimes things are just warped. I think I can get it looking good
with some boiling. I do live in Tampa, FL I could just leave it in my
car for a couple of hours too I guess. I just wish I had the cash to get
a helmet that was great without needing work.

I'm still thinking I might want to get someone to rework it for me.
I'll work it a bit to see how it comes along.
The warpage could have occurred if it was stored in a hot warehouse or something.

Don't put it in the car... you'll only melt it and warp it in all the wrong places.

A hair dryer or a heat gun to soften the plastic - but don't get too close, or you'll melt it - and then gently push the softened piece into the desired position.

Getting someone to fix it for you will roughly cost you more than buying a better quality helmet... unless you know a friend who can help you...
Hey, you have it. Make it a great project piece and learn all you can from it. Over the years I have used that approach and have learned some really neat things.
I got a Rubies helmet for around 90-100 and modified the !@!@#@#!@# out of it. I saw another Rubies ROTS version Vader helmet that was going for 200.00 with the same mods I did. But it's tough to get one in that price range without putting elbow grease into it. Even after all the mods I did I would like to get the MR ROTS helmet. But that won't happen anytime soon unless I hit the lottery...
heres my modded rubies supreme

I have a Rubies Supreme that I got for about $70 a few years ago. I modded the Hell out of it and I'm pleased with the results. Sure it doesn't compare to a great fiberglass helmet but I'm happy with it.

Your best bet is to try and grab a Classic Action by Don Post. They used to go for around $150.00, but they are steadily going up in price. Rumor is these were pulled from the same molds as the Deluxe, only molded in plastic instead of fiberglass. I've seen a couple of these reworked a little with good paint, lenses, tusks, grill screen, and reshaping of the neck. You may also want to reset the dome a little bit. See VaderPainter's website for what he did to his. When he was doing the Empire Vader, he used a Classic Action as his lid. It looked real good. As far as the price, expect to pay a little more for the nicer helmets. I got my Deluxe for $450.00 and I also got a Portumac reveal with my full Vader suit..estimated around $750 to sell individually. I have the Rubies Supreme. It's nice and its part of a project for a rework. They are available for $80.00 and up. That might be your best bet. It's a good helmet and needs only a little work. Good luck with your search and always remember to check Craig's list and E-bay for a quick deal.


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Yes, that is the one we have been talking about. What an awesome price!
With shipping it is only $36.59!!!! At that price I might get another one.
Hell, at that price somone could turn around and sell it on eabay for
double that.
Oh my...

Deffinately gonna get a couple of these bad boys, thats like buying the nerf gun for 20 bucks... a no brainer!

That's cheap!! And to think I was in the US last month. The Canadian TRU site isn't listing that lid. :cry

Ah well.

Between this board and the other one I posted it to, I think we cleared them out.