The Bill and Ted films

Norse Iron Man

Well-Known Member
The Bill and Ted films are vastly under appreciated in my opinion. They are funny, insane, feel good movies with great music. The movies are some of my favorites, and also hold a little Nostalgia for me, because the first time I saw these movies, more notably Bogus Journey, I was around 7 or so. Now 13 years later, I still love these movies. I believe people will understand when I say it's difficult to put thoughts and feelings into words… that actually make sense. I’m a fan of sequels, mostly because they continue stories of the characters we have become attached to. I’m not saying all sequels are good, or that they’re excusable, but I probably like more sequels then the common person. With that said my two all time favorite films are Ghostbusters 2, and Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey.

I always over think, and breath more into a film than the casual watcher, even if I’m not a fan of the material. When I watch Bill and Ted I look pass the comedy, and pay attention to the underlining plot, about two less-than-intelligent men who mature into rock musicians that bring peace to the world. The one thing that I like more about the second one is that… that’s the whole part of the film. They forge their band, journey to Heaven, Hell, and Death's domain. They fulfill their destiny right there on the screen. Also the ending - when they perform God Gave Rock and Roll with that guitar intro preformed by Steve Vai, is still one of my favorite endings to any film.

Excellent Adventure has its moments as well. I love the historic characters. Some of the highlights in the film are - when we first see the booth, but till this day I don't know why it started as a diamond then turned into the booth. The circuits of time scenes are awesome, a little disappointed we never saw them in the second movie. The ending is THE highlight of film, the actual report, the way it was executed was brilliant. I have to admit, it had a lot more music that I enjoyed than in the second film.

I think Bogus Journey did improve on some concepts, like Rufus being a history teacher and he using the booth as a teaching instrument. We get a actual villain, an awesome future concept, and robots. I really like robots. The primary storyline for the two great ones takes a larger roll in this film. The beginning started this film off perfectly. De Nomolos' monologue was short but to the point, " they have reached their second crucial turning point in their destiny…" The bulk of the beginning was slow and lame, after the evil robots traveled to the past, and before the robots drag Bill and Ted to that deserted location from Star Trek. The remainder of the film more than makes up for it.

Most of you probably don’t know this but there were delete scenes to both films, I didn’t feel like Excellent Adventure lost anything of import. But Bogus Journey on the other hand… OMG. It had a different ending all together, where they had Bill and Ted recite a longer, and more meaningful speech. But the speech made references to another scene that they took out which is why they changed it I suppose. That scene was after Station constructed the Good Robots, and Bill and Ted wanted to pick up the princesses to take them to the Battle of the Bands. Upon arrival to their home, they found two canisters left by the Evil Robots. These would eventually hatch out into large, exaggerated and terrifying versions of the fears which Bill and Ted faced in Hades: The Easter Bunny, Granny S. Preston, Esq. and Colonel Oates. Bill and Ted, along with Death, Station and the good robots, confronted these monsters on their way to the Battle of the Bands. After an intense chase, in which the fears work together to attack the van Bill and Ted realize to conquer their fears they must face them. Bill kisses his granny and she disappears, Ted confesses to Deacon (via cell phone) that he stole his Easter basket and the giant rabbit disappears, and finally they invite Colonel Oates into the back of their van for snacks, which breaks him down into a nice guy and he also disappears.

Bogus Journey was vastly different than it’s predecessor, the various set designs, and the bizarre visuals. Being able to watch these characters that we’ve come to enjoy to finally fulfill their destiny that was established in the first movie is probably the main reason I enjoy it so much.

So which film was your favorite, and why do you like it? With there being more news about a third film, a discussion thread for the originals only seems appropriate.
Yeah I'm a fan of both films, loved them through my teens and still enjoy them now, some damn good laughs in both films.

Always loved the whole building of the good robots scene, topped off with the binding of station! Great stuff.
I love the first one, it's one of my favourites. It has so many good lines, could quote it all day.
The second film on the other hand.....well let's just say the only thing I like about it is "you melvined death!"
I remember reading an article about Bill and Ted in some movie magazine YEARS before the film ever came out. I thought it sounded like the dumbest thing in the world (the article didn't do a lot to paint any other picture). I was honestly surprised when the film was actually completed and released.

What I loved (and still love) about Excellent Adventure is how smart the film is, in spite of how dumb Bill and Ted are. Most non-non-non-non-non-heinous writing.
i remember when my Dad showed me those films when I was 11... to this day we still say goodbye by saying, "Be excellent to each other... party on, dudes!"
Fantastic movies. They both remind me of much simpler times. They held some wisdom too. Be excellent to each other!
Loved the original, although both phone booths and windup watches were old fashioned even when the film was made. :rolleyes

Still, great stuff! :)

I love both these movies and am looking forward to the potential third that's seemingly on the horizon. The scene in the future is one of my favourite movie scenes ever. The basic idea of "Be excellent to each other" has become a fundamental part of the way I try to live because you cannot argue that if everyone did this then the world would be most triumphant. All because of a stupid slacker rock n roll movie. Oh and George Carlin = genius!
As cheesy as both movies were they embraced the story concept and played it for all it was worth without devolving into stupidity like movies do these days. They've aged fairly well and for the most part the only issue is they'll be dated for younger audiences who don't know what a phonebooth is or why no one has cell phones.

I love the first one, it's one of my favourites. It has so many good lines, could quote it all day.
The second film on the other hand.....well let's just say the only thing I like about it is "you melvined death!"

That, and the Vai guitar lick they use when the do the air guitar is much better than the first one :)
Loved both of them growing up and probably still would now if I saw them again (it's been years!) I was also lucky enough to meet Alex Winter in March of this year. Great guy and super nice!
Meh. I think "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" was one of those movies that didn't need a sequel. The story was, in my opinion, stand-alone - and I think, to a point, the sequel proves that. The first movie was great and classic, the second was terrible.
I really got into the first one, at one time quoted it all the time during the summer it came out. A girl I was friends with had an older sister that worked at the theater. I only paid once, but ended up getting snuck in at least twenty some times. Good times!

The second one was all right, but did not thrill the way the first did for me...but I am really looking forward to a third installment.

Copied this article from

Not to be outdone by all the wacky on-again off-again news about the Jim Carrey-Jeff Daniels sequel to Dumb and Dumber, Vulture is now saying that the planned third movie starring Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter reprising their roles as the time-traveling "Bill and Ted" is moving forward and that Galaxy Quest director Dean Parisot will helm that movie.

Since helming Galaxy Quest, Parisot has mainly been directing television as well as the remake of Fun with Dick and Jane starring Jim Carrey and Teá Leoni, but he's also currently directing the star-studded action sequel RED 2 for Summit Entertainment.

There have been rumblings about a new Bill and Ted project for a couple of years, although few people took it very seriously as word got out that original Bill & Ted creators Ed Solomon and Chris Matheson were supposedly working on a new script featuring the characters.

The original movie Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure hit theaters in 1989, grossing $40.5 million and leading to the sequel Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey two years later, which made slightly less.

This planned threequel would take a similar approach as Richard Linklater's Before Sunset or Denys Arcand's The Barbarian Invasions by revisiting Reeves' Ted Theodore Logan and Winters' Bill S. Preston, Esq. in the current day to see what they've been up to decades after their earlier adventures. Maybe we'll even find out if their band "Wyld Stallyns" is still together 23 years later.

Solomon and Matheson are looking to make this threequel as a lower-budget studio movie, but while they figure out the financing, Parisot will finish RED 2 while Solomon and Matheson finish their Lionsgate horror-comedy Rapturepalooza starring Anna Kendrick and John Francis Daley as two teens who face the apocalypse while trying to defeat the Antichrist.
Meh. I think "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" was one of those movies that didn't need a sequel. The story was, in my opinion, stand-alone - and I think, to a point, the sequel proves that. The first movie was great and classic, the second was terrible.

Agreed 100%. The second was just too campy (which is pretty damn impressive, considering how campy the first one was).
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