The Book of Boba Fett

Also looks like in a comic yoda rebuilt his lightsaber from scratch while on dagobah

After the rise of the new Galactic Empire, Grand VizierMas Amedda spoke to a gathering of citizens on Coruscant about the end of the Jedi Order and the supposed freedoms that the Empire would bring to the galaxy without the Jedi. He had a collection of lightsabers from fallen Jedi, including Yoda's lightsaber. These lightsabers were burned as part of the public demonstration, and their kyber crystals caused a large explosion of energy during the gathering.[3]
Subsequently, Yoda built a lightsaber to replace the one he had lost in the duel with Darth Sidious, although he later gave up on using it.[10] After Yoda's death in 4 ABY,[11] the lightsaber ended up in the possession of Yoda's last Jedi apprentice, Luke Skywalker. In 9 ABY, Skywalker offered the saber to Grogu, a young member of Yoda's species who was being trained by Skywalker. Grogu had to make a choice, choose the lightsaber and continue on the Jedi path, or choose the armor of beskar made for him at the request of his Mandalorianfriend Din Djarin and surrender to the bond he had with him, renouncing the Jedi.
So is Luke really a Jedi Master in TBOBF? If so what did he do to earn that? He hasn't trained anyone right? Not that they necessarily need to explain right away and in this show.
Not a bad episode but i don’t understand why here why now? Why Tatooine? Why any of it?
Character motivation for Boba is just non-existent. The first 4-6 Episodes have been ‘Destination Nowhere’ for the shows own main character

Did these guys just not want to tell this story?
Its like a Disney Executive came to them and said
“Hey Filoni.. listen, so.. we’re gonna let you turn all your goofy goddamn Clone Wars cartoon characters into live action to make you smile so long as you help us recoup lost sales projections from Solo and The Sequel Trilogy.. We got a deal??””

It's funny because I was thinking the exact same thing earlier. It was almost like they were given an ultimatum from up on high to make a Boba Fett series even though they didn't really wanna divert time and energy to do it. So they halfheartedly dove into it and made it more palatable to themselves by shoehorning all this extraneous stuff they care more about that literally has little to nothing to do with Fett. lol! All they had to do was have Mando arrive at the palace in episode 5, maybe with a dramatic entrance, and say "I got your message..." and go from there. I adore these latest episodes but they just don't belong here at all.

Surprisingly, I didn't find myself nearly as hyped as I was last week when the episode finished. I'm not quite sure what it was, possibly a mix of the directing, pacing, weaker cinematography, too much Jedi stuff, and generally too many action figures in the sandbox. Need to watch it again to see if my opinion changes, but still a great episode.

Same here. On paper this episode ticked a lot of boxes and I really liked it but the energy wasn't the same. I would've never guessed just a few years ago I'd be seeing live action Luke Skywalker in his prime, training a young Jedi though.

Luke, in his prime, training Grogu as a REAL Jedi master!

I’m cool with any little technical issues to have it!

I have NO complaints about it.
I agree. The technical issues are minor and the deepfake tech will only improve. This was mentioned maaaany pages back but they hired the Youtube deepfaker Shamook last year and I assume he had some hand in the improved Luke we just saw. They did a great job with him and I'm betting we see more. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually get a movie (or new trilogy?!) with young Luke, Leia and Han again. I really wish there was a way to undo the ST but that's a tall order indeed.

So all in all, I really liked this episode but for some reason I think I preferred the last one if I had to choose. Not sure what it is. Once upon a time I would've crapped my pants to see Luke again in this way but perhaps the shock of his appearance in The Mando season 2 finale has worn off now. Luke was mostly great, although the frog thing was weird and I kinda got the feeling he didn't quite know what he was doing. Still depressing to know what he turns into. This all seemed to serve the practical purpose of making Grogu more mobile. I imagine from here on out, Grogu won't have to rely on pods or being carried. Might give production more freedom and options with him. I also don't quite get how a toddler is expected to learn the ways of the Force at this point. He can't even form words. And Luke mentions he thinks Grogu is actually just remembering past training. So he was 20ish at that time? Surely he would've been no more than the level of an infant back then? How could he have possibly been trained at that developmental level?

It was an unexpected surprise to see Cobb Vanth again and he has definitely become one of my favorite new characters. Maybe they need to recruit him to be in The Rangers of the New Republic, if that ever happens, and showcase his adventures on the galactic stage.

I guess Garsa being a criminal mastermind won't be a surprise twist afterall! And they killed off poor Max Rebo again?!

I gotta say, Fett's "Dream Team" seems pretty underwhelming. Mando and Krrsantan notwithstanding, I honestly expected something more than this. Honestly surprised that it looks like we won't be getting Bossk or anyone else of note. Mando's plan to recruit poor peasant villagers to be Fett's footsoldiers to fight a gang war doesn't sound terribly impressive. I guess we'll see the Vespa hipsters scooting circles around Pyke thugs in the next episode. And Fett on a rancor...... I still would love to see things come full circle and see Tuskens rise up and save the day when things look dire but I dunno...

Grogu is totally taking the beskar/mithril shirt. There's no way that bubble on Mando's ship is there for no reason. lol

Small observation and it might be just me but it looked like the Kraytcrawler Jawas had little, ANH-style "sparkly eyes" rather than the larger, more pronounced eyes we sometimes see.

Never been into the cartoons but Cad Bane was neat and kinda creepy. Killer entrance. Definitely an amalgam of Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef. Would love to see the cold blooded killer he spoke of...

...and poor Boba Fett. It's been said endlessly by now, but they have really done him dirty. At this point, I can't imagine anything happening in the finale that can recover from this, especially with Rodriguez at the helm. Beyond the rather boring characterization that I doubt many Fett fans ever wanted to see (regardless of what his reputation really was), he has also literally been upstaged on his own show. It honestly makes me feel bad for Fett as a fictional character and Temuera Morrison as a very real person. It feels like a slap in the face. I just can't fathom the thought processes that went into planning out this season. The best two episodes of the season literally had Fett in them for a scant few minutes. Shoehorning two (albeit excellent) episodes of The Mandalorian into a show called The Book of Boba Fett is simply bizarre and there's just no way around it.
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He disobeyed yoda and Kenobi, they said he had to kill his father, he couldn’t be saved. And luke saved him..
I'm now seeing that not only did Filoni and the gang watch ESB the wrong way, but they seemingly watched ROTJ a lot the wrong way as well in that they seem not to recognize this. They're probably the type who think Young Anakin Force Ghost at the end of ROTJ makes perfect sense when it simply doesn't

The entire purpose of ROTJ as a stand alone film was for Lukes character to prove everyone else, to his friends, to Yoda, and most of all to Obi-wan that they were fundamentally wrong about Anakin/Vader in that he was truly gone and needed to be destroyed.
And Luke put absolutely EVERYTHING on the line in order to prove it. Not just his own life, but the lives of his friends, of the Rebellion along with all the hopes and dreams for the entire Galaxy... And so when Anakin/Vader, pushed to his own extreme limits of what he can take, rebounds on himself and attacks and kills Palpatine in order to save his son, sacrificing his own life in the process while letting the dark evil mask finally slip away, however brief it is.. Luke achieves that goal, and in so doing becomes a Jedi in his own way, not anyone else's

Old Anakin Force Ghost is also the only one that makes sense here for this as the point is that he never truly stopped being Anakin despite all the horrific things he'd done in the name of an evil cause, and Luke could sense that deep down somehow

This is also a huge issue with the ST, and especially TLJ in that it pretends to act like a lot of these themes about the jedi being flawed are "New and Bold" when they were actually all in ROTJ, just much more subtly
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He disobeyed yoda and Kenobi, they said he had to kill his father, he couldn’t be saved. And luke saved him..
Fair enough. I thought that that meant he was a "Jedi" meaning a Jedi Knight. I can see how that would make one skip a grade though.
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I think somehow he could ultimately end up with both. I still think Grogu could become the first Mandalorian Jedi since Tarre Vizsla. Although that still begs the question of where the heck he was in the ST. Same for Ahsoka for that matter.
I think somehow he could ultimately end up with both. I still think Grogu could become the first Mandalorian Jedi since Tarre Vizsla. Although that still begs the question of where the heck he was in the ST. Same for Ahsoka for that matter.
Queue The World Between Worlds. Or, Mandalore gets rebuilt, and they just stay out of the First Order/New Republic conflict.
I'm ashamed I missed this because I read the manga: ScreenCrush pointed out that the choice given Grogu parallels the choice given to the child in Lone Wolf and Cub, where, in that case, he had to choose a ball/normal life or a sword/life with his assassin father.

The frogs. I know they're trying to do the Yoda X-Wing thing, but that was part of a lesson to Luke. Where is the lesson in Luke showing off that he can levitate more frogs than his pupil can?
The lesson was Grogu was focused on 1 frog when their were already many all around him. Luke wasn't having a pissing contest with Grogu. It was another way to show him he isn't seeing the bigger picture...the forest through the trees.
I didn't want to wait too long to watch ep.6, mostly because I didn't want to fall far behind in this thread.

Just watched it now. got all excited, grabbed my laptop to catch up - only to find out that there's already 500 posts.


I guess I'll need that large pot of coffee after all.
I’m only 12 minutes in… Luke is such a dork - you know he spits his shots into a cup under the table. No wonder Han stopped hanging with him.

I can’t wait til he goes crazy and tries to kill Ben Solo cuz this Luke is as boring as I feared he would be after the events of Return of the Jedi.

But we are gonna walk Marks corpse around one day… that’s the way we’re going with all this? Alright.
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I'm now seeing that not only did Filoni and the gang watch ESB the wrong way, but they seemingly watched ROTJ a lot the wrong way as well in that they seem not to recognize this. They're probably the type who think Young Anakin Force Ghost at the end of ROTJ makes perfect sense when it simply doesn't

The entire purpose of ROTJ as a stand alone film was for Lukes character to prove everyone else, to his friends, to Yoda, and most of all to Obi-wan that they were fundamentally wrong about Anakin/Vader in that he was truly gone and needed to be destroyed.
And Luke put absolutely EVERYTHING on the line in order to prove it. Not just his own life, but the lives of his friends, of the Rebellion along with all the hopes and dreams for the entire Galaxy... And so when Anakin/Vader, pushed to his own extreme limits of what he can take, rebounds on himself and attacks and kills Palpatine in order to save his son, sacrificing his own life in the process while letting the dark evil mask finally slip away, however brief it is.. Luke achieves that goal, and in so doing becomes a Jedi in his own way, not anyone else's

Old Anakin Force Ghost is also the only one that makes sense here for this as the point is that he never truly stopped being Anakin despite all the horrific things he'd done in the name of an evil cause, and Luke could sense that deep down somehow

This is also a huge issue with the ST, and especially TLJ in that it pretends to act like a lot of these themes about the jedi being flawed are "New and Bold" when they were actually all in ROTJ, just much more subtly
I don't think that's quite the right reading on ROTJ either. Remember, Yoda hasn't been teaching Luke how to fight. He's been trying to get him lay aside his weapons. Not everything is solved with a lightsaber. Remember Luke's failure in the cave. When Luke asks what he will find, Yoda replies, that he will find what he takes with him. Luke goes in there, with his weapons, and his fear and his anger. He's ready for a conflict. And not surprising, a conflict is what he finds. And Luke fails. That lesson in the cave doesn't 'click' with Luke until he's standing over his father ready to kill him. And what does Luke do? What Yoda has been trying to get him to do. Throw away his weapons.

I love the dichotomy of it all. Luke is looking for a Jedi Knight, a great warrior.

Instead he finds this. A dirty old hermit. At peace, one with nature. One with the Force.


And Luke does not get it.......he doesn't get anything Yoda is trying to teach, what he represents.

And this is what George had to say, while he was writing ROTJ.
I don't think that's quite the right reading on ROTJ either. Remember, Yoda hasn't been teaching Luke how to fight. He's been trying to get him lay aside his weapons. Not everything is solved with a lightsaber. Remember Luke's failure in the cave. When Luke asks what he will find, Yoda replies, that he will find what he takes with him. Luke goes in there, with his weapons, and his fear and his anger. He's ready for a conflict. And not surprising, a conflict is what he finds. And Luke fails. That lesson in the cave doesn't 'click' with Luke until he's standing over his father ready to kill him. And what does Luke do? What Yoda has been trying to get him to do. Throw away his weapons.

I love the dichotomy of it all. Luke is looking for a Jedi Knight, a great warrior.
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Instead he finds this. A dirty old hermit. At peace, one with nature. One with the Force.

View attachment 1541666
And Luke does not get it.......he doesn't get anything Yoda is trying to teach, what he represents.

And this is what George had to say, while he was writing ROTJ.
View attachment 1541667
See to me Yoda was still a flawed character, though perhaps not as flawed as Obi-wan, Lukes “true” spiritual mentor in the OT.
Yoda says that “a Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never for attack” but I believe he still intended Luke to confront Vader absolutely no differently than he does Palpatine in EIII. And end up killing him defensively so because hes just so far gone down the path of evil. I truly believe Yoda thought Anakin was beyond any redemption, and that he thought Luke was being naive for not acknowledging the risks he was putting everything and everyone in.

The difference in ESB is Luke initiates the conflict, and loses a hand for it, while in ROTJ he attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully every step of the way, even refusing to defend himself in the end by throwing his lightsaber away and essentially allowing his own death to occur before Anakin finally steps in

In the end, all three characters, Anakin, Yoda and Obi-wan’s ghosts are there symbolically acknowledging this when they are looking on Luke smiling with pride; they themselves each having been fundamentally changed by Luke in some special way
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