The Book of Eli


Master Member
Just came back from the theater. Was totally blown away by the story. Very powerful and well written. Action and overall film style was very unique (*Semi-Spoiler* You'll see what I mean during the house scene firefight)
Music as well was very fitting.

If there's any dislikes about it, there is a minor one, but I can't say unless I spoil it :unsure

I won't post spoiler's, but the flick has one heck of a twist that I don't think M. Night could have seen coming :lol

One found prop item, his backpack, is clearly an Oakley brand bag.

I just got back from seeing it. Definately not the best film I've ever seen, and likely wont get an oscart it very enjoyable for what it was and felt like my nine bucks was wellspent. I recommend this film to anyone interested! :thumbsup
I haven't seen the movie yet, but one thing that did annoy me are the trailers.
Every trailer I have seen for this film tells you absoultey NOTHING about what the film is about.
Usually a trailer gives you a basic idea of what the story is about to peak your interest....The only thing I noticed in the trailer is Denzel walking around the desert and a bunch of people hanging out in a Mad Max world shooting things.
I was watching the trailer the other day with my wife, and just as I was about to mention this, my wife says - 'What is even about?...Just people hanging out in the desert?"

Im not saying the movie isn't good, I just think the trailer sucks butt....Awful marketing.
The trailer offered absolutely ZERO interest in watching this movie.
the twist is actually explainable I think. there's something happen before the reveal that could explain it and therefore doesn't contradict things that happen earlier, although I must admit, there are a few clues scattered throughout that would suggest the reveal is prevalent throughout the entire film.

I'd need to confirm my own opinion on a second viewing
I liked it! I actually guessed something similar to the actual twist a few minutes before the reveal, so I guessed something like it coming. I think it'll stand up to repeated viewings and will probably get it on DVD when it comes out.
I thought it was okay. I didn't like how Eli was so good in combat. Even Batman would have trouble facing the number of people Eli faced in the bar if he was in the same situation and he's friggin Batman.

I don't think anyone in the theater saw the twist coming. I never read about the twist (but then again, didn't read too much about the movie itself), but when the blind reveal was could hear the gasping in the audience. It was great. It was like when I saw the Sixth Sense in theaters. And thinking back throughout the movie, they do have several hints that lead to him being blind.
Saw the movie on Friday, wasn't amazing but I definitely enjoyed it!

What's funny for me about the twist is when the movie started I THOUGHT he was blind. The way he banged his bag agaisnt the car, felt for the shoes on the skeleton. Also when he wasn't excited about finding his shoes on the body until he felt down the leg.

The other clues were they seemed to really highlight his other senses, hearing things like the bird and smelling the salt air.

I would assume that the reason Eli was so amazing in combat was that he was being watched over by God.
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Moss kicks ass. lol! The movie wasn't that bad. It just wasn't that good, IMHO. It didn't even have good eye candy. Just a lot of desert, a crater or two, some trashed cars...
I have no idea what some of you saw, The Book of Eli was one of the best films of the decade hands down. I saw the film twice back to back, as this film requires it. And you will be even more blown away the second time. Just pay attention. Every single little thing matters. The soundtrack has to be my fav part. The tense feeling it gives you, the way the movie audio would cut out so that the music could portray the emotion, far better than any dialog could.

Everyone must go see this film. Literally tons of props that need to be made.

The ONLY gripe i can find with the film is having Mila Kunis in it of course. Since I can only think of Meg from Family Guy whenever her mouth opens....
huh, i thought the "twist" had been pretty well covered and spoiled in the media.

Not to me. I hardly saw any type of hype whatsover and I consider myself a pretty big coach potato and internet rat. So unless I'm not part of the targeted audience, it took me and everyone in the theater by surprise.
huh, i thought the "twist" had been pretty well covered and spoiled in the media.

Yea I did not see that coming at all! And I looked up everything I could about the movie before seeing it! Did you see like a fan made trailer or something? Kuz all the trailers I know of don't even tell you what the book is.
Saw the movie last night & loved it. The above quote I think sums it up pretty well & I went in worrying about how much there was going to be in religious overtones.

I loved the overtones. I found it refreshing for something out of Hollywood. I think its nice to have some diversity in that direction, personally.

I thought that this was an excellent movie...pretty much beats anything that was out last year.

Oh...and how can anyone dis Mila Kunis?