Predatorium The Future of the Lair - New management and update on the update! :)

This board is different than a lot of other costume boards, maybe it's the whole hard core Predator thing attracting some biker looking type dudes (*ahem Bovine and the UK guys* -love 'em), but this is really the only costume board I'm on where people drop f-bombs and any other curse word they want to say and it's not edited out. :p

Allowing language like that is VERY different from what I am used to and while I am not a big fan of it because I think it turns away a lot of would-be members and doesn't come as being across very professional, it is the culture of this site and I have no intention of changing it.
I really don't swear much at all myself, but on this board people have always said what they want to say and how they say it. Every other costume board edits them. These are Predators here! They don't take **** from anyone! :p
Allowing language like that is VERY different from what I am used to and while I am not a big fan of it because I think it turns away a lot of would-be members and doesn't come as being across very professional, it is the culture of this site and I have no intention of changing it.

Yeah, while it endears itself to one group of people, it repels others. Look at it this way: if a car dealership posted a neon sign that said "buy your f-in cars here or we'll kick your ass", a certain percentage of people would giggle and give them all of their business. BUT, it does not appeal to the majority of the people...including a vast cross section of people who like censorship for the right and wrong reasons, so corporations who do want to appeal to the masses and DO want to attract the "majority", end up staying away from that type of thing. It is neutral and safe and is the best bet for growth. :p Just one guy's .02. You will never see Toyota or Ford do anything that that appeals to one group of people's preferences while ignoring the rest. They will always remain in a position to attract the most amount of people ;)
Ha should try being around some of the directors Ive met ...Tarantino curses like a sailor ..and Joe Dante and Tom Holland are hilarious. Even in pro biz, swearing makes a statement ..ha ..well I was in nightclubs for 10 years and come from a Greek background ..its just learned behavior
thanks for disliking the harsh language but allowing it.
it's not like i want to throw down curse words all the time, but sometimes you see someone's work and a F yeah is very appropriate.
The pred movies are after all R movies for adults. (AVP doesn't count) :p
Ha should try being around some of the directors Ive met ...Tarantino curses like a sailor ..and Joe Dante and Tom Holland are hilarious. Even in pro biz, swearing makes a statement ..ha ..well I was in nightclubs for 10 years and come from a Greek background ..its just learned behavior

I totally get that. I was whistling at work the other day and somebody got annoyed. My response was ( in a loud voice); "I'M ******* HAPPY, DO YOU MIND?" :p
But that is not in the public eye nor in the marketing strategy of our company. It is only people being people in real life. I hope that makes sense. Regardless of the path this forum takes, I am a lifer ;)
I notice the harsh language...but have no problem as long as it's not directed at another member...which it usually isn't. This, to me, is one of those sites that every member is really down to earth and no matter if you're a noob at this like me, or have many years like others...everyone is on the same level.
A couple thoughts:
  • We've got the Hunter's Lair banner, which we've used at the Dragon*Con parade and at our photo shoots. Could we use that more often at conventions, or have something that will stick out when people see our photos? After all, people think about the 501st when they see Star Wars costumes, or the 405th for Halo costumes, because they've got their name out there. I'm not really sure how you can have a banner stretched all the way across a hotel floor when you've got dozens of people trying to take photos, but there might be some other way of putting our name in the picture.
  • If we have a Predacon, can we make sure that the space is well air-conditioned? These suits get pretty hot. Also, we'll have to make sure that they have extra cleaning staff on hand after we get the floors all full of sweat. :p
i'm a walking billboard for the lair and the tribe :p
Hey Kit I think I got you beat dude ;)



I'm diggin' the changes. I've been here for a short while, but I'm a new-ish member but long time follower on the RPF, and occasional lurker on the TDH, so I see the potential Art has vision for.

Growth is necessary, growth is good; it will ultimately contribute to our hobby as a whole. As a sales and business professional, I can say that that this metamorphosis is going to be beneficial for all us in one way or another; it is in fact, exponential - one door opens that creates two more doors, and so on, and so on.
agree,.....hopefully the only that changes is who keeps an eye on the sailor mouthed fee-yucks,......( for example )
otherwise i see nothing wrong with how it works now,.....only thing i get on is hunterslair and facebook ,....and facebooks starting to lose me,...
only need it for local customers and to see what everyone had for dinner or if they got into an argument with their girlfriend,....

ALWAYS good times,.....hahaha
I like how there is now youngblood, hunter, etc. and the clan symbols under your name but how do you get those? Will it be the same as before the update where after a number of post you move up one???
Hey Kit I think I got you beat dude ;)




Let me see.........hmmm youve been here 19 months ish, Kit has been here hmmm nearly 9 years now.

The Hunterslair is not about walking hoodies or caps, its about suits, of which he has 2 of the best.

FAIL Guan, you brought a hoodie to a suit fight :p
Funny thing about the swearing, we come to a board that has R-rated films as a base, we play videogames that let you dissect people in gruesome ways, yet we tend to trip over words?

You might not like it as far as parenting goes, but we're all grown up enough to know what is meant harsh and what is just a way of putting things.

Well, so much for European input :p
ive been on the rpf for a few days now i like it nice work and i hope the hunters lair continues to grow and have a bright future here i love this place and im excited to see what changes are to come
ive been on the rpf for a few days now i like it nice work and i hope the hunters lair continues to grow and have a bright future here i love this place and im excited to see what changes are to come

The RPF is our flagship site and a great site if you are looking for general prop and costuming and looking for a LOT of exposure, but we are still very strong believers in niche sites like the Hunter's Lair that is able to delve into the minutia of a subject to a level that the RPF couldn't support. I really believe that this model for a network of sites in which you have a huge central hub (the RPF) and then spokes which are unquestionably the end-all, be-all of their particular focus (The Hunter's Lair and The Dented Helmet) will be a successful model and will benefit everyone involved.
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