The GREATEST Star Wars video EVER!

Considering the size of the collars on the hosts' shirts, the basic green screen effects, and the infamous Star Wars "disco" theme... it's obvious this was made over 30 years ago.

Like nothing really really cheesy came out of the 70s. :rolleyes

Yeah it was lame, yeah it was on tv- but it was the 70s man! Have you ever watched a low budget 70s variety show? :lol

I need a gif of Vader a 3PO hand to hand......Immediately:lol!

Here you go:

If any country can take a sci-fi movie and make it totally is France.

I was totally surprised that Vader and C3PO did not start scissoring in that video.

If any country can take a sci-fi movie and make it totally is France.

I was totally surprised that Vader and C3PO did not start scissoring in that video.

:lol BBWWwhwhahahahahkjlgghliudsfvglodf ia hb

France....Where everything turns to the gay side.
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