The Nine Gates to the Kingdom of Shadows

You can ask me what you want about the book 'cause I was the only owner of a HERO book offer to me by R. Polansky himself :love
Ok then, what's up with there being two versions of the title page? You know, the one with the snake?
Here's my binding tutroial. I dunno' if it'll be helpful as it is geared to making a grail diary, but it may be useful to you. The theory is sound.

You can get book binders-grade glue, spine gauze, etc. at Hobbytown USA. At least I have found some at my local store.

I started one of these books but never finished. I really should get that sucker done... Good luck.
thanks sulla and to everyone that has posted a helpful link thus far

and trust me clutch if i had an extra four hundred dollars burning a hole in my pocket i would :lol

how ever the other reason i just dont buy one already done (besides the high prices) is because i usually buy already made props

I want something i can be proud of and say i did my self for once :)
I picked up a project that has been sitting around on the bench for years - The Nine Gates - and put some work in on the one thing that always bothered me. The title page.

Here's my attempt at a screen accurate version.

I have the signatures printed and ready for sewing.

Thanks to Michael Haspil for all of his work on collecting the plates and formatting text on his site.

Now if I just had the leather embossing tools....
Looks good. What're the problems with the ones floating around, if you don't mind my asking?
The attached file "title" is the version of the title page that I had from MH's files of the woodcuts. The two screen caps show the version in the film. It's the same theme but a different version - snake in a different position, cloud/tree difference. Just details, but it was something that stuck out to me. I had not been able to locate a film-correct version, so I made this one.

Oh, OK. I totally forgot that the engravings were redone for the film - I guess the title page was, too.

the title page looks nice!

i own a screenused Nine Gates (Balkan Version), but unfortunately the title page looks like in the novel. It's sad that Francisco Sole was not responsible for drawing the movie title page too, or else we would have gotten it from him also, like all the engravings and the true ninth gate engraving as seen in the movie.

I took some screencaps from the blu-ray and my next project is working on a screen-accurate printer's mark/title page.
Thanks. That may explain why no one seems to have the screen-correct title page. I'd love to see a version from a blu-ray capture - all that I have to work with is the dvd.

Thanks. That may explain why no one seems to have the screen-correct title page. I'd love to see a version from a blu-ray capture - all that I have to work with is the dvd.


no problem. i will post my work here as soon as i have something to show!

i compared your version with the blu-ray caps and it really looks dead on. only the small details that are missing here and there. but nothing that can't be fixed :) maybe we can work together on this, if i base the detail work on your version. that is if you don't mind :)

on what capture or scan/photo did you base your file? i have a small scan from the original movie version title page, but it's a crappy version that is very hard to clean with photoshop. i already tried that... hell i even thought about drawing it entirely by hand!

see, i already did that with the true ninth engraving, before we bought the original version from mr. sole. that was the work of several days and was driving me nearly insane :lol
I know about being driven nearly insane - I am working from a photo of a high-def TV image!. I used Photoshop to distort the image until the text lined up with the other title page to get the size and relative dimensions correct. Then I basically erased everything that didn't look like a solid line and played with the brightness/contrast to try to eliminate the screen pixel effect.. I know that there's plenty of work to do and would be glad to work with you on this. I may finally feel that I have a "complete" book to bind. I'd love to see some of the details of your book, if you can share them - especially the binding details - I don't have any clear shots of the leather embossing on the front. And I would love a hi-res version of the "real" ninth engraving. I have thought about making a loose sheet to accompany the book.

I am new here and joined up to get more info and assistance with just this project. I am using the engravings, filler text, and title/chapter pages from APOCalyptic PRODuctions as well. I really liked the book, so I am putting my engravings in the order that was described on page 160 of the book. I, like most other people, want to make one before I buy one. I am now going to start to age my pages. Still kind of unsure of the best way to do that. Can anyone give some tips on that? Thanks!
You are going to have a hard time beating the run that was done just after the movie came out.

Mine STILL gets questions when people notice it on my shelf!!!

Need pictures. The movie is wild. I had to watch it a second time to believe what I was seeing. The book on a shelf would make for an interesting discussion that might not be a bunch of "mumbo jumbo."
Definitly cant wait to see how this turns out I to had to watch the movie more than once to understand it but I blame boredoom for that.