In addition, here are some other cool points to pick up from the trailer: So far Empire released an image of one of the scientist Predators, of course the image shows him in an unguarded relatively new lab. The other scientist is featured in the trailer. They all seem reluctant to work with the humans (which is pretty obvious) we still haven't seen the villain 'Upgrade' yet. Hopefully we get a glimpse of the weaponry used, I mean from what I know about 'Upgrade' he should have some slick weapons/armor and other things in his arsenal why else would it take 2 Preds and a spec ops team to take him down.
"They are attempting hybridisation"
Who exactly are they > Clan specific > Fanatic specific. I mean almost every sci-fi/futuristic/action movie has some genetically modified creature/person as the villain. Just look at Soldier 1998, anyway, just nitpicking here. I'm sure there are the hunters who are obsessed with purity (lore wise) and bad bloods who simply don't care for the rules...
Let's see what the next trailer has in store for us a couple months down the line..