"The strangers"mask *new pics*10/16


Sr Member
This is what I've got to show for about an hours work. Its paper mache' and cardboard so far. It's no where close to perfect...(YET):lol I'm going to put spackling putty on it and sand it smooth followed by resin spray to make it glossy before I make a mold and cast it in resin. At this point, it's just a base to sculpt the details onto. please ignore the sharpie marker details. I was trying to draw the lips free handed and got them VERY crooked.Im still trimming away the hair to get it as close to the original as I can but there's no good pictures anywhere of this mask.:angry

you can click it to make it bigger, sorry for the blurry pictures


check out that sweet sharpie paint job. I still have alot of sanding to do but it's getting there. I'm pretty proud of myself.
Still more sanding...

Then I've got to go pick up some dry wall putty to fill in the small imperfections.
I've been taking my time on this mask because I don't have many other things to do and it entertains me when I'm bored.


*I re applied another layer of paper mache mush last night and this morning I sanded it all smooth and applied spackling compound and as soon as its dry, ill do that again before I spray it with resin to harden the compound up
I'm really excited because I'm very positive that I will have this completed by tonight now that I have all of my supplies!
I really hope this thread will inspire others to do their own projects since I've shown how to do basically everything and the best part is that it costs practically nothing but time and determination!


* /sanded the first application of spackling compound and applied gloss white spray paint. It's drying right now but as soon as it is, I will sand again and add more spackling compound.For some reason, the eyes look different sizes in this picture but they are even in person so I guess its the angle perhaps?


After getting a better reference, I cut the entire part under the nose and re sculpted the jaw to make it a bit longer, sanded down the eyebrow parts to make them less defined, after that, I lowered the eyes and made longer eyelids. Now, I have to redo the hair lines and the nose to make them in proportion to the rest of the newly re sized face.

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Re: The strangers Pin Up mask progress

oh, and pay no attention to the eyes, I haven't started cutting/sculpting yet :p
Re: The strangers Pin Up mask progress

any input at all? even negative, I dont mind. anything helps out
Re: The strangers Pin Up mask progress

its getting there! will go on the hunt for any stills I've got. Dont know if I've got any. But I'll try!(I think people arent commenting only because you got such poor images, but you've obviously got talent and once spackled I think it'll be spot on!)
good work Buddy:thumbsup
Re: The strangers Pin Up mask progress

Is this any use?


Hope I got that right, my first pic post!
Re: The strangers Pin Up mask progress

i dont think that worked you know, guess you'll have to have copy and paste. whoops. Was worth a try......:lol
Re: The strangers Pin Up mask progress

nope, it's not the correct shape, and since I would have to sculpt so much onto it, I just thought I would go ahead and do the whole thing. I worked on it for about 20 minutes tonight after dinner. Ill try to take clearer pictures. Its so hard to do this with my craptastic camera, if your hands shake just a little, it will show up in the picture...
Re: The strangers Pin Up mask progress

I put some paper and water in a blender and made a mush, then I mixed it with glue and cornstarch to make a paste for adding more detail which I'll sand smooth tomorrow.
I tried my best to take clearer pictures. I miss my Sony cyber-shot...stupid ex-girlfriend:angry
Re: The strangers Pin Up mask progress

I am here and there. But more there than here..... :D

Damn, I must have missed it.

Off to block buster.....
Re: "The strangers"mask *new pics*8/27

proud, you should be! Grand job my friend, you've prompted me to attempt one of these at some stage. reach round and pat that back of yours!
Re: "The strangers"mask *new pics*8/27

haha ok I'll do that. =-P it's pretty simple to do. paper mache is perfect(and free) to make masks. I wonder why more people do not use this method.
I just dont understand why I only got a few posts from others in this thread. Does nobody like this movie, or is it because it's not a star trek prop.
Re: "The strangers"mask *new pics*8/27

i'm not sure. People tend to be very star trek related.I've never been a fan but I dont begrudge others for it. I've even been on the set of one of the enterprises (not sure which one) and was really more impressed with Dan Ackroyds conehead helmet:lol The Strangers has only just arrived in the cinemas here so I've been expecting the masks to turn up on the forum so being the first, in my opinion, is pretty cool! It will be a classic eventually I'm guessing! Read so much about it so I'm all breathless with anticipation!:lol
(Oh, and if its any consolation, I share your pain with ex's walking away with much more than they arrived with!:angry)

Re: "The strangers"mask *new pics*8/27

Just to clear something up, I dont gauge how impressive something is by comparing it to Dan Ackroyd's conehead helmet! That would just be bizarre! Both the star trek set and D.A.C Helmet are at the same museum, hence the comparison!:lol