The Walking Dead Sheriff's Hat


THANK YOU SO MUCH for your willingness to let folks know about the source of the hat! I, for one, greatly appreciate it. Whenever possible, it's nice to get the items from the original sources themselves - adds a certain mystique to the item.

After doing a quick bit of research, I was actually able to get ahold of the SAME place that sold the hats to the production (and for that matter, talk to the guys themselves) and they have confirmed the following:

It's a Stetson Roper hat. Chocolate Brown. Current price: $190

Just thought this would be of interest to folks and a way of "paying it forward" for what Jayn did already by giving the source.

Thank you very much for posting this information!

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I sent them a picture of the hat asking which length they thought was the correct one, but never replied...:rolleyes

My hat and cord combo. Bailey chocolate cattleman with the Quartermaster cords.
17 03 2013
I posted to this thread a few days ago but it doesn't show? I am a new member. Is that why it doesn't show yet?

Thought I'd chime in on this. Been working on my Rick Grimes costumes (yes, that's plural) for a few months now, and I'm at the point where I've got Seasons 1,2, 1nd 3 covered, and if I can get the corduroy jacket, I'll have Season 4 locked down, too. Anyway, here's some pix of my hat. And the story from the Facebook post of earlier today...

As the gold 'campaign cord' for my recently (eBay, $35) acquired Stetson came in yesterday's mail, and I shaped the hat to a more 'Rick Grimes-style' this morning, I thought it time to share some money-shots of the thing. It's not quite as dark is it needs to be, but it is a beautiful hat, and I may just have to leave it alone. After all, it's a Stetson, and I already have a bid in on a lesser quality hat, that is the dark brown necessary to portray the character accurately. Decisions, decisions...


I think I need to increase the top dent to make it a bit more SA, but that's easy with a little steaming. Though the color of the hat IS much lighter than the browns on the S1 Uniform top and pants, I don't know if I should bother to ruin a perfectly good (high-end!) Stetson. If I choose to, I already have a solution. Just unsure if I need to 'go there'. Ya think it's close enough?? Though I should probably get some pix to show, huh...?








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UPDATE to my last:

Although I'm hanging on to the Stetson in the last ream of pics, I obtained a darker (closer to the 'chocolate' ) brown hat used in the show, and one that's a much lower price-point than a Stetson, too (meaning: I can beat it up, if necessary). Anyway, I also decided to get a longer Campaign cord, as the one I purchased previously did not seem long enough; as the 'acorns' on the hat used in the show come out to the brim-edge of the hat... mine did not. I found a Military supply website (, which had a "combat length" campaign cord, a full two inches longer. I though that might do it... and it did. Check out the new hat (a Justin brand hat from Tractor Supply Company: retailed at $49.99, but I got it for only $30.00) and with the new cord, shown ONLY in the last 3 pictures.


So, in conclusion: if you want to be as close to Rick's hat as possible, "go long" when it comes to the campaign cord. Get it, in COMBAT length of 31", here:
31'' combat length from Cavhooah was 3 inches too long for my Stetson Powder River, which has the same brim and crown measurements as the Roper used in the show. I took one acorn off and cut the cord and taped up the end to prevent fraying from spreading. Then, you have to fold the cord about 7/8'' and put it back inside the acorn and presto! There you have a shorter cord. After, I boiled some water in a pot, put some tin foil on top and poked a hole for the steam to come through. Hold the hat upside down above the steam for a while and you can slowly bend the sides flat and make your desired curve. Just waiting on badge now.



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Well done, JKRIB!! Yeah... I forgot to mention that the longer campaign cord is only necessary if you've got a fat head like I do. Otherwise, the standard length is probably good enough for most. Hey, better too long than too short, eh?

As far as steaming (felt) hats into shape, I've known all about that for years, having been an Indiana Jones costumer for eons..!! My advice on how to improve on that: get a tea kettle. The steam that comes outta the little hole is PERFECT for holding a hat to for shaping.

Also: I picked up a Stetson recently that IS chocolate brown, my size... and it is pretty close to perfect outta the box. And, at $75 off of eBay, a STEAL for a Stetson.

JKRIB: What are the measurements of the (Roper) exactly, if I may ask? Funny how to this day I still don't exactly know...
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