I still have faith that Wand will come through and this will be released. I’m also sure it will be great and well worth the wait.
With that said… I think I’m out. I feel like the working aspect of the prop will be nothing more than a novelty for me that I will enjoy for a brief time and then forget. And while I think the unit looks great, and will look very good with the discs installed… I really hated the colored discs. It’s a minor problem and not a deciding factor but it does bug me.
I’m very happy with my current collection. And I’m sure a lot of collectors will love this piece and it will fill a hole in their collections. It’s just no longer if interest to me.
With that said… I think I’m out. I feel like the working aspect of the prop will be nothing more than a novelty for me that I will enjoy for a brief time and then forget. And while I think the unit looks great, and will look very good with the discs installed… I really hated the colored discs. It’s a minor problem and not a deciding factor but it does bug me.
I’m very happy with my current collection. And I’m sure a lot of collectors will love this piece and it will fill a hole in their collections. It’s just no longer if interest to me.