The Wand Company TOS Tricorder is coming!

I still have faith that Wand will come through and this will be released. I’m also sure it will be great and well worth the wait.
With that said… I think I’m out. I feel like the working aspect of the prop will be nothing more than a novelty for me that I will enjoy for a brief time and then forget. And while I think the unit looks great, and will look very good with the discs installed… I really hated the colored discs. It’s a minor problem and not a deciding factor but it does bug me.
I’m very happy with my current collection. And I’m sure a lot of collectors will love this piece and it will fill a hole in their collections. It’s just no longer if interest to me.
I’m trying to picture how this would be executed if Factory Entertainment was handling this release…I imagine it would be slightly undersized. Perhaps a slightly Dark Navy Blue main body vs. Black? Etc…

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I still have faith that Wand will come through and this will be released. I’m also sure it will be great and well worth the wait.
With that said… I think I’m out. I feel like the working aspect of the prop will be nothing more than a novelty for me that I will enjoy for a brief time and then forget.
Well, none of us actually make phone calls with our Wand comms or change the TV channel with our phasers. ;)
Yep… I didn’t explain that well.
I already have a number of very nice Tricorder replicas. So the only reason for me to get the Wand replica would be for the features it offers… which would be a novelty, something I would play with and then put in the closet.
So for me it’s not worth it.
Yep… I didn’t explain that well.
I already have a number of very nice Tricorder replicas. So the only reason for me to get the Wand replica would be for the features it offers… which would be a novelty, something I would play with and then put in the closet.
So for me it’s not worth it.
I've wanted this since it was first announced, but that is more to complete the set than using it for the features. I think I've turned on my MR Tricorder, which again was about completing the set, about half a dozen times since I got it from MR back in the day, and that was more to make sure it still worked than to actually play with it. Unless they go nuts with the pricing I'm going to buy this, play with it once or twice and then put it on a shelf and never touch it again.
I have made phone calls with my comm and changed the channel with my phaser....
But it's been a looooong time.
I do not "play" with them. I do, however "test" them very regularly. Some times daily.

Yah, "test" them thats what I do........

Just like my MPC 22inch eagle. I never "fly" it around the room, but I do move it around rapidly at arms length
to clean the dust off.

I have the old AMT Exploration set.
I have a JLong comm, a S&W midgrade, and a Marco tric for an exploration set that I built.
I have the DST P2, Comm, tric for another exploration set.
The Wand tric will complete my last exploration set.
Oh, I forgot I have the Playmates exploration set also.

I think I might need to go and "test" my Wand Comm and phaser.
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