Those last 2 videos look correct and authentic.
My HMS/ TOS Phaser Rifle Prop..........
Thanks i will look into them. Some blue beams would be great for a PL refit. They need to be smaller though and i am guessing a little cooler than what you have there. How hot does it get?
I don't know how hot his these lasers get but I have seen a video of a TOS phaser that's been fitted with a Blu-Ray laser and it got hot enough to pop a balloon after a second or two. I've also seen sites that sell lasers that are strong enough to pop balloons and burn wood after only a brief "shot".
The beam looks right to me. I think what is making it look weird is the laser is being pulsed (randomly?). It looks like the circuit is switching it on and off quickly. I do not know if that is the case but I think that is what is giving it that wave effect.
I would be interested in seeing a schematic for that circuit.
God forbit someone question a user whos first post on this was on Aprils fools day. I'll take every bit of it back if someone can explain the wavy lasers. How do you bend light in mid air?
God forbit someone question a user whos first post on this was on Aprils fools day.
OK, i can understand that. I say what i think and i don't beat around the bush. It's a bit harsh sometimes. I'm 40+ and don't think that will change now. I'm sorry if i offended anyone. Just trying to keep it real in a prop forum......ya i know.....