Trailer Park Boys

Saw the Lifeson. It was a little corny. No way I'd get out of the ticket line to watch a fight. lol!
"2 smokes lets go, and get me some galapano chips."

Don't forget to watch the Christmas episode. That one was good too. :lol

"Hey lady, do ya like to party?"
the christmas episode is my all time favorite. best part is when J-rock (when he was nerdy) smokes for the first time, when the power goes out his record player has the song wind down slow and hes like "that sounded cool...."
the christmas episode is my all time favorite. best part is when J-rock (when he was nerdy) smokes for the first time, when the power goes out his record player has the song wind down slow and hes like "that sounded cool...."

haha..I caught that too

Watched it for the first time last night.... was cool to see how the famous "car" came to be so jacked up.

"W-T-F Julian you bail me out of jail for xmas!?!!
haha..I caught that too

Watched it for the first time last night.... was cool to see how the famous "car" came to be so jacked up.

"W-T-F Julian you bail me out of jail for xmas!?!!

Randy standing outside the fast-food joint in his green elf pants... priceless.
"Hey lady! Do ya like to party?":lol
I'm a newb here and I found this forum when surfing for info on how to make my own Conky from Trailer Park Boys. What a fantastic resource of info you have here! I recently saw my first episodes of TPB and now am obsessed with the show, but even if you can't help me with Conky there's so much here I can learn, it makes the head to spin .
I'd like to know if any of you know who designed the original Conky, does he/she have a website? I may just order a dummy kit and customize my own. I collect and customize dolls anyway, but I've never done a dummy. Except my EX lol. (Ducks and runs...)
Just recently started rewatching the show again starting with season 1. Ellen Page started her career in season 2 as Lahey's daughter Trina. Great show. Bible Pimp!