Thanks so much for explaining this to me. It helps alot. I guess at this point I should just order a sheet and go for it. Cut the pieces out and start attaching them to my Quorra chest piece armour I have made. I am not quite ready yet maybe in another day or so.
I think what is stumping me are the splitters. I understand the driver or inverter because I have used those before. Actually I have used splitters but for EL Wire when I was lighting multiple wire colors to my one driver source. I am not sure I understand how the splitters will be connected to all those overlapping EL sheets.
You're very welcome, Annisse! I'm glad I could help! I would hold off on buying the EL sheets just yet. Let me see what Oryontech comes back with (that is, if they get back to me in the next couple of days. I'm sure they've been deluged with requests!) before you purchase the EL sheets. If the ELastolite is somewhat affordable and works like I think it will work, that means it will stretch and bend pretty easily and we won't have to worry about having to get all these multiple segments to connect together. You'll just be able to purchase one long piece for your arm, one for the leg, etc.
But in the event that the ELastolite is prohibitively expensive, the cuttable EL sheets could work in segments. Let me see if I can explain how the splitters would work with the segments. I'll use Quorra's arm lighting as an example.
Her lighting basically runs from her middle fingertip down the top of her arm to her elbow,
makes a 90 degree turn toward the body,
wraps around to the top of the bicep,
makes another 90 degree turn toward the shoulder,
and runs up the bicep,
then turns again 90 degrees into the body,
and wraps around the inner bicep.
Here are a couple of reference images:
Now, the cuttable EL sheets come in various sizes, but I'll use the A4 sheet as an example. It's about 8.3 in x 11.7 in., but the lit portion will be slightly smaller, 7.7 in x 11.1 in. according to the EL sheet website. It has terminals on 3 sides.
If you cut the sheet into one inch wide strips, you have about 7 11-inch strips. You may have to end up cutting them shorter to whatever length you need. When you cut each strip, make sure you have terminals on one end, but not on the other end of the strip. The reason for that is, when you overlay them, the end without the terminals will cover the terminals end of the next strip.
So if you start at the end of her arm and work backwards, you attach one strip on top of the hand with the terminal end at the wrist and the other end at her fingertips. The terminal end at the wrist is where the wire would connect, and the wire runs up the arm to a connection point. To connect the wire to the terminal, you could use alligator clips, or you can tape the wire, or shrink-tube the wire to the terminal. Whatever method you use, make sure you insulate the wire and the whole terminal to avoid shorting out or electrical shock.
Now, attach the next strip to the forearm with the terminal end of that strip at the elbow and the other end OVERLAPPING the terminals of the first strip at the wrist. Now attach another wire to the terminals at the elbow and run the wire up the arm to another connection point.
For the elbow piece you may have to use a full cut-and-shape EL sheet to make an "L"- or "S"-shaped strip for the 90 degree turns. But the shaped piece would OVERLAP the terminals of the previous segment, the ones at the elbow, in the same way. Then you would attach a wire to the terminal of the shaped piece and run the wire up the arm to a connection point.
Now, so far you have three connection points with wires running down your arm to light up three different segments. To connect those segments to the same driver you will need splitters. The splitter splits the electrical current coming from the single wire out of the inverter into the multiple wires running to each segment. Annisse, It's basically the same splitters you've used in the past for the EL wire. Here's a link to a typical splitter:
Product Detail - Solution Industries
Sometimes you can buy an inverter with multiple outputs, but usually they cycle through each output instead of having them all on at once.
So that's how you could overlay each segment and connect them to an inverter using splitters. Basically, you would have to repeat that process for each "limb" or "area" of the body you want to light up.
When attaching the segments, one idea I had would be to use a clear vinyl sleeve with a velcro backing. That way, the EL strips could be protected inside the vinyl sleeve when you wear it, while being easily removeable from the costume if you wanted to wash the suit.
Now, keep in mind, this all works wonderfully in my head, but I have yet to actually TRY any of this! LOL! It may not work at all. If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve this idea, or a better suggestion on how to accomplish the same goal, please post it, as I'm looking for all the help I can get!
Annisse, I hope I didn't just end up further confusing you. (I tend to have a bad habit of that! LOL!) Incidentally, I had ordered an A5 sized custom cut-and-shape EL sheet from that site and it came in the other day. I got the white sheet that glows blue when it is turned on. (NOTE: The inverter I purchased doesn't come with a battery holder. You have to connect it to a 12 v AA battery holder/pack.) I didn't have a battery pack so I connected it to a 12 volt AC power pack that you plug into the wall. I turned it on and the glow looked great! But, as I was messing around with it, I forgot about the exposed terminals and shocked the crap outta myself! LOL! So NOTE TO SELF: DON'T TOUCH THE TERMINALS! LOL! But overall, the glow was very cool! I think if done right, it would make your costume look fantastic!
I apologize for the long post, but I hope it will help generate some ideas on how to better create these wonderful TRON: Legacy costumes!
Good luck everyone!
BTW Annise, how did you create your armor for the chest piece? What material did you use? I'm still trying to decide how to go about it. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!