True Detective

Vaughan's performance is just boring. He delivers all his lines so flat. And I find myself trudging through these episodes. I have no real connection to any of the characters. There's too many of them! And the subject matter is convoluted. Shady real estate deals and drug rings. A murdered crooked city manager, who cares!? blah.

I'll keep watching with the hope of some kind of payoff in the end, but I'm not holding my breath.
The firefight was intense though. I found season quite slow and hard to get into, but once I got hooked I couldn't wait for the next episode. This one not so much.
FIrefight seemed way over the top.....unless you're talking a mexican cartel town.

Did any cop who's not a named start survive? Tons of civilians shot/killed as well. At the end i expected them to just look around, say, f it, and blow away the hostage and the taker and be done with it. That type of thing gets the lot of them fired.
Well there's one episode left.... And... The show still has sucked the big one so far. Unless something mind blowing happens I think this will go down as one of the most underwhelming second seasons in history. How about that killer reveal last episode? I mean WTF. Didn't even remember the guy.
He works in the vinci office with the mayor i think. He's been in the meetings colin farrel's characters had with his 'bosses' there.

Seemed like last week was the first time they advanced the plot...
Well Season 1 was a tough and really an impossible act to follow.

Once I heard Nic bitching how the suits wanted input AND start voicing doubts about the Second Season I knew all was lost....:unsure

Well there's one episode left.... And... The show still has sucked the big one so far. Unless something mind blowing happens I think this will go down as one of the most underwhelming second seasons in history. How about that killer reveal last episode? I mean WTF. Didn't even remember the guy.
While season 2 has really been a mess plot wise, I've still been enjoying the performances. I admit I haven't a clue whats going on in the story at this point, but I really enjoy watching this group of actors.
That's because the story has largely been obliterated by secondary, tertiary, and whatever fourth level is - plots that have little to no bearing on things.
I actually thought these last 2 episodes have been pretty good. If the finale holds up, they will have gone a long way to salvaging this season for me.
This season has been a disaster.

Its been too boring for me to care what's going on.

Characters that have had about 20 seconds of screen time are somehow talked about as if we should know who they are. I mean, I've had to Google names just to figure out who they are talking about.

The plot is so convoluted at this point that I'm not sure what's going on. Is Caspere's murder even the main case anymore?

I feel like the show has taken itself so seriously that it's just made it a chore to watch. The only reason I'm still watching is because I figured eventually it HAD to get better. The last two episodes HAVE been better, but in my opinion it hasn't been nearly enough to salvage the disappointment of the whole thing this year.
What a terrible mess this season was. A damn shame too.

No idea what it was even about really? Didn't care about any of the characters.

Hell, I don't even know what any of their names were. I think Colin Ferrell was "Velcoro" or something?

Everyone talked in a low raspy voice, Even Rachel McAdams' character.WTH?

If creative freedom was the issue, I hope that is corrected for Nic Pizzolatto's next project.

And if Nic is to blame, then he might just be a one hit wonder.
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Overall, good acting by the mains, with an incredibly convoluted plot that I never really understood or, more importantly, cared about. Too much time and energy devoted to stray plot threads that went nowhere. If there is a season 3, please make a coherent plot that people can follow and get invested in. Then reduce the characters down to a memorable amount. (I saw one reviewer ranting about so much time devoted to Stan's widow and son when most of the audience was asking, 'Who's Stan?') Add noir location and elements. Shake together and serve on Sundays at 9.
Yeah, this was just a lukewarm effort all around. Decent acting but not much else. The finale didn't save it for me.
Bizzarre, seemingly pointless end as well.

Granted, there was really no redemption for velcoro or VV's characters - but really? Die, and the corrupt people who started everything in motion survive and prosper.

No developement of the main case itself, way to many side subplots that were pointless or went nowhere, etc. Seems like the directing to the mains was speak the words just as written, in as much a monotone as possible, and look continually lost.
I thought it was pretty brilliant how the dream Ray had after getting shot in the second episode, the one with his father telling him how he'd die all came true in the final episode. The show was very subtle, and very slow. Two things a lot of people just hate. For me, I just sat back and enjoyed it not being a retread of season 1 at first but I was never lost and the show made perfect sense to me.

And yes, the men with power and money got away with it, for a while. The entire point of the ending was that they did NOT get away with it. The reporter will publish a massive expose and bring them down. Bezzarides, Jordan, and Nails together at the end working their revenge from the shadows was a great non cliche ending. It was inferred they were not really done with their work though. I guess people needed to see Burris and Tony Chessani get riddled with bullets to feel the vindication though. But I didn't. I liked how they wrapped it up.

Frank's death was his own karma coming back to haunt him. Literally. There was never going to be any big redemption for these characters, and they were never going to make it out of the season alive. This was all foreshadowed. Frank's redemption was saving his wife, getting her out alive, and giving the bar to Felicia. And killing Osip and McCandless was just something he had to do. They wronged him on a spiritual level.

Velcoro seeing his son with his Grandfather's badge was his redemption. The small interaction they had was his big win. The whole season all he was trying to do was make a meaningful connection with that kid. But it wasn't going to happen until after he opened up to another human being. Bezzerides. He finally saw that he meant something to the boy.

I thought the couple of shootouts were pretty well done. There was no easy out. The "evidence" on the recorder in the train station getting smashed made me smile. That was a good narrative move to keep the audience feeling hopeless, as I'm sure the characters would. It's such a cop show cliche to get the big confession on tape. It was nice to see it smashed, literally.

The whole season had that though. The cop show cliche getting tipped on it's side.
We just see it differently. Based on everything we've seen, I have zero confidence that some exposé will topple those in power. Does anyone even care what the original case was? Caspere's murder? So what.

AHH. Again, good talent, meandering, hard to follow and REALLY hard to care about plot.
I thought it was pretty brilliant how the dream Ray had after getting shot in the second episode, the one with his father telling him how he'd die all came true in the final episode. The show was very subtle, and very slow. Two things a lot of people just hate. For me, I just sat back and enjoyed it not being a retread of season 1 at first but I was never lost and the show made perfect sense to me.

And yes, the men with power and money got away with it, for a while. The entire point of the ending was that they did NOT get away with it. The reporter will publish a massive expose and bring them down. Bezzarides, Jordan, and Nails together at the end working their revenge from the shadows was a great non cliche ending. It was inferred they were not really done with their work though. I guess people needed to see Burris and Tony Chessani get riddled with bullets to feel the vindication though. But I didn't. I liked how they wrapped it up.

Frank's death was his own karma coming back to haunt him. Literally. There was never going to be any big redemption for these characters, and they were never going to make it out of the season alive. This was all foreshadowed. Frank's redemption was saving his wife, getting her out alive, and giving the bar to Felicia. And killing Osip and McCandless was just something he had to do. They wronged him on a spiritual level.

Velcoro seeing his son with his Grandfather's badge was his redemption. The small interaction they had was his big win. The whole season all he was trying to do was make a meaningful connection with that kid. But it wasn't going to happen until after he opened up to another human being. Bezzerides. He finally saw that he meant something to the boy.

I thought the couple of shootouts were pretty well done. There was no easy out. The "evidence" on the recorder in the train station getting smashed made me smile. That was a good narrative move to keep the audience feeling hopeless, as I'm sure the characters would. It's such a cop show cliche to get the big confession on tape. It was nice to see it smashed, literally.

The whole season had that though. The cop show cliche getting tipped on it's side.

I feel like you and I must have watched completely different shows.
I liked it,...I preferred the first series though,....I felt gutted for Ray,....when he saw his son through the fence I knew it was to be for the last time

I liked how we don't need to see how everything ties up, was original

Cant wait for series 3
