Ubisoft Haze Costume Updated with Game Trailer Costume Cameo..

Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

Man, what skill! Wow.

Looks great!

Is there any reason why you were(n't) able to use real cloth for the appropriate parts?

I hope David returns to the thread so we can get the final answer. I'm very curious about that, too.
Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

Is this actually being worn by a person? or is it a statue? because I would love to see it on someone! Is it flexible?
Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

Wow, really, really beautiful work. You nailed the proportions perfectly. I like that you did the honeycomb smaller too - looks much better.
Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

Hi everyone and thanks so much for the wonderful feedback. Dave will be so happy to read this all. He's busy with the remaining copies of this costume and also finishing up a totally different promo character costume for a whole other co.

The reason the entire costume including the fabric areas was sculpted as a whole and not as individual armor parts is for a few reasons. The first was the character 'look', which needed to seem futuristic and not dated to any specific time period. The rubber aspect helps confuse the eye and hard to place in any specific time, be it past, present or future. The other reason is something that GuntahKela touched on. Yes, all as one piece means no armor parts shifting or falling off. Not only, but we're dealing with one mold rather than a bunch of molds that require individual attention and would have thrown this project too far down the line to meet the deadline. We know that sometimes even Stormtrooper costumes can have that problem of armor shifting around so Dave's idea was address that problem from the get go, and make it look real just the same.

Here's a few shots of another one of the suits. Also please note that the guy wearing the costume is approx 165 lbs and weighs 5'10", but the suit is made for someone 6'2'+ and about 200lbs, so it's large on him here.







Here's a look at the suit in parts,


There's more to come but in the meantime I want to thank you all for the very nice and encouraging comments here. Dave will be very happy to read this all. :)

Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

Yea, kudosto Dave for an incredible build, its phenominal!
Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

Holy crap! I wish I could sculpt like that...
Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

beautiful sculpt as always. I love your attention to little details. It looks great.
Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

The other reason is something that GuntahKela touched on. Yes, all as one piece means no armor parts shifting or falling off. Not only, but we're dealing with one mold rather than a bunch of molds that require individual attention and would have thrown this project too far down the line to meet the deadline. We know that sometimes even Stormtrooper costumes can have that problem of armor shifting around so Dave's idea was address that problem from the get go, and make it look real just the same.

HA! See, ya'll? I was right!
Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

Awesome job and excellent sculpt work!

I have to agree with your decision to make this a 2 piece full body deal instead of multi pieces of armor. Considering time and logistics you and your crew made the wise choice.

I have to ask the obvious question here. How hot is it in that that thing anyway? Does it have breath spots to let air get in?
Re: Video Game Promo Costume. Full Rubber Suit. Pic Intense

Thanks agian everyone!!!
Ubisoft has since made a new trailer and you can see this suit in the very beginning and again briefly in the middle on their live action insert for this trailer.
The game really looks amazing!!

E3 Trailer

I have to ask the obvious question here. How hot is it in that that thing anyway? Does it have breath spots to let air get in?

Sure, it can get hot in these costumes. No doubt about it. When we took the latest pics, the guy was in the suit for about an hour and a half. He said it wasnt too bad. Heat escapes from the armpits and crotch but he said the fact that he actually had movement and no problems bending limbs made it real easy and generally comfortable to wear.

Very nice David.

I wasn't a fan of Halo, just played a bit. I don't know who is exactly going to contribute Halo the movie, but is this project something you can contribute in Halo movie?

Well, I haven't been here that often, but how many hours were put into this? I can imagine a long time.

Once again, great job on this successful project.
That does look pretty sweet, David. :thumbsup See you at DragonCon, bud !!! Also, did you get my PM I sent you a few weeks ago?
Wow. A great suit. I would really like to have something similar one day (after winning in the lottery ;-)
My god, this is so amazing! :D
Looks so professional, so realistic and just perfect! It´s just like these costumes that when you see them you go all like " I need this! No matter what!" :D

Actually, can anybody tell me some more about the material? A link or something? I´d love to create Raiden´s cyborg suit from Metal Gear Revengence some day and this seems to be a perfect (yet expensive and difficult?) way to do it. I thought about a morphsuit with lots of hooks and loop fasteners and make every piece of armor attachable...

I don´t have much experience with armor or rubber suits, so any kind of help is appreciated :) I might boil the ocean and sound like a little naive idiot now, but I´ve got to start somewhere :D