Here is a pic of Luke's droid caller (courtesy of ------- The Parts of Star Wars --------). I am pretty sure that the domes are opaque.
Well let's post items that still haven't been identified and I will create a first post for the thread that will contain a list of all of the items.
I'll start off with one that I have been trying to track down for years. :lol
The dome top on the droid caller.
Although it looks like there's a hole in the top of it in this pic - that's actually the reflection of whatever is in front of it (probably the cameraman).
It's just a simple fairly shallow metal dome.
That one will be a tough piece to ID unless it's related to another prop part.
Funnily enough I just got an old Michell turntable that contains greeblies from the Vader reveal, Boba fett, Tie helmet amongst others.....and an old Telefunken Reel to Reel tape player for the Vader belt box living room has gone back in time as far as hi-fi equipment is concerned...:lol
I always wanted to know what Han Solo throws over to the barkeeper of the Cantina after he shot Greedo. I know that it is some money or a "credit", but what was really used during production? To me it seems too big for being a coin. Has anyone any idea or HD pictures of the shot when the barkeeper grabs it (I know it´s even hard to see)?
This might be common knowledge around here, and obviously a "solved" mystery, but it was news to me until recently... the notched Imperial disc greeblie is a part from a British high-end turntable. Still being made today...
The site might even be a place for other small greeblie finds...
J.A.Michell Engineering - Precision Audiophile Turntables - GyroDec Orbe TecnoDec Gyro SE
Dare I ask if you know this by personal experience...?and believe me they are already sick of getting calls/emails about them!
Dare I ask if you know this by personal experience...?
According to a thread on JRSforums, there have been recent queries and the reply from the company was reportedly that the discs were available for $50 each...
Guess I'm sticking to ET discs after all.
Dare I ask if you know this by personal experience...?
According to a thread on JRSforums, there have been recent queries and the reply from the company was reportedly that the discs were available for $50 each...
Guess I'm sticking to ET discs after all.
alot of parts look like pvc pipes and flex pipe like this one (3 or 4 inches)It looks like a lid from a steel kettle or something,and had a 'skirt' on the bottom? (pretty much like mushroom caps from sandtrooper's backpack but 'steeper'<--its that the correct word??:lol)
Sandtroopers backpack parts is still my main search.
Also a clear view(crystal clear:lol) for the Lewis gun ribbed part and where it come from
And how the heck did they make the weathering? (the paint and technique):lol