USS CYGNUS---has anyone ever built it?

Hmmm, I think you might be right about the Patina. Only way to know for sure is to see if anyone has any images of the model in normal light when it was on display after the film wrapped.
Yeah, forklifts and models don't mix. :(

White, Strong & Flexible appears to be the go at this point! Brass, nuh-uh; it would be awesome but at anything less than full studio scale, hopeless.
Reader's Digest published one, but it wasn't terribly clear. Sadly that's almost the only post-filming photo in the public domain, apart from a couple of images of small pieces from the broken model.

Come on, guys. SOMEONE out there has to have salvaged some bigger bits of the wrecked models? ANY ref pics would be a HUGE help, even if it is just a smashed mess of brass...if you need to keep things confidential I am good with that, just PM me...
Aaaaalmost finished the power centre module. This version is in materials sized for 3D printing at 1/350, test print coming up as soon as I can get it sorted for upload, fingers crossed oooh err.

It is slightly idealised for the sake of structural integrity rather than true SS as per previous versions but I think it should look OK if it will print out decently at all.
Having spent far too much time trying to get the MPC kit on evilBay, for a good price, this seems like a possible way of seeing my dream come true. I have both other MPC kits at least once. Shame they never continued the range, read somewhere that they had planned Old B.O.B, the probe ship, the Palomino and Sentry Guards.

I have toyed with making an Old B.O.B in the same 1/6 scale as V.I.N Cent, but as of yet never got down to it.

Keep up the Excellent work.
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Thanks big F and Dave! Pity about all the unrealised kits, especially Palomino. :(

Dave, owe you a reply, have some more thoughts re your last. Sorry, soon I promise. (And Falk you too, because I know you're stalking me, lol. And about a hundred other people; yes I suck, sorry!!)

Dave, I'm really rather glad to get this one done. It involved more interpretation and faffing about than I really like, but there are just no references other than the drawings, and we know it wasn't built exactly as per those.

The way the supports for the "railings" mesh with each other is particularly unsatisfying, I had to invent it and am not confident it reflects the truth well. Ditto the layering of the bottom deck gridwork.

Oh well, on to something more satisfying next. Probably the spine; I have that half done anyway. But I'm thinking maybe the observatories. Those are juicy goodness.
No worries Martyn! I've been tangled up in technical difficulties for quite some time. I think I may finally have some new parts soon though!
I have a lot of printed stuff featuring the Black Hole, over the years I have collected up every magazine and news article I could find. I will have a look through and see if there are any decent shots of the Cygnus just in case they might help you guys.
Thanks big F. I think I have just about everything that saw print, but go for your life if you feel like it.

Dave, I finally uploaded some parts to Shapeways last night. Ouch - amazingly none were rejected, but one quite simple part came in at over $117. I will have to thin it down some. On the plus side, the other three came in at about $28 each.

The most complex piece was the complete framing for the power centre module, it's only a test version. Intact, not yet broken up to allow insertion of the lightbox, but I wanted to see if it would load at all since it is quite large. I will repost it after some rework. Exciting, can't wait to hit the button!

I'm gonna start a thread in the General Modelling for the 1/350 build. Any interest in making it a joint thread for both scales? Just thinking that might help keep things lively, but no worries if you prefer to keep yours separate.
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OK, just for kicks I uploaded one of my SS fuel modules. Astonishingly it passed the Shapeways tests and was listed as printable. But OUCH, look at that pricetag. Here it is:

- please DON'T anyone attempt to print this, the materials are too small and it almost certainly won't work. And you'll pay a fortune for the privilege. And the tanks are solid, when they don't need to be. And could easily be cast cheaply in resin anyway. And there's nothing securing them, so they'll all fall out. Etc etc, you have been warned.

Dave, making a virtue of silly showing off, I've made this downloadable. Grab it before I delete it, hopefully it will be good ref for you. Of the two fuel modules this one is the more difficult to work out.
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Hey Martyn -- you've been busy! Yes, let's share a thread about the builds in different scales. There's so much information that overlaps that I think it would be best to have it in one place. I should be getting some parts today (finally!) and will post pics as soon as I can.
Can't wait to see the parts.

Cool beans re the thread; leave it to you to post it I guess since you're gonna have pics way before me. Can we put the ship's name before anything else tho? Ease of searching considerations.

I've uploaded 1/700 main engine meshes for you. Oh man - the 1/350 ones came in at well over four times the price. Ouch!
In response to your post. Yes I am working on a scratch built U.S.S. Cygnus. I have the ship built and am now working on the process of painting the ship. I used polystyrene for the entire ship. The entire model is secured to a metal base that provides a great deal of structural integrity for the vessel. I did take license with the scale but for the most part you can look at the model and recognized that this is the Cygnus. this is my third year working on the project. everything was hand cut and glued together. I think this link will allow you to take a look at my progress

