V3 Blue 1 X-Wing

I have a question about the Artoos - do we have any photographic evidence of what they look like by themselves? It's pretty clear that at least on some of the Xs, the top mounting hole was just that - a hole. No shallow inlaid area to socket an Astromech's legs into, like you see on the garage kits. Were these Artoos shaved down to the proper (varying) height, and then grafted to a plug, like a Star Wars themed wine cork?

Oh - and it's just my pet theory that Blue 1 never had an artoo until it was reworked as Red 2. And do we know if Red 2 even saw screen time?
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Do we have pics of XWings without Artoos in them? I can't tell from the mold pics if there was a socket, like you see on the garage kits. Looks like it's plain/flat to me...
Jason - just so I'm clear: this is a hero you're building, and Blue 1 eventually became Hero Red 2?

I'm building a representation of Blue 1 as practice, really... it's not going to be a "hero" recreation, in that this one won't have movable wings, metal armature etc. Consider it a static replica of "hero" Blue 1, wings open...

But yeah, I think the Blue 1 was a hero, and it became Red 2 (hero), lol!
And do we know if Red 2 even saw screen time?

This one (in the middle) I'm not sure about; there are some dirty spots that don't match up:


this one's fuzzy as a still, but if you watch the sequence you can tell by the dirt on the forward fuselage that it's Red 2:

Definitely Red 2:

and here:

plus a few other maybes that are too small or fuzzy to really tell...
Yep! I welcome all critiques as it makes me do a better job. Critiques of a constructive nature are of course preferred. Mike noticed that I missed a line in my scribing, which I may or may not have caught as I continue to work... but I sure am grateful, all the same.

Thanks for the explanation of the back story.

Still staying out of it....

Curious. What did ya do for EFX? Computer work? Critiquing of the prototype?

Moe and I part mapped, then supplied a set of parts for the masters.
Many of those parts came from folks here, Including Jay (TREADWELL) Mike (MSALZO) Marc Tognaccini and Steve Neisen (SWPROPMAKER).

Without any of those guys, it would have been much harder to do. A team effort that produced almost every part. We diddnt find a found items re; the detail next to the engine inside the wing. It might just be styrene strips. Everything else we nailed.

I have seen the prototype once, about 6 months ago, and made some suggestions for corrections. But I have not seen it since. Just photos of it at comic con. Its looking great and I cant wait to get one!

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MVERTA, Curious. What did ya do for EFX? Computer work? Critiquing of the prototype?

Principally, I'm the artist helping them with the R2, as Barry alluded to in this thread: http://therpf.com/showthread.php?t=47266&page=8&highlight=EFX+X-Wing. But beyond that, yes general critiquing/consultation. I think they're putting together a really nice piece and I'm happy to be contributing in any way... I've said it before: whether you agree with the EFX approach to this piece, it's got no shortage of love in it.


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Well, if you are responsible for the R2 then God Bless you.

When I saw it looked like a pregnant walnut.

Now, it looks like someone SHRUNK a REAL ONE.

Good on ya.

Could not agree more, this project has SO many folks contributing, pouring heart and soul into it, its really going to be amazing. Barry, Larry & Bryan have done an incredible job.

The R2 at the Comic-Con showing was actually intermediate - tons more refinements to come; if you like it NOW, just wait :)

Beats me. I'm letting this thread die. I'll just show it off when it's done... kinda lost the desire to show any work here.
Sorry, I just lost enthusiasm for the updating/upkeep after everyone crapped all over the thread, so I'm just going to build and take pics, and then deal with it later. Not a big deal - my website will have the "build diary" so you'll be able to see it "on the bench" there eventually :)
Sorry to hear that also. I will definitely look in on your build diary. Pictures! Lots of pictures!
