Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14
Actually, that very thought has come up several times during this build. I'm still not going to do it.
Here's a big pile of updates...
First off, I finished the sculpt for the rubber undies ("thunderwear" as the guys have started calling them):
Here's the first pair being test-fit to a diaper:
For details about the slipcasting process I used to make them in black latex, read my blog entry here:
When My Brain Leaks, the Drops Drip Here.: Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Build Part 4: the Rubber Bits
On Saturday I set one of the guys up to assemble all of the arm parts:
There were a lot of them:
Lots of leg parts too:
Throughout the day on Saturday, I had the guys rotate through trying on the boots so they could get the hang of walking on the stilts:
We also got a lot of boots put together:
Meanwhile, the bolters were coming together:
We also made the last forming buck for the bolt pistol:
After my friend Matt remarked at how tiny and adorable it was, I had him start cutting pieces for something at the other end of the spectrum:
Stacked together, the forms looked appropriately huge:
It took four pulls on the forming table to get all of the pieces formed:
After a little over a day's work, we had a heavy bolter:
It's huge:
During a moment of down time yesterday, I had a friend help me strap on all of the parts:
Despite all of the extensions, the range of motion is actually not all that bad:
I can even hold my belt:
I still need to pad and strap the knees and hips so they'll stay lined up right when I crouch:
Still, the whole thing is coming together:
Now all that's left is a bit of finish work on one suit and a lot of finish work on the rest:
In other news, I've decided they'll be Dark Angels.
Stay tuned...