Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - NEW SUIT DONE Pics on p.17

Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

For some reason seeing the legs standing on their own makes me think of buz lightyear, an idea for your next project ? :)
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Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Actually, that very thought has come up several times during this build. I'm still not going to do it.

Here's a big pile of updates...

First off, I finished the sculpt for the rubber undies ("thunderwear" as the guys have started calling them):

Here's the first pair being test-fit to a diaper:

For details about the slipcasting process I used to make them in black latex, read my blog entry here: When My Brain Leaks, the Drops Drip Here.: Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Build Part 4: the Rubber Bits

On Saturday I set one of the guys up to assemble all of the arm parts:

There were a lot of them:

Lots of leg parts too:

Throughout the day on Saturday, I had the guys rotate through trying on the boots so they could get the hang of walking on the stilts:

We also got a lot of boots put together:

Meanwhile, the bolters were coming together:

We also made the last forming buck for the bolt pistol:

After my friend Matt remarked at how tiny and adorable it was, I had him start cutting pieces for something at the other end of the spectrum:

Stacked together, the forms looked appropriately huge:

It took four pulls on the forming table to get all of the pieces formed:

After a little over a day's work, we had a heavy bolter:

It's huge:

During a moment of down time yesterday, I had a friend help me strap on all of the parts:

Despite all of the extensions, the range of motion is actually not all that bad:

I can even hold my belt:

I still need to pad and strap the knees and hips so they'll stay lined up right when I crouch:

Still, the whole thing is coming together:

Now all that's left is a bit of finish work on one suit and a lot of finish work on the rest:

In other news, I've decided they'll be Dark Angels.

Stay tuned...
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

this looks really intimidating, it will be crazy

Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

The suit looks great but the kid in blue does not look too intimidated :)

With the size of the guns have you considered wiring them for sound /light ?
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

I keep saying this but this build is just blowing me away, where do you find the time?
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

would love to see one of these wielding the chainsword :p looking epic mate!
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

This is simply stunning! What a work of art. Glad to see 40k come to life. I am envious of your remarkable talent.
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Now all that's left is a bit of finish work on one suit and a lot of finish work on the rest:

In other news, I've decided they'll be Dark Angels.

Stay tuned...
I'm gonna need a fresh pair of pants.:love
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Man this is coming out AWESOME!!!
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Many men brag of the size of their cod piece, but when measured, they are merely average. Yours is truly the biggest.
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Good choice on picking the Dark Angels, everyone seems to do ultramarine/blood angels+death company.

Do you think you will go down this road for 1 or two:
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Holy cow that heavy bolter is frigging rad.
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

It gets better...

Three suits. Mostly done. We'll be fine-tuning the third on-site during the Bay Area Maker Faire this weekend. I'll post pics when I get a chance. For now, here's a picture of some helmets:

Here's the back of one of the backpacks:

Finally, here's one of the guys getting rigged up for a few minutes worth of test-fitting earlier this evening:

It turns out he's too tall for the costume, but he almost looks the part:

Too bad his hands aren't bigger...

With the build scramble in full swing, I haven't had much chance to post these past couple of days. I'll get everyone up to date and post a bunch of bunches of pictures sometime in the next few days. For now, I must get at least a few minutes of sleep.
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

Stunning thorssoli it's an amazing build well done!
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

This is the first time I've ever seen a correctly scaled Marine, been lurking the thread for a while, but just wanted to say it looks bloody fantastic!
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

This is the first time I've ever seen a correctly scaled Marine, been lurking the thread for a while, but just wanted to say it looks bloody fantastic!

Are these scaled from the figurines?
Re: Vacformed Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor - New Helmet Prototype on p. 14

would love to see one of these wielding the chainsword :p looking epic mate!

Wielding chainsword? Done.


These guys were a huge hit with the crowd at the Maker Faire:

It also turns out that the hat/helmet plan was basically unnecessary for all of the wearers. Unfortunately, since I hadn't put any cooling fans or padding in the helmets, it meant that the guys were only putting the helmets on for a few occasional photos. Most of the time they went without:

I also had the third suit walking around with the double-headed imperial turducken on the chest, but we never got any pictures of all three together.

Now I have to crank out the finish work on the last two suits and work out a photoshoot. More to follow, but first I need to take a break for a while.