Vader cod pieces need help identifying them. ANH, ESB or ROTJ?

Hi my name's Roby and i write from Italy, i'am close to finish my Vader ANH but i miss only the Cod Piece, i write to Artisanprops but he don't answer me.
I find other cod but for nothing accurate, they tell me AP CP is the best of all.
Please if somebody know something or have a private email of AP contact me, or maybe if somebody have one to sell


Hey Roby,
My apologies, I just read the PM you sent yesterday.. As much as I would
love to be able to respond right away, I do get very busy and can't, so just
be patient with me, because I will get back to you ;) PM coming....

The Cod in the picture you quoted is from an old run. The Cods I make now
are Waaaaaaaaay better. Here's some pics of my newest one..





Thanks Kev!! I appreciate it!! :)..
Yeah, I was getting so busy with other projects and just life in general that I
was gonna stop, but since then I've learned how to better manage my
time ;)

I don't know if you've been doing the strap sets, but I sent a couple people
your way.. Hope that's ok with you?
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